The search bar located at the top of this page:
While this one is the search bar located at the bottom:
]]>My blog features are as follows:
Blog ID: theme:2017 plugin-ops: landing page, wp 5.5.1
Landing page name and some introductory sentences have been appearing on desk top mode but not on mobile mode. I have tested and fixed by editing thrice the same column in both versions but the problem is still arising. So, please suggest to resolve the issue.
[Sinature removed]
Im working in zerif lite, and have encountered a problem I cant solve.
I have created a number of posts with specific categories. I have attached the categories to the main navbar, so you can go to a blog page, where only the specific posts from a specific category are being displayed. however, the picture in the left, seems to be taken some space that it shouldent, because all text that goes below the picture is moved to the left (to about the middle of the picture). Also the text which are not moved left, does not seem to be centered under the head line-
can anybody help me with this?
Best regards
]]>I face the issue that in all polls I create the vote buttons are placed centered in the middle of the site above the poll-answer text. I put an example here:
I already found your former answer to an issue that looks quite similar. Unfortunately this didn’t solve the problem
Hi nunolopes99,
Edit the template you used and in the CSS section add
#yop-poll-answers-%POLL-ID% ul li label {
display: initial;
Best wishes,
YOP Team
Thanks for your support!
]]>i tried from both mobile and desktop, same result.
let me know if there is a workaround this issue.
]]>The plugin is installed and cars can be entered into the car-for-sale tab and are visible on the website when searching using the sidebar.
The first issue is that the page is very displaced when the search results are shown, i am using iFeature Pro if this helps!!
The second is that if you click on one of the results, it then shows ‘oops’ as if it never existed.
I would be grateful for any help!
If you start here: then you can use the search panel and see the issues.
]]>If you have a look at the site I’m developing you can see that there’s a slight displacement between the slide and its background. If you hover it gets worse.
This only occurs in Firefox and only on shows with more than one slide (i.e. where the navigation comes into play)
I’ve tried adjusting various display elements with no real success. I did manage to stop it displacing, by changing the nav display to inline, but the nav buttons no longer faded away and the larger gap at the top was then constant.
Any ideas?
Second row, right. Slideshow originally had no thumbnails. Now they are above the image and have displaced it, interfering with the content below.
Originally had thumbnails on far right column, now they are above main image. Far right column where we had the thumbnails now shows text “[portfolio_slideshow_thumbnails id=35]”. Center right column had a description text, it is now completely displaced and not visible.
Pretty much the same issue as above:
Originally had thumbnails on far right column, now they are above main image. Far right column where we had the thumbnails now shows text “[portfolio_slideshow_thumbnails id=46]”. Center right column had a description text, it is now completely displaced and not visible.
]]>I’m trying to add images to a post, and when I click on the link to upload pictures, the overlay appears at the bottom, and only a 1/4 is visible, so I can’t upload any images.
I’ve tried several browsers and it’s always the same.
Here’s a screenshot. You can see how I can barely see the overlay, and that it appears at the bottom of the page, so I need to scroll down to see it (otherwise I would think it’s not opening at all).
Thanks in advance for your help!