I am using Pods template to show details about authors and listing all their posts.
I have bidirectional relationship field connecting posts with custom post type “authors”. In order by field I entered this:
t.post_date DESC
Using instructions from here:
I am displaying list of authors’ posts using [each] in Pods template.
I get a list of posts by that author as I wanted and I display date and link to each post, but list is sorted by name (not by date as requested) and also for some reason in each loop post_name returns ok but post_title nothing?
Hope there is easy solution to this?
Thank you.
]]>The page has [table id=53 row_order=sort row_order_sort_column=A row_order_sort_direction=DESC /]. I do not have any custom commands applied.
I have the following tables plugins.
TablePress Version 1.10
TablePress Extension: Change DataTables strings Version 1.2
TablePress Extension: DataTables Sorting plugins Version 1.0
TablePress Extension: Table Auto Update Version 1.2
TablePress Extension: Table Row Order Version 1.2
Thanks for putting in your time to make this plugin. It’s so clean it’s a pleasure to use. Thanks also for the Responsive Extension. I downloaded it and yes I did donate!
I also installed the extension for sorting, and I was wondering–as I can’t seem to find reference to it in documentation–if it’s possible to sort by Month Name only, e.g. January, February, March, etc. I have a date field that is a “Look ahead calendar” where I’m giving ballpark dates for events, and don’t want to be specific as to month/year if I don’t have to since the month is the same every year going forward. However the sort appears to not recognize Month names, and just sorts alphabetically. Hoping that’s a possibility. If not, I’ll revert to number values like 1/19, 2/19 which I assume are identified.
]]>The problem is that the table sorts this column as though it was text- it doesn’t treat it as dates. If I was writing the datatables JS, I know how to tell it the data type for a given column, but how do I get your plugin to set it?
Thanks for providing a very handy plugin!
]]>I use this wonderful plugin to show sport schedule at my site, but the problem is, the order sort is not right for date data.
Like you can see at my website, the DATE value is at second column, and I want the table automatically sort based on DATE value.
[gdoc key="https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1va2t4sDhw5hrnwYSIpSy5ZVxprYj824eq0yG3UTqMHs/edit?usp=sharing" datatables_order='%5B%5B 2, "asc" %5D%5D']
The problem is, the order sort for DATE value still show wrong ordering, even when I do manually sort.
As you can see, it only sort the date, but not date-month ordering.
So what solution for this problem?
Thank you before
Am I doing something wrong?
]]>I’m using a LearnDash plug-in, which has several custom post types, and I’m wondering if that has something to do with it. I’m sure the plugin can’t be fundamentally busted on this subject, for others not to have commented already, so just wondering if any thoughts on narrowing this down. I’ll put some comments on ‘regular’ pages to see if these at least work, and report back accordingly.
]]>DataTables Sort plugin is installed and activated.
I also tried this, but it didnt work
“aoColumnDefs”: [ { “sType”: “date-eu”, “aTargets”: [ 0 ] } ]`
Please help me, let me know what I should do. Thank you very much in advance.