My general question is about the wordpess core’s variables’ documentation, definitions, declarations and dependencies: These details seem to me to be missing in the documentation, not only for the title variable, but in general. Are there flow chart, or similiar things?
For example for the title-tag in the head section of a final html-page: Which variables are involved in the title-tag creation, where are they declared first, what rules have to or should plugins or direct inserts in the php code follow to not destroy the schematic flow of wordpress (the schematic on which other plugins may rely)?
]]>I used ‘WP Super Cache’ before and deleted this plugnin. But the messages is still visible.
What must I do to solve the issue?
Thanks in advance!
Warning: Declaration of WP_Optimize_Notices::url_start($html_allowed, $url, $https = false, $website_home = ‘updraftplu…’) should be compatible with Updraft_Notices_1_0::url_start($html_allowed = false, $url = ”, $https = false, $website_home = NULL) in /var/www/ on line 303
(the x’es in the wwww address are made by me)
]]>There has been a critical error on your website.
Learn more about debugging in WordPress.
I enabled debugging in the wp-config.php and got this note after reloading the page:
Deprecated: define(): Declaration of case-insensitive constants is deprecated in /wp-content/plugins/slider/slider.php on line…
indicating to the following lines in the slider plugin:
define( “RESLIDE_PLUGIN_PATH_FRONT_IMAGES”, plugins_url( ‘Front_images’, __FILE__ ), true );
define( “RESLIDE_PLUGIN_PATH_IMAGES”, plugins_url( ‘images’, __FILE__ ), true );
define( “RESLIDE_PLUGIN_PATH_MEDIA”, plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . ‘media-control’, true );
define( “RESLIDE_PLUGIN_PATH_JS”, plugins_url( ‘js’, __FILE__ ), true );
define( “RESLIDE_PLUGIN_PATH_CSS”, plugins_url( ‘css’, __FILE__ ), true );
define( “RESLIDE_PLUGIN_PATH_ASSETS”, plugins_url( ‘assets’, __FILE__ ), true );
define( “RESLIDE_PLUGIN_PATH_FRONTEND”, plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) . ‘front-end’, true
define( “RESLIDE_TABLE_SLIDERS”, $wpdb->prefix . ‘huge_it_reslider_sliders’, true );
define( “RESLIDE_TABLE_SLIDES”, $wpdb->prefix . ‘huge_it_reslider_slides’, true );
I’m using the “Huge IT Responsive Slider” plugin, but didn’t find any similar issue in their forum.
Can anyone tell me what to do now? (Because I have no clue.)
I updated the elementor plugin today to version 2.9.0, and now i get a bunch of warnings displaying on public site while WP DEBUG is set to false.
they all are the same kind of error like this with vibe-customtypes plugin :
” Warning: Declaration of Wplms_Vibe_Show_Certificates::init() should be compatible with Elementor\Controls_Stack::init($data) in /homepages/44/d788688244/htdocs/clickandbuilds/ProAttitudeJL/wp-content/plugins/vibe-customtypes/includes/elementor/widgets/vibe-show-certificates.php on line 113 ”
Also some pages that worked return a fatal error like this :
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 1 passed to Elementor\Controls_Stack::sanitize_settings() must be of the type array, null given
Problem is the vibe customtype plugin is part of my theme and can’t be deactivated without swithcing it and losing everything, i guess it’s outdated so any ideas what can I change in it to make it work again ? Nothing pops in the console to.
PHP Warning: Declaration of Custom_Menu_Wizard_Sorter::walk($elements, $max_depth = 0) should be compatible with Walker::walk($elements, $max_depth, …$args) in /wp-content/plugins/custom-menu-wizard/include/class.sorter.php
PHP Warning: Declaration of Custom_Menu_Wizard_Walker::walk($elements, $max_depth) should be compatible with Walker::walk($elements, $max_depth, …$args) in /wp-content/plugins/custom-menu-wizard/include/class.walker.php
Looks like this solves it:
class.walker.php line 55
public function walk( $elements, $max_depth, …$args ){
class.sorter.php line 60
public function walk( $elements, $max_depth = 0, …$args ) {
//NB : any orphan elements (and that includes children of orphans) get appended to the
// output array in the order that they are placed in the original array (ie. regardless
// of menu_order) BUT *only* if $max_depth is zero! If $max_depth is anything other than
// zero then all orphans (and their children) are ignored (ie. discarded).
$output = parent::walk( $elements, $max_depth, …$args );
//always return an array…
return is_array( $output ) ? $output : array();
]]>Shows error when trying to enter sitemap url.
“This page contains the following errors:
error on line 2 at column 6: XML declaration allowed only at the start of the document
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.”
]]>[18-Apr-2019 14:55:38] PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Updraft_File_Logger::log() must be compatible with that of Updraft_Logger_Interface::log() in /home/filmarin/public_html/ on line 0
Thank you for support&help,
]]>Warning: Declaration of TaskScheduler_Utility::uniteArrays($arrPrecedence, $arrDefault1) should be compatible with TaskScheduler_AdminPageFramework_Utility_ArraySetter::uniteArrays() in /www/htdocs/w01253dc/wp16/wp-content/plugins/task-scheduler/include/class/utility/TaskScheduler_Utility.php on line 16
Can you help me?
]]>I noticed the following in my logs;
[01-Feb-2016 22:50:59 UTC] PHP Strict Standards: Declaration of BPGE::display() should be compatible with BP_Group_Extension::display($group_id = NULL) in /home/ljlee/public_html/wp-content/plugins/buddypress-groups-extras/core/loader.php on line 1113
]]>[Warning] Invalid CSS property declaration at: * (autoptimize_620979fafcc9307654ed55cfa189a314.css, line 1)
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