I’m very new to WordPress and created a staging site. Trying to make room as I was unable install the Divi theme, I deleted all the pages I had created in a different theme (which I uninstalled) as I wanted to start from scratch. I have since increased the PHP values. But now I see there is proper protocol to deleting a staging site (Staging Site / Actions / Delete / including database tables and files). When I go to WP Staging the orange bar is there but there is no staging site to delete? Have I done the wrong thing in just deleting the pages? Do I now need to manually delete database tables? Sorry this is such a basic question. I’m grateful for any help and advice. I’m hoping to install the Divi theme and start all new pages.
]]>I just recently came across this and currently still testing the free version. I am already positively surprised how well it works and planning on adding at least 1 license in the near future just to be able to update pages rather than deleting and regenerating. Ideally I would like to work towards obtaining the Agency license but need to sort out some more details first and find some more clients.
I did run into a couple hickups with the free version which are as follows:
– The script ran perfect and created 2000 pages for me, no timeouts, no skipping. no out of memory or anything one may expect. Unfortunately deleting / trashing the pages did not work too well for me once the qty of 2K was reached. I never had a problem deleting i.e. my 10 test pages but once the qty was larger, I had to restart the deletion process multiple times due to freezing and then still go in and manually remove hundreds of pages since the script would not delete anymore. I wonder if this is something that works better in the full version.
– The other issues I was having were related to the Flatsome theme and I think specifically the UX-Builder content which I had. For example, I have a slider with a banner, the banner has a textbox and the textbox has a text field. I ended up with non-rendered HTML code within the text field and the only work around I found was putting the code into a UX-Block. There were some other instances though were this didnt work as I wanted particularily when using the keyword inside the UX-Block. I ran into many other issues depending on the UX-Builder elements I was using resulting in non-rendered HTML code or unnecessary P tags and other smaller glitches. It took me many hours to work around these glitches. Without going into more detail, I just wanted to know if the Pro version has a better integration for Flatsome or if this maybe related to their latest version which you guys may not had a chance to update yet.
Please advise. Thanks again for a great plugin.
]]>Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks again.
]]>Any help would be appreciated!!
This is the site address: https://allthingsscrumptious.com
How can I remove unwanted Pages?
]]>I created a page “Know Before You Go” back in March 2012 and have Unpublished it a short time after. Soon after I “took the page down”, I started receiving “Comments” spam and I thought it was because I had the pages accepting comments. I checked, and none of them were. The page itself has no content, just an attachment link that doesn’t work because it’s password protected. But why does the page even have a comments field when the page is set up not to accept them? I changed the content of my website about 3 times. About 3 months ago, I started getting spam again from this “Know Before You Go” page. I would just delete them and add their IP addresses to my CloudFlare account to block all the IPs sending the spam, but now I get at least 20 a day, and ALL SPAM. I contacted my web host (JustHost) and this is what was done:
1. Deleted all “Know Before You Go” files from my File Manage, so there are no attachments at all. No password-protected files. No pictures. Nothing.
2. Deleted the page that is allowing these comments: https://www.getaresolution.com/know-before-you-go
3. Deleted all the pages and posts related to “Know Before You Go”.
Now, for my current website, I have a large number of pages, some are published and others are not, but not one of them allow comments or pingbacks or trackbacks. I have not received any comments/spam regarding my current website. But I keep getting comment spam for that “Know Before You Go” page that does not exist anymore.
When I was on the phone with JustHost, they said, they have no idea why there are no pages associated with “Know Before You Go” and yet the page is still coming up. They said that with “Comments” not being active, there shouldn’t be a section that allows posts. They went through my CloudFlare account and said that was working fine. The cache was purged and still that page is still there. They said it may take a few minutes. They stayed on the phone with me, checked it and they still were seeing the page. It’s been a few hours. I just checked the link again and it’s still there.
This problem is a super-nuisance. And it just tells me that something is wrong with WordPress – the features are obviously not working properly. And again, this is only happening with this particular “Know Before You Go” page and not with any other page or post. And all my pages are set up to not accept comments.
Though none of this makes sense technically, I hope it makes sense verbally. So, now I can say….Help!!!!….Please.
This must be a simple thing. Can anyone help?
]]>Whenever I try to delete a post from the trash, it takes me to my website and does not delete the file. This also happens with pages and plugins too. I am wondering if this is a bug with wordpress or it could be my nameservers. I changed my nameservers about 8 hours ago. Could this be the cause of my problem?
Also, I can’t move around any of my widgets either.
Thanks for the help,