I have not been able to figure it out.
]]>My Admin/WP dashboard now shows a graph of the last 20 days. But I would like to change this to 30 or 90. How can I do that?
]]>We need “every” 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 day to appear as a choice in the dropdown in the plan page in woocommerce subscriptions.
See attached photo: (hver is every in our language)
Is there a way to do this?
I have configured the working hours of the company (from Tuesday
to Sunday from 8:00 – 20:00).
company calendar time work image
Also my only employee (I only have 1) has the same working hours settings:
image of emply configuration
Finally in the global configuration I have tried the 2 ways. Indicating the time of the company and the time of the workers but the result is the same.
It doesn’t let me select Saturdays or Sundays (not Monday either, but that’s correct since we close on Mondays) and the hours close at 5:00 pm (17:00) insted of the 8:00 pm (20:00) that I informed in the time work calendar.
image from global calendar configuration
Also I tried the option diagnosis or checker but say that all is correct:
image checker bookly
Thanks for your help!
]]>With regards,
Jasper van Leuven
]]>Do you have any future plans to support any variation on, for example, “next n days”, “today + n days”, “this week”, or “n-weeks” in events shortcode scope filtering?
My customer would surely find those options helpful.