If this app was around 10 years ago, I would have been using it for every single wp ecommerce project that I would have done (that’s how impressed I am with this software).
Love it!
]]>I would like to filter the “created date” range for all the charts on my page. Is there a way to do so? I can only filter each chart individually.
]]>I’m having a hard time trying to implement the custom_search_criteria to display the gravity form field id 2 but only if the field id 42 and value 2 was selected. If I try this shortcode below, it displays the same results no matter the value I use and it doesn’t filter.
Can you help me figure out the issue?
<?php echo do_shortcode(‘[gfchartsreports gf_form_id=”1″ include=”2″ height=”400px” type=”pie” maxentries=”10000″ chart_js_options=”title: {display: false}” custom_search_criteria=”{“status”:”active”,”field_filters”:{“0”:{“key”:”42″,”value”:”2″}}}”]’); ?>
]]>https://staging.alphaprofit.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/Slide-3.png shows the content in one of the slides.
This data chart would be updated a few times each year.
For now, I have incorporated this data in MetaSlider in a simple way. I created the data chart in Microsoft Excel and uploaded it to the Media Library.
It would help if this data charts can be made more attractive and include animation effects as well.
What are some ways to achieve this using MetaSlider Pro or MetaSlider Free? Are there some data visualization tools that work particularly well with MetaSlider?
Any suggestions?
But I would like to set a time-out on 3 seconds and then the data has to reload seamless, it would be the same (excisting) .CSV file which would be requested. Is this possible with an easy AJAX request or something? Can somebody help me with this?
Thanks in advance!
Stef Dijkstra