I am currently evaluating W3 Total Cache for use on my website. I installed it on a dedicated localhost instance using wampstack for testing. Under the “Page Cache” method selection menu, all of the Dedicated / Virtual Server options are grayed out for some reason even though I am running this on a dedicated wamp server instance. Are these features for premium users only? Or is there some special setup / config process I need to go through first before I can use these features?
WordPress type: Multisite
WordPress version: 4.9.15
PHP version: 7.3.12
Plugin version: 0.14.2
Server type: WAMP stack on Windows 10 – localhost
]]>I was installed cPanel Hosting Automate Addon on my wordpress with Hueman template. But its showing FATAL errrors;
]]>I am studying https://www.wpfastestcache.com/features/preload-settings/
In this article, for number of preload pages, it recommends for 4-6, and for VPS, 10-12. And for dedicated server, I can set as many as I like. Then it also said I should modify wp_config.php as follows:
define(‘WPFC_PRELOAD_NUMBER’, 15);
So I just wonder when should I add this line to wp_config.php? For example, if the preload number is 12 or 14, should I also add this line?
]]>-Dedicated IP
-Dedicated Server
-Code Signing Certificate
I am using WP v4.9.7, Generate Press Theme v2.1.3, Reseller Plugin v1.6.1.
I have tried deactivating and reactivating, however, these four products still do not appear. Please advise on how I can get these four products to display in my plugin so I can use them on my site.
Also, on the online storage product is there a way for me to add a drop down option for customers to “add more storage”?
Thank you for your time,
]]>The system moved everything over for me, once set up I could not access the site.
Through FTP I renamed the plugins folder to disable everything and then I got in okay.
Here is a screen list of all the plugs-ins that work and don’t work. https://prnt.sc/dxsclx
The only one not on the list is JETPACK, I’ve removed it trying tests. If I install a fresh one and activate it, it still crashes the site.
I’ve cleared all the caches etc on my browser, wordpress, cloudflare and my server.
One thing I did noticed is that I don’t appear to have any extra menus down the left hand side main admin menu apart from defaults. My plug-ins that won’t work would have created some extra menus/tabs.
My website: https://www.renfrewshire24.co.uk
]]>I have a site, www.pooltimepoolspa.com which works fine.
It’s on a dedicated server running apache2.
It has a static IP address.
pooltimepool.com is also pointed at the same server.
When I go to www.pooltimepool.com it takes me to an older version of the site and I can’t figure it out. They all ping to the proper address but why is www.pooltimepool.com different than www.pooltimepoolspa.com
]]>I have installed and set up the W3 Total Cache but when running the compatibility check I get the Opcode cache not installed message, though I have it installed on my dedicated server.
The same happened with Memcache when this was installed though I have uninstalled it now.
Do you have any idea why this is happening?
As a further note, memcache was detected when the server was running PHP 5.4.x but after upgrading to 5.5 it doesn’t see these as installed.
]]>both websites would have around 30 – 50k users, so total 60-100k. traffic is mostly constant. We do have occassional spike in traffic when we have big mailing campaign. By big mailing I mean around 40-50k of clicks on same page during the day, and ofcourse spike would be around the time of email being sent out.
My question is where WP works better? Especially big sites like this one (with potenetial of growing) Would it be a good option to move to AWS vs Dedicated server..?
]]>Any thoughts on what is causing this, and what I can do to fix it? I have full backups of the original site (which is how I replaced the public_html) that was backed up when everything was working properly. I don’t particularly want to have all of the CSS recoded…