– index.php
– content (renamed from wp-content)
– app (wp-config, wp-includes, wp-admin… and all the rest)
– media (a renamed uploads folder)
Everything is working great, except uploading images.
If I manually create the year/month folders however, then it works.
The error given is “Unable to create directory ../media/2025/02. Is its parent directory writable by the server?
“, which makes no sense as directory permissions are fine, and if I leave the directory structure vanilla I don’t get such permissions errors.
So it seems WP can’t create the year/month folders.
The upload url / path fields in the wp-options table are blank (why do these rows exist anyway, when we set the directory in code in wp-config?).
Here is my wp-config:
define ("WP_CONTENT_FOLDERNAME", "../content");
define ("WP_CONTENT_DIR", dirname(__FILE__) . "/../content");
define ("WP_CONTENT_URL", https://localhost:8888/test/content);
define ("FS_METHOD", "direct");
define ("FS_CHMOD_DIR", 0755);
define ("FS_CHMOD_FILE", 0644);
define ("WP_TEMP_DIR", dirname(__FILE__) . "/../media");
define('UPLOADS', '../media' );
Back in the day when you were called ithemes there was a setting that allowed me to change the folder directory structure of the WordPress installation. With always one eye on security I thought this would be a good idea and there has never been any problem with this ever.
However, i have run into an issue and from an initial bit of research, this file directory might be the issue. The issue Im experiencing and assume is being caused by the directory structure is when creating a staging site with softalicious in Cpanel. None of the plugins are installed on the staging site. Some research indicates this is the likely cause.
It appears that the feature is no longer part of your plugin settings. In my case, I think I need to have the staging site set up as I want the live site to be up. Is there any methods to restore in the plugin, workarounds or possibly letting Softalicious know the directory structure when setting up the staging site?
Any help much appreciated.
]]>I apologize if I make any terminological or technical mistakes. I’m just someone who has to deal with these problems on my own without any prior knowledge of coding or website management.
We had a website hosted on a Synology NAS. I made several mistakes when trying to update the website, and as a result, it seems the entire website got reset and all files disappeared. I’m not able to restore to the old version since I forgot to backup using the WordPress plugin.
Fortunately, I did copy all files from our NAS before the disaster happened – the “wordpress” and “web_images” files. I hope I can find all the articles we uploaded throughout the years from these files in order to repost them on the new website (after it got reset).
As this article(https://www.malcare.com/blog/beginners-guide-to-understanding-the-structure-of-a-wordpress-site/) explained, my understanding is that all uploaded articles normally would be placed under the “wordpress\wp-content\uploads” path, sorted by upload year and month. However, even though all files exist, none of them actually store any content, whether txt, php, or any other format. That is, for example, we have folders from 01 to 12 under year 2023, but all of them are empty except for photos in jpg format, even though I’m certain we posted articles during that time.
I even tested uploading new articles on the new website to figure out where the files would be stored. They’re still not in the aforementioned path.
Some have suggested that perhaps the articles were not placed under the “uploads” folder, but under other plugin folders. I have opened all of them and still cannot find the articles. I hope I’m not dead wroung, but I assume those files are still somewhere in the folder right? I can download all new articles using both phpmyadmin app and the export tool from the WordPress website, but not from the files themselves.
I’m really hoping someone can solve my problem. To put it simply, I would like to know where the uploaded articles are stored if not under the “uploads” folder. And if possible, I would like to know if my problem is even solvableā¦ or perhaps those files were simply lost and there’s nothing I can do now.
Thanks in advance.
]]>When I export and import a site, use the “find and replace” function in AI1WPM and export to a file. I then upload using the same plugin on the other site. I notice that my custom plugin’s directory structure changes on import. Instead of my plugin directories and files being overwritten with the new directories and files, my directories are being merged. The files with with the same name are properly overwritten with the new file, but all other directories and files are combined.
Why is Local OR AI1WPM merging these files, as opposed to overwriting/replacing my custom plugin’s files/directories?
]]>I have a batch of files in txt format weekly, which have paths of files on a particular server.
I need to somehow convert/import these txt files into Directory-like format in WordPress and enable users to search the target name on those files.
the search result needs to highlight the target name and show the file path like the picture shown in the post on stackoverflow.
Text files sizes are around 300M to 500M each.
Those files are updated weekly and new updates need to be converted/imported as time goes by.
Is there any existing solution in WordPress already?
]]>Due to the fact that I can no longer rely on the features this plugin introduced, I will have to completely redesign upload functionality for several sites.
I hated the way WordPress automatically (dis)organized my media uploads, so I am now in search of a solution, once again, to keep files organized HOW I WANT THEM, rather than how WordPress vomits them all into a messy pile.
]]>In the first, installed in
the plugin works fine and creates a Wiki menu item in Appearance>menus
Then I did a second installation in
After installing and activating the plugin, I noticed that the menu item was not created in Appearance>menus
After some hours reinstalling everything fresh, the problem seems to come from the url length or depth of the directory structure.
The length of the database prefix is not completely ruled out as the source of the problem.
It seems to be a quite simple bug.
Any quick fix? I need to keep the dir structure.