I have three sites – markmcleod.org (where I host everything), mtsufoundations.com, and studioartteachingresources.com.
markmcleod.org – deleted sql database and created a new one in an effort to start over. Have reuploaded the www.remarpro.com install and working my way through that.
mtsufoundations.com – the domain redirects to a subdirectory at markmcleod.org/public_html/wp_mtsufoundations I have checked my config.php file and deleted the old Htaccess file. Right now I am getting blue text links but no WordPress formatting. If you visit this site I am in the process of resintalling WordPress so it may be blank.
studioartteachingresources.com – the domain redirects to a subdirectory at markmcleod.org/public_html/wp_studioartteachingresources Checked config.php and deleted the Htaccess file. This site I am not messing with right now because it is not as urgent but it is showing the same blue links as mtsufoundations and not loading any content.
]]>I have installed and activated LiteSpeed Cache 6.5.1 on a new instance the first time and get the following error messages:
Failed to create table?url
! SQL:?CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS wp_ehju_litespeed_url () DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;
Failed to create table?url_file
! SQL:?CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS wp_ehju_litespeed_url_file () DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;
When I try to execute the SQL statement with phpMyAdmin, I get the same error message telling me that the problem is in the syntax because the statement between the brackets is missing.
Do you have any idea how this happens and how the problem can be solved?
]]>Why not serialize the option data to keep it in fewer rows, like most well-optimized plugins do? This would be a sensible improvement. Perhaps we can see this in future updates?
Note: Not sure if your developer is aware of this – The wp_options table is not intended to hold thousands of records
Ref: https://10up.com/blog/2017/wp-options-table/
sometime in May, my automatic and manual backups stopped working. I always get the message “Unable to export – Cannot run export. Please refresh the page and try again”
By the elimination method I found the following:
I suspect that the All-in-One WP Migration and Backup plugin doesn’t like the contents of that table.
I use the following:
WordPress 6.6.2
All-in-One WP Migration 7.86
All-in-One WP Migration OneDrive Extension 1.74
All-in-One WP Migration Unlimited Extension 2.60
Does anyone have the same problem? Do you know how I can get the full backup to work?
Thank you very much
Your plugin’s English translation can be improved.
Please incorporate these syntax changes into your plugin’s DB tab.
Affected file:
Thank you!
]]>]]>WooCommerce wp_wc_reserved_stock table creation failed. Does the XXXXXXX user have CREATE privileges on the XXXXXXX database?
While updating a plugin for gift lists, I find the problem that within this list it does not show the orders to the products in this list, then I check the plugin and see that it uses the wp_wc_order_product_lookup table for the query that shows the information.
After understanding this, I decide to connect to the database to consult the wp_wc_order_product_lookup table and I find that it has not made records since 2022-08-12. I have created a test environment with a copy of the website and I have deactivated all the plugins except woocommerce, I have placed an order to verify that it is not an incompatibility with the plugin and still nothing is recorded in the wp_wc_order_product_lookup table.
I have already performed the actions from Woocommerce > Tools, checking the status of the tables, I have used the tool to regenerate the table and still the last record inside is from 2022-08-12
I have also tried with the WPCLI to regenerate the wp_wc_order_product_lookup table but it does not work either.
I would like to understand why this happened and how to solve it, I hope you can help me.
]]>CleanTalk causes records in my DB slow log. I found, that Version: 6.41.1 has unoptimal /cleantalk-spam-protect/lib/Cleantalk/Common/Schema.php definitions.
For example table sessions has defined ‘__indexes’ => ‘PRIMARY KEY (name
(40), id
(64))’ on two VARCHAR columns.
The column “name” has in my installation only 2 values: ‘apbct_timestamp’, ‘apbct_urls’. None of these has length 40 characters. Both don’t need to be in column with charset utf8mb4, both much shorter ascii would work better. With caution the VARCHAR column type could be replaced with much faster ENUM.
The column “id” is IMHO also useless utf8mb4 and should be replaced with ascii.
The column “id” in my case has always length 64 characters, so VARCHAR should be replaced with CHAR.
Mayby you might improve the performance by changing the PRIMARY KEY column order. Probably you could improve it even more by changing the table structure to contain separate columns for timestamp, urls instead of column “value” which value meaing is stored in column “name”.
Could you please optimize your tables for faster websites?
Thank you,