My German husband sent me the following article. The changes described don’t seem to be implemented by Complianz, but Germany has required these changes since mid-May, 2024. (I include a translation of the article below.) Do these changes apply to my web site (), and, if so, when will Complianz be updating its plug-in accordingly?
Translation follows.
Since mid-May, the Telemedia Act (TMG) has been called the Digital Services Act (DDG). The Telecommunications Telemedia Data Protection Act (TTDSG) is now called the Telecommunications Digital Services Data Protection Act (TDDDG). Actually only editorial changes, but:
The changes affect the legal notice obligation. The laws must be correctly named in the legal notice, cookie banners and data protection information. This can be done quickly and can save a lot of trouble, because: Invalid legal bases could be used as grounds for warning letters. This could be a genuine competitor who sees an infringement of competition law in an incorrect legal notice. Unfortunately, there is also repeated abuse of warning letters. And even if this has now been curbed by law, a change such as this is a real treat for regular warning letters.
Legal basis does not have to be stated
If you have not already done so, you should make the following changes: Wherever you refer to the previous Telemedia Act, you must replace “TMG” with “DDG”. Wherever you refer to the previous TTDSG, you must replace these letters with “TDDDG”. The content of the paragraphs remains the same.
A typical example is the reference to Section 5 TMG in the legal notice. At this point, it must now read DDG instead of TMG. However, there is an even more convenient option: omit the name of the law completely. There is no obligation to mention Section 5 DDG in the legal notice. The information required under Section 5 DDG must be provided, but the law does not have to be explicitly stated. You can therefore dispense with mentioning this legal basis altogether, in which case the regulation will not cause you any trouble in future editorial adaptations.
If you haven’t already done so, act quickly!
In the data protection information, websites refer to the TTDSG and, as a rule, in particular to Section 25 TTDSG, as this concerns the processing of cookies. Website operators must now refer to the TDDDG and Section 25 TDDDG. The important thing is: don’t let any more time pass if you haven’t made the changes yet!
Thanks for your time and attention,
Installatie en Gebruiksgemak De installatie van de Cookiebot CMP plugin is een fluitje van een cent. Met slechts een paar klikken heb je de plugin ge?nstalleerd en geconfigureerd. De gebruiksvriendelijke interface leidt je stap voor stap door het proces, waardoor zelfs gebruikers zonder technische achtergrond de plugin moeiteloos kunnen instellen.
Functionaliteiten Wat ik bijzonder waardeer aan Cookiebot CMP is de uitgebreide functionaliteit die het biedt. Het zorgt voor volledige naleving van de GDPR, CCPA en andere privacywetgevingen, zonder dat dit ten koste gaat van de gebruiksvriendelijkheid. De automatische cookie-scan en -rapportage zijn buitengewoon handig, en de mogelijkheid om bezoekersgranulaire toestemming te geven, zorgt ervoor dat je website volledig transparant is over cookiegebruik.
Prijs/Kwaliteit Verhouding De abonnementskosten van Cookiebot CMP zijn zeer redelijk en bieden uitstekende waarde voor het geld. Voor een prijs die aanzienlijk lager is dan veel concurrenten, krijg je toegang tot een robuuste set functies die niet alleen de naleving van de wetgeving garandeert, maar ook bijdraagt aan een betere gebruikerservaring op je website.
Conclusie Kortom, de Cookiebot CMP by Usercentrics WordPress plugin is een must-have voor elke website-eigenaar die waarde hecht aan privacy, naleving van regelgeving en gebruiksvriendelijkheid. Het combineert een eenvoudige installatie met krachtige functionaliteiten en een aantrekkelijke prijs, waardoor het een uitstekende keuze is voor zowel kleine bedrijven als grote ondernemingen.
]]>I am building this website and it has to be strictly GDPR-conform since it is sponsored by the German state etc. I see that there is a switch in the general options “Enable GDPR compliance”. But what exactly does it do?
I worry about my YouTube-content. As far as I know there should be a banner that you have to click to opt-in to viewing the external YouTube content.
Thank you and regards!
I am really happy with lyte in the current state, it is easy to install, use and maintain. But to be compliant with german data protection laws, I need to add some consent text in the preview picture.
Currently I have added it by modifying the php files, but an additional field below the option to cache youtube Thumbnails would be great.
What did I do?
inside wp-youtube-lyte.php:
Add 2 classes to $lyte_css: (l. 581)
.consent {
text-align: center;
padding: 90px 10px 50px 10px;
.consent-text {
text-align: center;
background-color: #000000;
color: #FFF;
height: auto;
Add following part to $lytetemplate: (l.364, 370)
<div class="consent">
<p> <span class="consent-text">
This is a disclaimer.
I’ll provide a correct text as soon as I have one.
The result looks like this:
I have never contributed to a wp-plugin before, so I have no Idea about the architecture or how to contribute. But if you could add the possibility to display some text there (below the video is not enough as far as I know) it should be compliant with data protection rights.
This would be great because Lyte is the only plugin which does not force me to add an cookie banner to the website.
]]>Your plugin has saved me a lot of time! Thanks a lot! Please continue the development, as data protection will become more and more important.
Is it possible to add a token with each download link?
]]>The views tracked by Google Analytics dropped significantly since I installed Complianz.
I read some treads about this topic and eventually figured out I didn’t check all the three boxes at the end of the “statistics” step, which I understand to be required for declaring that statistics are anonymized.
Even though I followed the wizard step by step and now I’m 99% sure that everything is on point, the views tracked by GA are still a fraction of what they used to be before using Complianz.
I’m also sure that this drop is not a coincidence and isn’t and actual decrease in views, since ppc views tracked in Google Ads are the same as always as well as those tracked by other GDPR compliant tracking tools.
Aren’t IP addresses anonymized by design in GA4?
Maybe I’m doing something wrong… any idea?
Thanks in advance.