When developing lots of different custom themes for clients, do you create a new wordpress database for each or do you have one wordpress database and just keep adding themes to the theme folder?
I hope that makes sense.
The issue is with multiple databases, I’d have to re download the plugins, and content each time. Plus when I’m done with a client, I’d just have an extra database (unless I go in and delete it).
The issue with one main database and adding themes, is my theme folder gets mighty full, my database is HUGE, I have content and plugin customizations (like ACF Field Groups) that are superfluous, but I’m not sure I want to just delete.
]]>Does WP Changes Tracker create global tables in the database?
Than you for your support.
Regards, strategizeme
]]>Does W3 Total Cache create global tables in the database?
Than you for your support.
Regards, strategizeme
]]>i am hosting with webintellects
i created the directory and database but i still get the error
“Can’t select database
We were able to connect to the database server (which means your username and password is okay) but not able to select the wp02 database.
Are you sure it exists?
On some systems the name of your database is prefixed with your username, so it would be like username_wordpress. Could that be the problem?
If you don’t know how to setup a database you should contact your host. If all else fails you may find help at the WordPress Support Forums.
Okay i admit i don’t know how to setup one, i am a webdesigner but not a techie like that
can someone please assist me, my hosting company techies are offering very little assistance, the purpose of my new blog is to assist with finding a job, am really desperate now