i am collecting some old articles where members can submit. Is there a way to have the date picker and based on the date picked submitted post’s date will be matched to the date picked in the custom field ?
]]>I’m using Forminator on my website in several places. One of them is a pop-up created with Content Blocks in the Blocksy theme, triggered when scrolling to the footer. However, I have an issue with the date picker—it works very sporadically and, in most cases, doesn’t display at all when clicking on the date field.
The form is available at https://behold.pl/forminator-date-picker-issue/ after scrolling down to the footer.
I’d appreciate your help. Have a great day!
I am using the “WooCommerce Subscription” and “Buy Once or Subscribe for WooCommerce Subscriptions” plugins. Now, I want to control the “Start Date” and “End Date” from the customer side. The customer will select the Start Date and End Date, and I want the subscription to start and end on those dates. I have managed to control the End Date, but I am unable to control the Start Date. Can you please let me know how I can do this? Below are the codes.
Codes -> https://codeshare.io/ApN86p
// Set the width, top position, and padding for the Flatpickr calendar directly via JavaScript
//I use this for the date picker issue.
instance.calendarContainer.style.width = “450px”; // Adjust as needed
instance.calendarContainer.style.padding = “10px”; // Add padding around the calendar
instance.calendarContainer.style.zIndex = “9999”; // Ensure it’s above other elements
instance.calendarContainer.style.position = “absolute”; // Ensure proper positioning
// Add event listener to format input as the user types
instance.input.addEventListener('input', function(e) {
let value = instance.input.value.replace(/[^\d]/g, ''); // Remove non-digits
if (value.length > 8) {
value = value.slice(0, 8);
let formattedValue = '';
if (value.length > 2) {
formattedValue += value.slice(0, 2) + '/';
value = value.slice(2);
if (value.length > 2) {
formattedValue += value.slice(0, 2) + '/';
value = value.slice(2);
formattedValue += value;
instance.input.value = formattedValue;
The year isn’t showing nonetheless. Need help
]]>I want to use an ACF Field (Date Picker) so that the user can select a date, when the post he creates through a form should be unpublished. I though using your Plugin “Post Expirator” could help me out with that, but this seems not to be implemented in ACF Pro Extended. Is there a way to add a compatibility to select a date when the post should be unpublished?
I added the answer of the support in the link.
Thank you for your feedback!
]]>I am rebuilding this site with a block theme and other updates. We are already using the free version of your plugin. The PRO version includes a datepicker – does it enable a from/to selection? Products in this store are for rental, not purchase, and they are rented in week-long increments. So we need customers to select the dates of the (minimum one) week(s) they want the items for.
Currently we have them select their rental dates on individual product pages, but that means we can’t do any kind of quick add-to-cart or go from Wishlist to cart – you have to go to the individual product page for every “purchase”. We would like to remove the date selection from the individual product pages and put them somewhere in the checkout flow so they can select once.
Would your PRO version enable that – or is it only for picking a single date/time?