There is an easy way to show newer chat messages first, in the top of the list? (I don′t know anything about Javascript)
Thank you in advance.
]]>My Code:
<?php if ( is_category( 'portfolio' ) || post_is_in_descendant_category( 12 ) ) : ?>
I have it so that any posts in the parent category of “Portfolio” and in sub categories of this parent, will use a different template I created. The code above works, but the problem is that I cannot use the ID, it must be a name “Portfolio”. There is an example if one wants to use names, but it’s simply not working for me. Is there a way to use the name and not the ID?
I’m making a theme for others to use so using an ID that will more likely be different for each user is not viable here. My setup tutorial will instruct them to name the parent category (if they have other cats) as “Portfolio” to make this easier.
Thanks in advance.
]]>I’ve been hacking away at a function all week and I just keep confusing myself more… so much so I’m not even sure if I’m stating the question clearly. If I’m not here’s my logic tree.
Ask post: do you have a category that descends from Poems?
??No: well, don’t let me bother you, continue along.
??Yes: does it already have an icon?
????Yes: sorry, go on
????No: use this icon, link it to the subcat with priority high (optionally also displaying linked icon to parent) , and continue to process other categories.
]]>These terms are editable via a termselect (dropdown menu) and everything works as expected, except that when a user chooses a city term and saves, only the city term is assigned to the post, not the state or country.
I need for the respective parent and grandparent terms to be set when the grandchild is set.
The closest I’ve come to success is through this method . But that only works when the post is saved from the back end. I need something that works from the front end.
Any suggestions?
]]>This Trac ticket seems to address it:, but I don’t understand it — post_parent only lists the first-level children.
Here’s my code:
How do I get query_posts to list all descendants of a page ID?
]]>I have a parent category of “athlete”… and sub-categories of “cycling” and “exercise”. When I’m editing the categories in the admin, the “exercise” category is fine. It’s slug is “exercise,” and it’s URL is /athlete/exercise/. But when I try to modify the “cycling” category, it’s slug always reverts back to “exercise-athlete”, and it’s URL is showing up as “/athlete/exercise-athlete/”.
I just installed the Custom Permalinks plugin by Michael Tyson (, hoping this would fix it. But the same thing happens. I add a custom permalink, and it just reverts it back after I hit save.
I also just updated to version 3.0.1.
The only other thing I’ve done is added this to my function.php file: … so I could use this functionality.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. And I would show live examples, but my blog is still in development.
]]>If the page is not category ‘art’ or it’s descendants, display the normal loop page.
If it is, display the ‘art’ loop page.
Trouble is I’m not skilled enough to hack together php for discovering if a category is child of a category.
Here’s what I’ve got, which works, except for detecting if the category is a child of ‘art’
<?php $id = get_cat_id('art'); ?>
<?php if ( is_category('$id') || is_category ( $parent = $id ))
echo include(TEMPLATEPATH . '/loop-art.php');
else echo include(TEMPLATEPATH . '/loop-normal.php');
I’ve done quite a bit of looking around – I always do before I ask for help… so suggestions will be very appreciated.
]]>Requirements: Child cats (whether Post or Cat archive) should display the same as their top-level cats. Only needs to work for specified top cats; others are ignored (Posts have multiple hierarchies). Must work for a single Post or a Category archive page.
Solution: Add a body CSS class based on specified top-level cats (and their children); otherwise revert to a default class. Then let CCS do the rest (w/ class-specific background urls and color declarations.)
Question: The following works, but wondering if the code/tactic is sound?
The top-cats I’m trapping for have slugs of 'fire'
, 'energy'
, and 'land'
, also trolling for any of their descendants.
Code: In <head>
of header.php
// Add body class based on top-level category, or default to:
$cathead = 'cathead_home';
// Is Post (or Category archive) in 'X' category or a descendant of 'X'?
// Uses post_is_in_descendant_category() in functions.php; requires cat ID#.
// For readability using cat slug instead, and getting ID via get_term_by().
// To print, insert this PHP in HTML body tag: body_class($cathead);
if (is_category('fire') || in_category('fire') || post_is_in_descendant_category(get_term_by('slug','fire','category'))) {
$cathead = 'cathead_fire';
} elseif (is_category('energy') || in_category('energy') || post_is_in_descendant_category(get_term_by('slug','energy','category'))) {
$cathead = 'cathead_energy';
} elseif (is_category('land') || in_category('land') || post_is_in_descendant_category(get_term_by('slug','land','category'))) {
$cathead = 'cathead_land';
Above requires this function in functions.php
(from WP codex).
And this <body>
tag in header.php
<body <?php body_class($cathead); ?>>
As mentioned, it all works well. Just wondering if anyone sees improvements or mistakes? Thanks.