Since deactivating the plugin, I’ve still been getting new user registration email notifications. I don’t know how they would be able to register if the plugin has been deactivated. These registrations are 99% spam/bots. I also don’t know where they would be registering because we have taken down the form. Any ideas what to do in this situation?
Thank you,
Sorry for silly question. Just want to make sure that I can work this way. I run EWWW optimization and then deactivate the plugin. Does my website still uses these optimized images even if the plugin is not active?
]]>The message that appeared was as follows (in multiple rows, covering the entirety of the page):
“Warning: strpos() [function.strpos]: Empty needle in /nfs/c08/h02/mnt/126501/domains/ on line 200”
After deactivating the plugin, the error message went away.
I was going to edit the plugin files within WP, but felt it was best to open the issue here. I want to ensure that the issue gets fixed & also to prevent any file changes that I would make from being overwritten (for any future updates made to the plugin/plugin files).
Thank you for your help.
I’ve had the Simple Share plugin since last fall for my blog and it was working great. However, in the last couple of weeks (i.e. out of the blue) I noticed that Twitter tweets were not displaying in the count section.
I deactivated it and even deleted it from my plugins, however, if you go to my blog, it’s still displaying at the bottom of the post. I’m relatively new to WordPress so please forgive my ignorance but I was under the assumption that if you deactivated a plugin, it should no longer appear live on your blog, correct?
Any help/tips you can offer would be most appreciated.
]]>Plugin “Testimonials by Aihrus” has been deactivated due to “Old Aihrus Framework version detected”. Once corrected, “Testimonials by Aihrus” can be activated.
How do I update the framework?
It is already running the latest version of the plugin 2.19.1
This happened after it just updated itself.
]]>Installing the plugin…
Could not create directory. /home2/******************
Plugin install failed.
Any ideas… please?
]]>Voila, all seemed sweet, but when I go to the plugins folder I get this:
The plugin cart66/cart66.php has been deactivated due to an error: Plugin file does not exist.
The plugin easy-post-types/custom-type.php has been deactivated due to an error: Plugin file does not exist.
The plugin gravityforms/gravityforms.php has been deactivated due to an error: Plugin file does not exist.
The plugin q-and-a/q-and-a.php has been deactivated due to an error: Plugin file does not exist.
The DB field “wp_options -> active_plugins” shows the following, until I view the plugins section of the WP admin screen:
However, once I’ve viewed the plugins screen and seen the errors (above), the DB resets the active_plugin count to this:
All the tables relating to the plugins are still in the DB, and all files seemed to be correct in the “wp-content -> plugins” folder.
Any ideas how sort this out?