Can you provide CSS or a code fix for this?
Thank you!
]]>firstly, thanks for this amazing tool. It works very well.
I’ve just a issue :
– for category Info, I’m using category-info.php and a sidebar with filters for information (https://mysite/category/info)
– for category albumPhoto, I’m using category-album.php and a sidebar with filters for photos (https://mysite/category/album)
Now, I need to have some filtering by year on these 2 categories:
– https://mysite/2023/?category_name=info (WordPress is using category-info.php because it’s a single category)
– https://mysite/2023/?category_name=album (WordPress is using category-album.php because it’s a single category)
But then I’ve an issue because the plugin doesn’t recognize these pages as page for category info (resp. album). I looked at the plugin interface and I can only assign date archives to a single sidebar.
Any idea how to get the right sidebar for these category archives filtered on year ?
I’m new to WordPress, and I have an issue with the date archive.
On my website, I put the archives widget in the sidebar to show the dates of all my blog posts. Then I used custom code to categorize the archives widget, so when you click on the dates, it only shows the posts in the specific category. Here is the code:
function custom_date_archive_for_category( $query ) {
if ( $query->is_date() && $query->is_main_query() ) {
$query->set( 'cat', '76' );
add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'custom_date_archive_for_category' );
The code works for what it’s meant to do.
My issue is that the archives widget shows dates of posts that don’t have a specific category assigned to them. I want the archive to only show the dates of the category I assign to it; in my case, it’s the “blog” category.
Is it possible to limit the archives widget so it only shows the dates of the category you choose?
Is there any code available that would help?
]]>My site has several displays by category.
I would like to do the same for the tag cloud.
Are there any smart plugins available or is this custom code?
]]>With the latest version of Yoast, we have noticed that the archive on our site is redirecting users to the homepage when they click on any of the blog articles. I’m not sure what is causing this but when we disable Yoast SEO, the monthly archive pages work correctly. Yoast is a valuable tool to our site so we’d obvious like to avoid disabling the plugin if possible.
Any idea what is causing this/how to fix this issue?
You can see the issue here (on, when you click any of the archive months it is sending the user to the homepage.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
]]>breadcrumbs are shown correctly on page 1:
Home > 2014 > January
However, when I navigate to page 2, the breadcrumbs:
Home > > > Page 2
I notice get_the_date(‘F’) and get_the_date(‘Y’) are blank when paged is 2 or more.
This is my development pages (its in chinese, and it may be down from time to time…sorry):
Page 1 – Month:
Page 2 – Month:
Page 1 – Year:
Page 2 – Year:
Code to retrieve archive posts:
$wp_query = new WP_Query(array(
'year' => $year,
'monthnum' => $month,
// 'date_query' => array(
// array(
// 'year' => $year,
// 'month' => $month
// )
// ),
'cat' => '-1',
'posts_per_page' => ConfigService::get('posts_per_page_archive'),
'paged' => $page_num,
Many thanks!
]]>'has_archive' => true,
Every thing is good
but when i try to access archive pages of any post-type i will get 404
but default post’t date archive is working fine can’t figure out what’s wrong