How can I find out which database is the current one used by the main domain please?
]]>i was just trying to do a backup with updraft plus (free version). things do pretty well at first - even at the beginning of the database backup everything runs fine. but at a certain point the process stops with an error messages and resumes after a certain period ... but obviously runs into the same problem again. the log-file doesn't provide any valueable information to me - so i would highly appreciate help for that issue. see the relevant part of the log:
.791 (0) Table wp_wftrafficrates: Total expected rows (approximate): 0
0172.793 (0) Table wp_wftrafficrates: Rows added in this batch (next record: 0): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=566) in 0.00 seconds
0172.796 (0) Table wp_wftrafficrates: finishing file(s) (2, 0.3 KB)
0172.817 (0) Table wp_wfwaffailures: Total expected rows (via COUNT): 0
0172.819 (0) Table wp_wfwaffailures: Rows added in this batch (next record: -1): 0 (uncompressed bytes in this segment=527) in 0.00 seconds
0172.824 (0) Table wp_wfwaffailures: finishing file(s) (2, 0.3 KB)
0172.825 (0) Errors occurred whilst backing up the tables; will cease and wait for resumption
0301.118 (1) Opened log file at time: Thu, 16 Nov 2023 09:03:30 +0000 on
0301.136 (1) UpdraftPlus WordPress backup plugin ( 1.23.12 WP: 6.4.1 PHP: 7.4.16 (fpm-fcgi, Linux 4.4.0-210-generic #242-Ubuntu SMP Fri Apr 16 09:57:56 UTC 2021 x86_64) MySQL: 5.7.33-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 (max packet size=134217728) WPLANG: de_AT Server: Apache/2.4.18 (Ubuntu) safe_mode: 0 max_execution_time: 900 memory_limit: 256M (used: 68M | 2M) multisite: N openssl: OpenSSL 1.1.1j 16 Feb 2021 mcrypt: N LANG: ZipArchive::addFile: Y
0301.142 (1) Free space on disk containing Updraft's temporary directory: 65284.3 MB
0301.142 (1) Requesting backup semaphore lock (5e39bc7451e7)
0301.152 (1) [Debug] Lock option (updraft_lock_5e39bc7451e7, wp_options) was created in the database
0301.152 (1) [Info] Lock (updraft_lock_5e39bc7451e7, wp_options) acquired after initialising the database
0301.155 (1) Backup run: resumption=1, nonce=5e39bc7451e7, file_nonce=5e39bc7451e7 begun at=1700125109 (301s ago), job type=backup, previous check-in=172.82s
0301.156 (1) Scheduling a resumption (2) after 300 seconds (1700125710) in case this run gets aborted
0301.171 (1) Checking if we have a zip executable available
0301.173 (1) Creation of backups of directories: already finished
0301.174 (1) Saving backup status to database (elements: 10)
0301.182 (1) Resuming creation of database dump (WordPress DB)
0301.184 (1) SQL compatibility mode is: NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION
0301.220 (1) Table wp_options: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.221 (1) Table wp_users: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.221 (1) Table wp_usermeta: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.222 (1) Table wp_commentmeta: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.222 (1) Table wp_comments: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.223 (1) Table wp_links: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.223 (1) Table wp_postmeta: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.223 (1) Table wp_posts: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.223 (1) Table wp_term_relationships: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.223 (1) Table wp_term_taxonomy: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.239 (1) Error (table=wp_termmeta, type=BASE TABLE) (table_details_error): (Table 'u0410sql1.wp_termmeta' doesn't exist)
0301.240 (1) An error condition has occurred for the first time during this job
0301.240 (1) Errors occurred during backing up the table; therefore the open file will be removed
0301.240 (1) Table wp_terms: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.244 (1) Error (table=wp_e_events, type=BASE TABLE) (table_details_error): (Table 'u0410sql1.wp_e_events' doesn't exist)
0301.244 (1) Errors occurred during backing up the table; therefore the open file will be removed
0301.245 (1) Table wp_tm_taskmeta: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.245 (1) Table wp_tm_tasks: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.245 (1) Table wp_wfblockediplog: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.245 (1) Table wp_wfblocks7: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.245 (1) Table wp_wfconfig: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.245 (1) Table wp_wfcrawlers: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.246 (1) Table wp_wffilechanges: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.246 (1) Table wp_wffilemods: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.246 (1) Table wp_wfhits: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.246 (1) Table wp_wfhoover: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.247 (1) Table wp_wfissues: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.247 (1) Table wp_wfknownfilelist: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.247 (1) Table wp_wflivetraffichuman: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.247 (1) Table wp_wflocs: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.247 (1) Table wp_wflogins: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.247 (1) Table wp_wfls_2fa_secrets: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.247 (1) Table wp_wfls_role_counts: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.247 (1) Table wp_wfls_settings: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.248 (1) Table wp_wfnotifications: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.248 (1) Table wp_wfpendingissues: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.248 (1) Table wp_wfreversecache: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.248 (1) Table wp_wfsecurityevents: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.248 (1) Table wp_wfsnipcache: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.248 (1) Table wp_wfstatus: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.248 (1) Table wp_wftrafficrates: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.248 (1) Table wp_wfwaffailures: corresponding file already exists; moving on
0301.248 (1) Errors occurred whilst backing up the tables; will cease and wait for resumption
]]>We have huge backup problems, because a ransomware found us:((((
We are using the free plugin for years and now we need a database backup. But we have a huge problem. The person who installed the plugin is not working here anymore and we don’t know how we can reach our backup.
We have the files and have no database.
Thanks for your kind help in advance,
]]>WP v 6.0
All In One WP Security Version 4.4.12
See settings:
See backup files:
Please advise how I can ensure the schedule runs correctly or if there is any other information you require?
– I’ve disabled database backup and saved
– I’ve enabled database backup and saved
– an email with the database backup
– a record in the Logs > Notices table
– no email has arrived
– no entries were recorded in the log
– I’ve tried to activate the debug (ITSEC_DEBUG) and restore the ITSEC_Scheduler_Cron
– I’ve tried to create a db backup from the dashboard: it works here (email sent and log written)!
– I have other websites on the same server, with the same configurations and everything work correctly
Where could be the problem? How to solve?
]]>I set up the database backup by email, once a month.
I would like to have all websites backed up on the same day, is that possible?
]]>Since WordPress 5.2 there is a built-in feature that detects when a plugin or theme causes a fatal error on your site, and notifies you with this automated email.
In this case, WordPress caught an error with one of your plugins, All In One WP Security.
Error Details
An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 77 of the file /home/<site-folder>/public_html/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-wp-security-and-firewall/classes/wp-security-backup.php. Error message: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded
I am hosting this site in WHM/cPanel. I am the server administrator. I recently ran a security scan using WHM’s WordPress Tookit and applied the following suggestions:
Restrict access to files and directories
Configure security keys
Block directory browsing
Forbid execution of PHP scripts in the wp-includes directory
Forbid execution of PHP scripts in the wp-contents/uploads directory
Block unauthorized access to wp-config.php
Disable scripts concatenation for WordPress admin panel
Turn off pingbacks
Disab le PHP execution in cache directories
Disable file editing in WordPress Dashboard
Enable bot protection
Block access to sensitive files
Block access to potentially sensitive files
Block access to .htaccess and .htpasswd
Block author scans
Change default administratorās username
What could be going on here? Could this be the consequence of one (more more?) of the above changes?
Here are some of my specs:
WordPress version 5.8.2
Current plugin: All In One WP Security (version 4.4.9)
PHP version 7.4.23
Thanks for all help and/or advice on this.
]]>So the database username/password (in wp-config) is also not in my backups.
Do I still need to encrypt my database backup? Is there any thing a hacker can do with a database file without having the username/password?
Please find the above link with the latest downloaded log file.
Error: The backup attempt has finished, apparently unsuccessfully (Apr 02 08:25:04)
please help me how to get work database backup from the updraft plugin
Thank you for your help.