Как передавать на другой сайт Deeplink?
Есть сайт с загрузками, сейчас файлы отдаются по ссылке “Скачать”, хочу реализовать просадочную страницу с рекламой, т.е. при переходе по ссылке “Скачать”, пользователь переходит на партнерский сайт и через 10 секунд получает ссылку “Скачать”, только не знаю какого вида урл указывать, чтобы на партнерском сайте по итогу отдавался тот файл, который ранее можно было скачать напрямую, еще до того когда я решил реализовать такую схему)) Надеюсь понятно))
]]>1) “Side Updates” possibly is a typo?
2) Now on the topic itself: Praise! Great feature!
a) Glad that I finally discovered a plugin that heals the root cause: Correcting the outdated media URLs in the markup of the respective posts rather than just doctoring around with redirections.
Redirections are a legit method to cope with incoming external deeplinks to outdated media filenames. To not loose your link juice SEO.
But for incoming internal links they are the wrong medicine. There will always be a redirection from old-file-name.jpg to new-file-name.jpg as long as you don’t treat the root cause, being the outdated internal links. This extra HTTP call for each affected media file slows down unnecessarily.
Healing the root cause is the correct medicine. And the root cause are outdated links in the markup of your own posts. That should be a core feature of any CMS. All wikis I know of do this since the early 2000ies. WordPress not to this day. The link is the core of the www so to speak. Strange why this had no priority.
3) Similar topic: I submitted this UX design proposal
When changing a slug offer options to update internal incoming links
That was for slug changes. No reaction so far. Maybe interesting for you to follow.
4) Anyways: Glad that at least for renaming media files I know have an automatic link healing solution with your plugin. Thank you!
a) Adding a redirection to also handle incoming external deeplinks which may used the old filename could theoretically be added on top of this measure.
b) Does your plugin do that? I saw no indications for this.
c) Would your plugin interfere with any other plugins such as Broken Link Checker or Redirection which possibly detect a media file name change and set up a redirection from old-name.jpg to new-name.jpg ? (Am not sure whether they act only on post/page-slugs and media-slugs, or also really on changed media filenames and set up a redirection for this. Possible not as by normal means in WordPress a filename once uploaded is frozen, at most you edit its media-slug)
Curious to know! And thanks again for the plugin!
Thank you for the awesome plugin. I am using it with a lot of fun. And I am using the accordion block to build a FAQ.
I would like the option to deeplink to a certain pane from another page. The deeplinking is working, except the pane does not open. Is there a way to do this? Of maybe an option to add this to the wishlist?
With kind regards,
Is this also possible with a lightbox link? And how should I implement this?
(I’ve tried this:
read page 2
But with the parameter “?fb3d-page=2” in the href, the lightbox no longer opens.)
Best regards!
]]>Am I able to link to a specific video within a playlist or gallery with this plugin?
For example, if I have a playlist of 5 videos, or a gallery of 10 videos, can I link to the 3rd video in that playlist/gallery? either with something like url/?video=3 or url/?video_id=12345
I’m specifically looking at it from a standpoint of sharing that page/specific video to social.
When I click on the thumbnails, the pop up opens up correctly. At this point I see in the address bar that the deeplink was properly generated. But, if I copy this link and try to use it to get directly to the video, it only takes me to the videos page, but does not pop up the lightbox.
Videos page: https://meucaovelhinho.com.br/videos/
Example of deeplink: https://meucaovelhinho.com.br/videos/#wp-video-lightbox/11/
Shortcode used: [video_lightbox_youtube video_id=”NQCwHluBqFc” width=”1366″ height=”768″ auto_thumb=”1″]