This one looks to be a real nightmare!
I would NEVER have installed the Media Library Categories if anything in its docs or FAQs disclosed the fact that IT CREATES SEPARATE WORDPRESS POSTS for every single Media Library item you upload!
That not only means meaningless post CATEGORY counts, but leads to a much worse problem…all kinds of ugly and weird pages on websites – “BAD for SEO and UX,” to say the least – for the URLs Media Library Categories creates in the WP_POSTS table, like this on a site I’m working on –
My UNANSWERED support request above, 2 years ago, asked the same question –
HOW can anyone clean this kind of mess up?
I’m willing to uninstall Media Library Categories and guess I’ll have to, to stop the problem, as I don’t see anything in its settings or support forum about the issue. Glad to buy the “premium” version if that’ll fix the issue, but see no indication of that.
Now, I’m realizing my ticket above was closed without answer is that the answer is that you’re simply SOL. In my WP_POSTS table, I do not see anything that differentiates a legit post from a weird Media Library Categories created “media URL.”
]]>I am having some weird WordPress account issues which I can’t seem to solve myself. In essence new user accounts can not be created or deleted, nor can any details of existing accounts be changed (like the Role).
Luckily enough I was able to create a local copy of the website with the same issue. I tracked part of the problem down to the database wp_users table where apparently the ‘Auto Increment’ setting on the ‘ID’ column is missing. When I add that new users can be created but still no details can be changed, most likely because the wp_usermeta table is also involved
I’m a bit clueless a t the moment and very hesitant to start altering the database of the live website.. I already tried the usuals tricks like disabling the plugins and theme and that unfortunately did not work but I will try again to be sure.
The details of the server and WordPress website are
PHP: 7.4.14
MMySQL: 5.6.49
Wordpress: 5.6.2
Theme: Custom theme using Twenty_Fifteen
+ Classic Editor
+ Download Monitor
+ Duplicator
+ Google Analytics for WordPress by MonsterInsights
+ MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress
+ Ninja Forms
+ Pods – Custom Content Types and Fields
+ ShortPixel Image Optimizer
+ Smush
+ Unlist Posts & Pages
+ W3 Total Cache
+ Wordfence Security
+ WP Google Maps
+ Yoast SEO
Does anyone perhaps have an idea how to solve this or how this could have happened in the first place?
There is a working Administrator account I’m dreading what happens if that one get’s corrupt as well
]]>However, during the multiple times I did the update to try to get rid of the message, Tab Slide just stopped working altogether. What I suspect is that the database entries for Tab Slide got corrupted or maybe there are just several of them that are conflicting.
So, if you could please tell me what database entries Tab Slide makes to the WordPress MySQL database and how to use phpMyAdmin to remove them so I can reinstall fresh, I would greatly appreciate it.
Because removing Tab Slide and reinstalling it does not fix this.
Thank you.
]]>Has anyone else had a similar experience? The widget worked great, so I’d like to reinstall it if at all possible.
]]>However when I try to edit the page in the editor, it reckons it is blank and contains zero words, whether I use the HTML editor or visual editor.
All the other pages and posts on the site display correctly.
Doing a MySQL ‘CHECK TABLE’ on the various tables reveals no problems, but if I look at wp_posts, the record with the revelant ID does have a post status of ‘publish’ and contains no text… yet as I say it displays correctly.
There are records, with the post status of inherit, which do have the text that displays: the page has been edited successfully several times in the past. However if I compare revisions, WP reckons they are all identical, i.e. empty.
I am wondering if there is some database corruption involving the bit of WP that displays pages thinking the relevant ID is – say – 15, but that the rest of WP reckons it is – say – 16.
Suggestions welcome. At the moment, I am being tempted to copy the correct text into record that the editor thinks is the page, but if there is some corruption, I don’t want to make things worse.
Is there something that checks the content of the database for internal consistency?
]]>Delete the site, recreate WP, and restore from a backup? Or with it still be corrupted?
I’m getting intermittent, but continual errors like “Error establishing a database connection”. After my host did a service maintenance and upgraded MYSQL a lot of sites had problems. I think whatever happened may have corrupted my database. My host can’t find the problem ’cause everything works when they check it.
Any suggestions are most appreciated.
]]>The database seems to still have the data, since I can’t create items with the exact same Slug name, etc (it auto renames).
I am using the GeoPlaces v4 theme (latest beta) which uses custom taxonomy entries for Place and Events, and more importantly the plugin WPML which provides secondary language options. A lot of the spanish pages are still visible but the english ones are not.
There doesn’t seem to be any rhyme or reason of what does and doesn’t show up following subsequent database writes.
Any suggestions on how to make the invisible database information visible again would be helpful.
Other Notes:
Exporting and importing the data using the wordpress exporter/importer says that the data exists already for any of the page data that’s “missing” from the back end.
I’ve attempted to export the original database from phpMyAdmin however the hosting provider has some issues with exporting the content. I’ve sent a support ticket to them to try and get the database exported.
Signs point to some sort of corruption on the database, however MySQL in CPanel shows all the data to be okay.
]]>My predecessor (who was much better with php) setup a crm type site which draws from a php database that is fed inform. It’s gotten pretty huge now (20 thousand plus entries/rows) and it seems to have deleted all of the zip codes that have been entered, and is no longer writing zip codes to the file. The strange thing is that zip codes were written in the same column as postal codes, but only us zip codes were erased. Postal codes are still being written to the file, but zip codes aren’t.
Could this be some strange type of file corruption? does anyone have any ideas?
]]>I’m not technical, but other than assuming the database is corrupted, anyone have any ideas? All of the posts are still there when I view them in the admin area.
Also, one of the tags in my tagcloud is not returning the corresponding posts in much the same way, and also the calendar is having the same problem, but only for today’s posts.