The error produced is:
Wooah! – You have the WP Remote Plugin installed, but you have entered the wrong API key!
My final solution was to drop use of the Dagon plugin and use Contact Form 7 instead. I was then able to connect to my websites from WP Remote.
I hope this helps other users of WP Remote/Dagon Design.
]]>Recently (don’t know when) I started getting two notification e-mails each time someone submitted to the form.
I reset defaults and reconstructed form, but I still get two notification e-mails.
Did this happen to other people? Where should I look if it’s not the plugin itself?
]]>I’m looking for some help in removing some code thats showing in my auto-responder emails from the WP Dagon Designs plug-in. After people fill out the form on the website, they receive an auto responder email. At the top of the email, it looks like this:
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
The top like of numbers/letters is also displayed at the bottom of the email.
It’s looks messy and unprofessional – how can I remove this??
Here is the URL to the form:
I have installed an opt in form plug in from Dagon but when I tested it on my posts the text “Name” and “Email” are barely visible and when you click in the box it turns black. You can see it at the bottom of the post here:
The java code is under “Settings” ” Add sig” and pasted into the primary signature box. Any idea why this doesn’t display properly?
]]>Everything went smoothly, and looks fine.
However i noticed one of the plugins is an old version but doesn’t appear to have an update option.
The plugin is
Secure Form Mailer Plugin For WordPress by Dagon Design
and the latest version is
How do i update without loosing all my settings?
thanks in advance
]]>I’m not really a programmer, so I hope someone out there will find this to be an easy fix, and will be able to help me out.
I’m using a modded version of the Dagon Design Import User plugin, and it seems to be working for the most part in 2.9.2. However, it is not adding the new users’ first and last names into the database.
Does anyone know how to get this to work properly?
The code is as follows:
Plugin Name: MDagon Design Import Users
Plugin URI:
Description: Import list of users into WordPress. To use, go to 'Manage -> DDImport Users'.
Author: Dagon Design
Version: 1.2
Author URI:
Contributor: Nicholas LaRacuente,
2009-01-24 - Modified by Robert McKenzie ([email protected])
Modifications to this script include the ability to specify a password as well as first and last names.
Firstname, Lastname and Password are optional but the fields must be delimited, ie:
bill|Bill|Smith|blahblah|[email protected]
jim|Jim|||[email protected]
In the case of a missing password the script will generate one as the original script did and email that
password to the new user. If the password has been specified it will also be sent to the user
$ddui_version = '1.2';
function ddiu_add_management_pages() {
if (function_exists('add_management_page')) {
add_management_page('Import Users', 'DDImportUsers', 8, __FILE__, 'ddiu_management_page');
#can specify how to parse submitted file by editing this function
function fileParseFunction($filename){
return file($filename);
#modify this function to specify how to parse text in field
#could change format or add validation
function fieldParseFunction($text){
return explode("\n", trim($text));
#specify format information to be displayed to the user
$formatinfo = '<p><strong>The data you enter MUST be in the following format:</strong><br />
username(delimiter)firstname(delimiter)lastname(delimiter)displayname(delimiter)password(delimiter)email(delimiter)role<br />
username(delimiter)firstname(delimiter)lastname(delimiter)displayname(delimiter)password(delimiter)email(delimiter)role<br />
etc...<br />
function ddiu_management_page() {
global $wpdb, $wp_roles, $formatinfo, $ddui_version;
$result = "";
if (isset($_POST['info_update'])) {
?><div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><strong><?php
echo "Processing Complete - View Results Below";
// START Processing
$the_role = (string)$_POST['ddui_role'];
$delimiter = (string)$_POST['delimiter'];
// get data from form and turn into array
$u_temp = array();
if(trim((string)$_POST["ddui_data"]) != ""){
$u_temp = array_merge($u_temp, fieldParseFunction(((string) ($_POST["ddui_data"]))));
$result .= "<p>No names entered in field.</p>";
if ($_FILES['ddui_file']['error'] != UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE){#Earlier versions of PHP may use $HTTP_POST_FILES
$file = $_FILES['ddui_file'];
$result .= '<h4 style="color: #FF0000;">Errors!</h4><p>';
switch ($file['error']){
$result .= "File of ".$file['size']."exceeds max size ".upload_max_filesize;
$result .= "File of ".$file['size']."exceeds max size ".upload_max_filesize;
$result .= "File not fully uploaded";
$result = "File ".$file['name']." was not uploaded via the form.";
else{ #should be ok to read the file now
$u_temp = array_merge($u_temp, fileParseFunction($file['tmp_name']));
} else{
$result .= "<p>No file submitted.</p>";
$u_data = array();
$i = 0;
foreach ($u_temp as $ut) {
if (trim($ut) != '') {
if (! (list($u_n, $u_f, $u_l, $u_d, $u_p, $u_e, $u_r) = @split($delimiter, $ut, 7))){
$result .= "<p>Regex ".$delimiter." not valid.</p>";
$u_n = trim($u_n);
$u_f = trim($u_f);
$u_l = trim($u_l);
$u_d = trim($u_d);
$u_p = trim($u_p);
$u_e = trim($u_e);
$u_r = trim($u_r);
//if (($u_n != '') && ($u_f != '') && ($u_l != '') && ($u_d != '') && ($u_p != '') && ($u_e != '')) {
if (($u_n != '') && ($u_e != '')) {
$u_data[$i]['username'] = $u_n;
$u_data[$i]['firstname'] = $u_f;
$u_data[$i]['lastname'] = $u_l;
$u_data[$i]['displayname'] = $u_d;
$u_data[$i]['password'] = $u_p;
$u_data[$i]['email'] = $u_e;
$u_data[$i]['role'] = $u_r;
// print_r($u_data);
// process each user
$errors = array();
$complete = 0;
foreach ($u_data as $ud) {
// check for errors
$u_errors = 0;
$user_line = '<b>' . htmlspecialchars($ud['username']) . '|' . htmlspecialchars($ud['firstname']) . '|' . htmlspecialchars($ud['lastname']) . '|' . htmlspecialchars($ud['displayname']) . '|' . htmlspecialchars($ud['password']) . '|' . htmlspecialchars($ud['email']) . '|' . htmlspecialchars($ud['role']) . '</b>';
if (!is_email($ud['email'])) {
$errors[] = 'Invalid email address: ' . $user_line;
if (!validate_username($ud['username'])) {
$errors[] = 'Invalid username: ' . $user_line;
if (username_exists($ud['username'])) {
$errors[] = 'Username already exists: ' . $user_line;
$email_exists = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT user_email FROM $wpdb->users WHERE user_email = '" . $ud['email'] . "'");
if ($email_exists) {
$errors[] = 'Email address already in use: ' . $user_line;
if ($u_errors == 0) {
// generate passwords if none were provided in the import
if ($u_p == '') {
$password = substr(md5(uniqid(microtime())), 0, 7);
} else {
$password = $ud['password'];
// create user
$user_id = wp_insert_user(array(
"user_login" => $ud['username'],
"first_name" => $ud['firstname'],
"last_name" => $ud['lastname'],
"display_name" => $ud['displayname'],
"user_pass" => $password,
"user_email" => $ud['email'])
if (!$user_id) {
$errors[] = 'System error! Could not add: ' . $user_line;
} else {
// wp_new_user_notification($user_id, $password);
// set role
if ($ud['role'] == '') {
$ruser = new WP_User($user_id);
} else {
$ud['role'] = strtolower($ud['role']);
$ruser = new WP_User($user_id);
// show result
if ($complete > 0) {
$result .= "<p>Processing complete: <b>" . $complete . " users imported!</b></p>";
$result .= "<p>Role: <b>" . $the_role . "</b></p>";
$result .= "<p>(These users will receive an email notification with their assigned password.)</p>";
if ($errors) {
$result .= '<h4 style="color: #FF0000;">Errors!</h4><ul>';
foreach ($errors as $er) {
$result .= '<li>' . $er . '</li>';
$result .= '</ul>';
// END Processing
} ?>
<div class=wrap>
<h2>Import Users v<?php echo $ddui_version; ?></h2>
<p>For information and updates, please visit:<br />
<a href=""></a></p>
if ($result != "") {
echo '<div style="border: 1px solid #000000; padding: 10px;">';
echo '<h4>Results</h4>';
echo trim($result);
echo '</div>';
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" action="<?php echo $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]; ?>" >
<input type="hidden" name="info_update" id="info_update" value="true" />
<div style="padding: 0 0 15px 12px;">
<?php print $formatinfo; ?>
<h3>User Data</h3>
May specify the (regex) delimiter between name, email and password (default "[|]").
<input type="text" name="delimiter" value="[|]" />
<br />
May type username|password|email pairs directly.<br />
<textarea name="ddui_data" cols="100" rows="12"></textarea>
<br />
May submit a file.
<input type="file" id="ddui_file" name="ddui_file" value="TestInput" />
<div style="margin: 6px 0 0 0;">
<br /><b>Role for these users:</b>
<select name="ddui_role">
if ( !isset($wp_roles) )
$wp_roles = new WP_Roles();
foreach ($wp_roles->get_names() as $role=>$roleName) {
echo '<option value="'.$role.'">'.$roleName.'</option>';
<div class="submit">
<input type="submit" name="info_update" value="<?php _e('Import Users'); ?> »" />
add_action('admin_menu', 'ddiu_add_management_pages');
It appears that, when a post is filed under more than one category, it will appear in the dropdown’s list once for each category. Has anyone else had this issue or encountered a fix?
I don’t know much about PHP or SQL, but I’m guessing there’s something amiss with this part of the code (lines 238-256 in dd-drop-down-post-list.php
$cat_sel_code = ' ';
if (!$all_cats) {
$cat_sel_code = " AND {$table_prefix}term_taxonomy.term_id = {$catID} ";
$post_list = (array)$wpdb->get_results("
FROM {$table_prefix}posts, {$table_prefix}term_relationships, {$table_prefix}term_taxonomy
WHERE {$table_prefix}posts.ID = {$table_prefix}term_relationships.object_id
AND {$table_prefix}term_relationships.term_taxonomy_id = {$table_prefix}term_taxonomy.term_taxonomy_id
AND {$table_prefix}term_taxonomy.taxonomy = 'category'
AND post_status = 'publish'
AND post_type != 'page'
]]>And it continued more than what I copied at the top.
Please tell me whhy this happened?
Note: Before I installed this plugin, I already made sitemap.xml in my public_html.
Thanks in advance.
I installed the Dagon Design Sitemap Generator on my live site and I seem to be having a permalink issue. I added the slug on the plugin’s settings page. I then updated my permalinks and got the “update” message. If I preview the page before I publish it, it displays just fine. Once I publish the page, nothing appears at the correct url. I’m not even getting my 404 page. I am getting the hosts default page not found page. I have also waited the hour my host makes you wait to update htaccess information.
Is this plugin writing anything to the htaccess file? If so, what should it be writing? Or is it writing to a different file? Just looking for a way to double check the actions that should be happening to make the sitemap permalink work.
Any input would be great!
]]>My sitemap generator plugin no longer exists in the WordPress Extend database, and has been moved back to my website. After testing it out, I have decided not to use it, and all of my plugins will remain on my website. As nice of an idea the Extend database is, there were just too many things I did not like about it.
Please let me know if you have any issues with my plugins in WP 2.7.1!
Matt @ Dagon Design