I’m trying hard to optimise my website regarding fonts. They seem to slow down page speed. I’m using OceanWP and Elementor. After testing it turned out I’m using 13 fonts. I have made changes in Customiser > Typography in Ocean WP and Chose only Poppins and Roboto 400 + 700 in weight for both. That should reduce my number of fonts to at least 6.
When checking the fonts on my website with the WhatFont, it turns out that the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin uses the theme default font Roboto 300.
How can I modify that detail? And how can I decrease the number of fonts used on my website to the actual 6 I’m currently using:
Poppins 400
Poppins 700
Roboto 400
Roboto 400 italic
Roboto 700
Roboto 700 italic.
Thank you so much!
I use Elementor Hello theme and in General settings the options to disable Default Colors / Default Fonts are unchecked
The link here https://elementor.com/help/settings/ for Default Colors / Default Fonts doesn’t work.
Do I miss something ?
]]>1) Headings
2) Base font
I changed them while playing around with them and now “default font” does not appear in the dropdown so I cannot change them back.
]]>I figured out that the default Header font is Oxford, and I think the default body font is Open Sans, but I don’t know for sure.
Possible to get a default font button in the Customise module, similar to the default color buttons? It’s always nice to be able to revert to the default.
Thanks much!
]]>here is the actual entry in my style.less.css
body { background: @htmlBgColor url(“{@htmlBg}”) @htmlBgRepeat @htmlBgX @htmlBgY @htmlBgAttach; color: @generalFontColor; line-height: 18px; width: 100%; min-width: 1000px; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; }
can someone please post the change needed, and if making the change only there will be enough to get this result
thanks for your help
I’m sure the default fonts for Twenty Thirteen are listed somewhere, but I can’t find them. It would be useful to know, though.