With the PRO version of ARI Fancy Lightbox it’s possible to enable deep linking.
When deep linking is enabled, after opening the fancybox and presssing the browser Back button, it goes to the previous page instead of closing the fancybox and showing the current page where the fancybox was opened.
How can the PRO version with deeplinking work correctly with the browser Back button?
]]>I purchased a theme from themeforest and I would like to know the name of this lightbox,
the reason why I want to know it, it gives a unique URL to each photo and you can see that from the link I shared. It is really helpful and I really appreciate if someone could help me.
Thank you,
]]>[ redundant link removed ]
Although alot slower (its a 1000 page pdf)
I have been writing about this bug with the development and they promised that this would be fixed within a week, on 27th of january 2020. Just shy of one month ago.
I also have purchased the “Creative” licence, that costs $145 annualy (Real3Dflipbook costs 35€ / year)
While I can run my smaller catalogues from Real3D, Flowpaper is extremely faster with huge catalogues. Its the only system that can handle catalogues so big. I beg you. Please fix it. I can pay more. I just want a working catalogue.
]]>Is there any status on when Deeplinking will be working again? Seems to have been bust for a while now.
]]>I want to deep link to the donor of the window from this page. In this case the donor name is Alexander Phillips. I don’t want to load a separate browser window to do this that pops us.
I used the following in the above page. 25 is the page id of Phillips
<strong><a href="//page/donors/25">Alexander Phillips</a></strong>
The urlscheme is simply “urlscheme”. The above does not work
I am not sure what I am doing wrong. I have looked at the Cordova plugin to see what the problem is. Any help would be appreciated.
]]>Ich bin mir nicht sicher, deshalb frage ich einfach mal:
Werden die kommenden ?nderungen einen Einfluss auf einen WP-Spreadplugin-Shop haben?
]]>At this moment my deeplinks look like this:
I want it to look better, for example:
How should I proceed to change that?
Thank you very much.