It’s difficult to me make a “log” of the issues because 1) Them doesn’t happen all the time, but they happen too frequent and that’s odd. and 2) It doesn’t happen with an specific date field, it happens randomly, and all of them are set in a same way.
I have update wordpress, PHP (to version 8.0), my theme, the plugin’s version is the newest, so I don’t know what else to do.
As I told you I need to solve those odd issues before purchase the datepicker addon. Thank you in advance for your help. I’ll wait for your response. And again thank you for this very useful plugin.
]]>First I like to say, thank you for making this plugin. I’m Bart, founder of [ redundant link removed ]. I screened the FAQ section, but still face some difficulties.
1) I use the Contact Form 7 in order for visitors to upload their ICO’s. You can find the contact form that I use for this purpose on the frontpage in the right corner of the header (SUBMIT ICO – button).
Until recently, the submitted form was nothing more than an email send to the ICOgoals email inbox. Thereafter, we had to copy paste all submitted fields into a new post in order to post an ICO post. An example of a single ICO post is here: [ redundant link removed ]
Of course, I was looking to automate this process and found this plugin. I already managed to do the following:
– I have created a Custom Post Type (let’s say the name is ‘ICO CUSTOM POST’) with Pods plugin.
– I used Advanced Custom Fields Plugin to create +50 custom fields in order to cover all information of a new ICO (Field overview saved as ‘ICO CUSTOM FIELDS’)
– I created a Rule in the ICO CUSTOM FIELDS overview that states that these fields have to be automatically loaded once you click in dashboard menu: ‘New ICO CUSTOM POST – post’
– However, although the custom fields are now visible in the new custom post overview once you open a New ICO CUSTOM POST, they are still not visible on the front end of the website.
– So next step what I did was to use Visual Composer Plugin. With this plugin, I created a template that displays all the custom fields in a tabbed overview, as can be seen again with this link: [ redundant link removed ]
– In the settings menu of the Visual Composer Plugin, I made sure that the template that I saved in Visual Composer (let’s say: ‘ICO POST FRONTEND TEMPLATE’) is automatically loaded (set as default template) for the custom post type that I created : ICO CUSTOM POST.
– To test if everything works I went back the WP dashboard and clicked on: New ICO CUSTOM POST. It works: I directly get a new post environment for my custom post with the custom fields & also the visual composer template automatically loaded in the screen.
So far so good.
– Now I downloaded the Post My CF7 Form plugin and started to map all form fields to meta custom fields that I created in Advanced Custom Fields. And I selected my Custom Post type (ICO CUSTOM POST) as the standard post type for these mapping instructions.
– To test I filled in a form, submitted the form, and indeed the form was automatically saved as a Draft ICO CUSTOM POST.
However my problem is:
1A) The visual composer template is not automatically loaded anymore into the post. So I still have to perfrom a few steps to make the visual composer template (ICO POST FRONTEND TEMPLATE) visible. It is not the end of the world, but it will irritate over time to perform these extra steps. I’m not sure why I have to do this, because I set this template as default for my custom post type. Do you know what goes wrong here and if this is fixable?
1B) Same issue for my custom fields that normally automatically load into a New ICO CUSTOM POST. When I open the draft of the submitted form (Draft ICO CUSTOM Post), I still have to perform steps to load these custom fields into the draft post. Can we take away these extra steps, is there a fix?
2) After testing to upload the form into my custom post, I noticed that images are not copied into my custom fields. Do you know what to do? For example: visitors can upload a logo, and I have a custom field (image field) for the logo. But it is not visible.
2) After testing to upload the form into my custom post, I noticed that dates are not copied into my custom fields. Do you know what to do? For example: visitors can upload the date of the ico with the help of a date picker, but this is not visible in my custom field (date field).
]]>I want to keep ‘Start Date’ and ‘End Date’ as optional.
I am facing problem clearing / resetting the date field once it is set. Can you please help in resetting it with a backspace key
]]>this is so far the shortcode for my 2 date fields:
[date* date-98 date-format:mm/dd/yy min-date:0 max-date:364 id:fechaIngreso class:fechame placeholder “entrada”]
[date* date-99 date-format:mm/dd/yy min-date:1 max-date:365 id:fechaSalida class:fechame placeholder “salida”]
thanks in advance!
]]>How could i get only the data in 2015 June between one month ?
Filter use strtotime(date) “2015/6”???
]]>Is there a fix?