I am facing problems with almost all the websites (about 5-6 of them) hosted with GoDaddy on their ‘Deluxe Hosting Linux’ (shared) server. It takes about 5-6 seconds to load the websites at its fastest, and about 18-20 seconds when slower. Sometimes they don’t load at all. Using various online tools (including Google’s PageSpeed Tools) I am beginning to gain an understanding that the problem is due to ‘slow server response time’.
One of the websites in question is: www.itravellershostel.com. Another one would be www.etherstudio.de.
I use a 50 Mbps home broadband. It’s the same situation on my 3G connection.
Can anyone shed some lights on how to go about fixing this issue? Will buying dedicated server IP help?
Any help would be much appreciated!
P.S. I have only limited knowledge regarding hosting, servers, etc. I am NOT an expert.
However, the strange thing is that when I go back into the admin system, everything is there and has been created properly as if the error never existed. The apache logs are telling me that the following error is occurring:
[Sun Jan 13 16:21:45 2013] [error] [client] malformed header from script. Bad header=/var/www/vhtdocs/userweb1/dead: site-new.php, referer: https://kether-interactive.ca/wp-admin/network/site-new.php
I’m not sure where to go about starting to troubleshoot something like this because I’m not really a server admin. Anyone have any thoughts? Is there a php module or something that I might be missing?
]]>I’m being informed by my VPS hosting provider that I’m taking up too much CPU cycle time for a VPS system. Apparently I’m using up ~25% when I should be around 5%.
This week we crested over 10k page views for a couple of days, usually it’s like 7-8k.
We run between 5 and 10 posts/day, and each post gets between 20 and 50 comments. We’re using Intense Debate for comments and Atahualpa by bytes for all, for a theme. We’re running WP Super Cache with default settings, and not much else for optimization.
Our hosting has informed us that pretty much no matter what we do, there’s no way we’ll ever get WP down to an acceptable CPU utilization level with that kind of traffic.
1) Based on the info here, do we have a reasonable chance of being on anyone’s VPS? or do we really need to be on a dedicated system?
2) What kind of dedicated hardware for a dedicated system would be required? Hopefully the ~200/mo bottom-rung type stuff?
]]>I just moved my blog, forceunleashed.org from shared to dedicated hosting. It is moving slow from page to page. Taking minutes to navigate. I cannot figure out what the problem is. Other sites on the server are moving fine, just this one is having problems. Any suggestions? The site is https://www.forceunleashed.org.
Thank you!
]]>Initial install error:
“Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress.”
Apparently this is common.
..and YES I added: extension=mysql.so to the php.ini file & restarted Apache. No change…
In searching, I see the mysql.so module is NOT found in the httpd.conf file or the /usr/lib/httpd/modules/ folder. (surprise)
My config:
Godaddy Virtual-Dedicated Server
Linux (Fedora 7) w/ Simple Control Panel
NOTE: Under “Installed Modules” MySQL is listed. ?
PHP v 5.2.6
FYI: GoDaddy “shared” Linux hosting runs WP just fine. The Virtual/Dedicated setups are a different story (apparently).
I have full ROOT file access and can install anything I want, modify the httpd.conf, etc, so I believe I can fix this with help.
I recently installed Magento Commerce without a hitch on this server -it is MySQL heavy and works perfect. I’m certain I created the database correctly for WP. I don’t understand why Magento works fine but WP doesn’t, but whatever…
“yum” is an available function and I’ve seen some refer to this, but I have know idea where or what to do with that.
Is “yum” a command that I can use with an SSH connection?
SSH intimidates me a bit, but am an old “DOS” pro, so I imagine it can’t be too difficult -I just don’t now any SSH commands. I have PuTTY, too. Used it once. :-\
I can’t imagine this is THAT complicated. As a few have posted, PHP and MySQL just need to “talk” to each other.
The “diagnostics” link shows:
MySql (database server):
Server version: 5.0.45-6.fc7
Client version: 5.0.45-6.fc7
Status: mysqld (pid 27943) is running…
Something interesting: phpinfo() shows…
Configuration File (php.ini) Path => /usr/lib
Loaded Configuration File => (none)
BUT… php.ini is only found in /etc/ and nowhere else…??
Hopefully I’ve provided enough info.
Thanks in advance for any help!