I have Broadcast installed on a network site and have successfully broadcasted multiple core posts to child sites with no issues. When I try to use the Bulk Actions > Broadcast > Delete Children or Trash Children, the child posts are not processed as expected. I have run through these steps multiple time with the same results.
I have enabled debugging and have included the browser-based notices below.
When clicking on the Maintenance tab > Broadcast data link in the Network settings, the following notice is displayed: The broadcast data table is missing the ID column. It should now have been created. Please rerun the test. If the test fails, then something is wrong with the database. Is this expected or is there something wrong with the installation? I have tried running these tests with our custom theme and Twenty Twenty Four. Both have the same issues.
When I trash individual posts on the child sites that were broadcasted with debugging on, the following is returned in the admin panel:
2024-12-16 18:01:25.5366 ThreeWP_Broadcast: trash_post 1196
2024-12-16 18:01:25.5405 ThreeWP_Broadcast: Intercepted wp_trash_post on blog 3, post 1196. Set trash_untrash_delete_post_3_1196
2024-12-16 18:01:25.5405 ThreeWP_Broadcast: Unsetting trash_untrash_delete_post_3_1196
2024-12-16 18:01:25.6255 ThreeWP_Broadcast: trash_post 1196
2024-12-16 18:01:25.6255 ThreeWP_Broadcast: Intercepted wp_trash_post on blog 3, post 1196. Set trash_untrash_delete_post_3_1196
2024-12-16 18:01:25.6255 ThreeWP_Broadcast: Unsetting trash_untrash_delete_post_3_1196
2024-12-16 18:01:25.6515 ThreeWP_Broadcast: We do not care about the revision post type.
2024-12-16 18:02:07.8829 ThreeWP_Broadcast: trash_post 1999
2024-12-16 18:02:07.8854 ThreeWP_Broadcast: Intercepted wp_trash_post on blog 6, post 1999. Set trash_untrash_delete_post_6_1999
2024-12-16 18:02:07.8854 ThreeWP_Broadcast: Unsetting trash_untrash_delete_post_6_1999
2024-12-16 18:02:07.9362 ThreeWP_Broadcast: trash_post 1999
2024-12-16 18:02:07.9362 ThreeWP_Broadcast: Intercepted wp_trash_post on blog 6, post 1999. Set trash_untrash_delete_post_6_1999
2024-12-16 18:02:07.9363 ThreeWP_Broadcast: Unsetting trash_untrash_delete_post_6_1999
2024-12-16 18:02:07.0953 ThreeWP_Broadcast: We do not care about the revision post type.
System Info
Debugging Enabled
Broadcast version 51.02
WordPress version 6.6.2
PHP version 8.2.26
WordPress upload directory array
array (
'path' => '/var/www/domain.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12',
'url' => 'https://domain.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/12',
'subdir' => '/2024/12',
'basedir' => '/var/www/domain.com/wp-content/uploads',
'baseurl' => 'https://domain.com/wp-content/uploads',
'error' => false,
Plugin paths
(object) array(
'FILE' => '/var/www/domain.com/wp-content/plugins/threewp-broadcast/ThreeWP_Broadcast.php',
'name' => 'threewp_broadcast\ThreeWP_Broadcast',
'filename' => 'ThreeWP_Broadcast.php',
'filename_from_plugin_directory' => '/threewp-broadcast/ThreeWP_Broadcast.php',
'path_from_plugin_directory' => '/threewp-broadcast',
'path_from_base_directory' => 'wp-content/plugins/threewp-broadcast',
'url' => 'https://domain.com/wp-content/plugins/threewp-broadcast/',
'ABSPATH' => '/var/www/domain.com/',
'WP_PLUGIN_DIR' => '/var/www/domain.com/wp-content/plugins',
PHP maximum execution time
60 seconds
PHP memory limit 512M
WordPress memory limit
This can be increased by adding the following to your wp-config.php:
define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '512M');
Debug code
Add the following lines to your wp-config.php to help find out why errors or blank screens are occurring:
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
Hooked into save_post 0 Tribe__Cache_Listener::save_post
5 WPRSS_FTP_Meta::save_post_meta
10 ACF_Form_Post::save_post
[Anonymous function]
10 Advanced_Ads_Admin_Meta_Boxes::save_post_meta_box
10 Forminator_Admin::clear_pages_cache
[Anonymous function]
10 AdvancedAds\Admin\Page_Quick_Edit::save_quick_edit_fields
10 AdvancedAds\Admin\Page_Quick_Edit::save_bulk_edit_fields
15 Tribe__Events__Main::addEventMeta
15 Tribe__Events__Main::addEventMeta
639 threewp_broadcast\ThreeWP_Broadcast::nop
640 threewp_broadcast\ThreeWP_Broadcast::save_post
Plugins active on blog advanced-ads/advanced-ads.php, Advanced Ads, 1.56.1
ns-cloner-site-copier/ns-cloner.php, NS Cloner - Site Copier,
pdf-embedder/pdf_embedder.php, PDF Embedder, 4.8.2
safe-svg/safe-svg.php, Safe SVG, 2.3.1
the-events-calendar/the-events-calendar.php, The Events Calendar, 6.8.3
threewp-broadcast/ThreeWP_Broadcast.php, Broadcast, 51.02
wp-rss-aggregator/wp-rss-aggregator.php, WP RSS Aggregator, 4.23.13
Plugins active on network ns-cloner-site-copier/ns-cloner.php, NS Cloner - Site Copier,
updraftplus/updraftplus.php, UpdraftPlus - Backup/Restore,
the-events-calendar/the-events-calendar.php, The Events Calendar, 6.8.3
events-calendar-pro/events-calendar-pro.php, The Events Calendar Pro, 7.3.0
wp-mail-smtp-pro/wp_mail_smtp.php, WP Mail SMTP Pro, 4.3.0
advanced-ads/advanced-ads.php, Advanced Ads, 1.56.1
advanced-ads-pro/advanced-ads-pro.php, Advanced Ads Pro, 2.28.0
threewp-broadcast/ThreeWP_Broadcast.php, Broadcast, 51.02
safe-svg/safe-svg.php, Safe SVG, 2.3.1
relevanssi-premium/relevanssi.php, Relevanssi Premium, 2.26.1
redis-cache/redis-cache.php, Redis Object Cache, 2.5.4
akismet/akismet.php, Akismet Anti-spam: Spam Protection, 5.3.5
advanced-custom-fields-pro/acf.php, Advanced Custom Fields PRO, 6.3.11
wp-rss-aggregator/wp-rss-aggregator.php, WP RSS Aggregator, 4.23.13
wp-rss-feed-to-post/wp-rss-feed-to-post.php, WP RSS Aggregator - Feed to Post, 3.16.3
wp-rss-categories/wp-rss-categories.php, WP RSS Aggregator - Categories, 1.3.3
wp-rss-keyword-filtering/wp-rss-keyword-filtering.php, WP RSS Aggregator - Keyword Filtering, 1.8
forminator/forminator.php, Forminator, 1.37.1
Broadcast option all_networks false
Broadcast option blogs_to_hide "5"
Broadcast option blogs_hide_overview "5"
Broadcast option blog_selector_position "bottom"
Broadcast option canonical_url "1"
Broadcast option canonical_limit_post_types ""
Broadcast option canonical_skip_post_types ""
Broadcast option clear_post "1"
Broadcast option custom_field_blacklist ""
Broadcast option custom_field_protectlist ""
Broadcast option custom_field_whitelist ""
Broadcast option database_version "8"
Broadcast option debug "1"
Broadcast option debug_ips ""
Broadcast option debug_to_browser "1"
Broadcast option debug_to_file false
Broadcast option keep_attachments "1"
Broadcast option save_post_decoys "1"
Broadcast option save_post_priority "640"
Broadcast option override_child_permalinks false
Broadcast option post_types "post page document notice"
Broadcast option existing_attachments "use"
Broadcast option role_broadcast ["super_admin"]
Broadcast option role_link ["super_admin"]
Broadcast option role_broadcast_as_draft ["super_admin"]
Broadcast option role_broadcast_scheduled_posts ["super_admin"]
Broadcast option role_taxonomies ["super_admin"]
Broadcast option role_custom_fields ["super_admin"]
Broadcast option savings_calculator_data {}
Broadcast option show_custom_fields_taxonomies false
Broadcast option taxonomy_term_blacklist ""
Broadcast option taxonomy_term_protectlist ""
Please advise.
and delete_published_posts
We then use a simple link to allow users to delete their own posts:
<a onclick="return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this scanner?')" class="btn btn-outline-danger w-100" href="<?php echo get_delete_post_link( $post->ID ) ?>">Delete Custom Scanner</a>
Unfortunately, this only works for admins. For any other users, it redirects to the home page without deleting the post.
Does anyone know what is incorrect here? Thank you!
]]>Does anyone know why this could be happening?
The website uses the Avada theme. Some plugins that are active include: Link Whisper Free, Rank Math SEO, Search & Filter Pro, Smart WooCommerce Search, Yoast Duplicate Post. The search plugins are not being used for the affected search bar.
]]>But, I received this message from my host:
Composer detected issues in your platform:
Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 7.3.0". You are running 7.2.34.
PHP Fatal error: Composer detected issues in your platform: Your Composer dependencies require a PHP version ">= 7.3.0". You are running 7.2.34. in /var/www/vhosts/domainName/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/delete-duplicate-posts/vendor/composer/platform_check.php on line 24
PHP version of the server is 7.4.25
]]>Is there a way to resolve it?
]]>Now, I want to be able to write a command in SQL to say,
Delete All Pages if their urls DO **NOT** conian one of these slugs ([an array of slugs])
For example.. I want to keep pages which have this part of their url […mydomain…] + “/england/gl/recruitment-agency/” + […another part of the url…]
This is one slug I want to keep, but I have about 40 of them.
Other pages which don’t contain those slugs they should be removed.
So, what is the command that will do the job for me?
I really appreciate any help or hints as my websites crashing down because of having too many pages.
Thank you in advance.