Some units are (1KG, 1.25KG, 1.5KG, etc…)
Now, i am creating mobile application but my mobile application developer claims that whatever plugin does, doesnt go to WooCommerce quantity API.
Is there is any solution for quantities set through your plugin to be read through woocommerce API ?
Thank you.
// Add min value to the quantity field (default = 1)
add_filter('woocommerce_quantity_input_min', 'min_decimal');
function min_decimal($val) {
return 0.1;
// Add step value to the quantity field (default = 1)
add_filter('woocommerce_quantity_input_step', 'nsk_allow_decimal');
function nsk_allow_decimal($val) {
return 0.01;
// Removes the WooCommerce filter, that is validating the quantity to be an int
remove_filter('woocommerce_stock_amount', 'intval');
// Add a filter, that validates the quantity to be a float
add_filter('woocommerce_stock_amount', 'floatval');
// Add unit price fix when showing the unit price on processed orders
add_filter('woocommerce_order_amount_item_total', 'unit_price_fix', 10, 5);
function unit_price_fix($price, $order, $item, $inc_tax = false, $round = true) {
$qty = (!empty($item['qty']) && $item['qty'] != 0) ? $item['qty'] : 1;
if($inc_tax) {
$price = ($item['line_total'] + $item['line_tax']) / $qty;
} else {
$price = $item['line_total'] / $qty;
$price = $round ? round( $price, 2 ) : $price;
return $price;
(the snippet which lets entering, as you see, decimal quantities while ordering a products.)
And it’s working correctly, but the thing I wanted (and I still want) to do, is to set this snippets only for variable (variation) products.
I tried to use this:
// Add min value to the quantity field (default = 1)
add_filter('woocommerce_quantity_input_min', 'min_decimal', 10, 2 );
function min_decimal($val, $product) {
if ( $product->is_type( 'variable' ) ) {
return 0.1;
return $val;
// Add step value to the quantity field (default = 1)
add_filter('woocommerce_quantity_input_step', 'nsk_allow_decimal', 10, 2 );
function nsk_allow_decimal($val, $product) {
if ( $product->is_type( 'variable' ) ) {
return 0.01;
return $val;
(the first two snippets now have if function)
And it’s also working but not in 100%. It’s working on site, for a customer. But problems begins when I’m getting into order on the admin site. Some buttons just don’t work. If I want to correct an order or send a invoice for a customer I’m not able. The button works only like there wasn’t any href. So I’m hovering on it, it changes color a bit, I click on it and this border around button appears, but this button doesn’t make any action.
Thank you in advance for the help!
]]> $quantityInteger=intval($quantity);
while ($quantityiInteger–) {
in /wp-content/plugins/wc-weight-based-shipping/server/vendor/dangoodman/shengine-wc-converters/src/PackageConverter.php
at line 61 of my installed version.
What do you think?
]]>First thing i need to know whether WooCommerce is support or not the decimal value for quantity
WE are using Quantities and Units for WooCommerce for achieving the decimal quantities support.
Problem is when user input the required quantity in decimal form, FedEx API couldn’t able to calculate the weight of the entered decimal value. FedEx only calculate the weight of the maximum integer value.
if the product price is 100 Rupee per 1Meter.
weight is 140gram (0.140 kg) per 1Metre
1. if user input the quantity as 3.3 Meter (decimal), Price calculated is 330 Rupee, Weight is 0.462 kg (3.3 * 0.140).
2. if user input the quantity as 3.8 Meter (decimal), Price calculated is 380 Rupee, Weight is 0.532 kg (3.8 * 0.140).
On the both case, FedEx API must calculate the cost according to weight.
on the 1st case weight is bellow 0.500 kg, so FedEx must show the cost with bellow 0.500 kg and
on the 2nd case weight is bellow 1 kg, so FedEx must show the cost with bellow 1 kg.
But here what happening, FedEx calculate the weight of nearest upper integer value.
whatever the input quantity is in between 3.1, 3.2 to 3.9 FedEx calculate the weight for 4.
if the input quantity is in between 5.1 to 5.9 FedEx calculate the weight for 6.
FedEx Charge like this (variation is 0.500 kg)
bellow 0.500 kg, cost = X
bellow 1 kg, cost = X + X
bellow 1.5 kg, cost = X + X + X etc
so in the 1st case user input the quantity is 3.3 meter and weight is 0.463 kg. here FedEx must show the cost for bellow 0.500 kg.
but here FedEx calculate the weight as 4 meter (nearest integer value) and weight is 0.560 kg (4 * 0.140), which is not correct.
So the conclusion is FedEx API couldn’t able to calculate the weight of user input decimal quantity value.
We have tested with these 2 plugins
but everywhere the same problem, FedEx API couldn’t able to grab the weight of decimal quantity, it only work with integer quantity.