Any idea, please?
]]>I’ve been fixing spelling mistakes on the site for a few days now. And so I thought why I don’t have a plugin for that.
But the plugins have quite conflicting reviews and the mere fact that I want it for free and in Czech limits me enough.
Could you recommend one please?
Thank you
]]>I am unable to fix the issue with special characters for a foreign language, Czech, with your theme (or any other one as well). I tried installing plugins and tried to edit the files in file editor for the theme, but nothing had worked.
The theme allows me to write the foreign characters, but they are displayed very weirdly – often bolded too much or shorter in height in comparison to other non-foreign characters. The special characters consists of ě, ?, ?, ? , ?, y, á, í, é, ú, ?, ň, ě.
I really tried to figure out this issue but I simply cannot find it, not even researching on the Internet. Although, I think I fixed this issue for some part of the website by editing the CSS, and the fonts to all Open Sans and it seemed to work, but only for some of the items displayed on the webpage. Please help me!
Thank you!!!
Max. H.
]]>Though the Czech language is supported by this feature (see , here – – i cannot see list of transition words for CZ (CS) language. We try to use words/sentences like “Tak, …” or “Tím pádem, …”, but system doesn’t detect them as “transition words”. What we can do with this situation? Thanks
]]>plugin PAY by square pre WooCommerce skvěle slou?í, vytvo?í QR kódy a p?ipojuje je k email?m… ale kdy? aktivuji také WooCommerce PDF faktury & dodací listy, tak tam dochází (asi) k nějakému konfliktu a s tím objednávkovym emailem jde jen JPG s QR kódem, ale u? nikoliv ona PDF faktura.
Existuje zp?sob, jak z Woocommerce email? vypnout p?ipojování/attaching toho jpg s QR kódem jako p?ílohy (a ponechat ho jen uvnit? emailu smotného)?
]]>I would like to ask you for a simple way to remove the Deny (Dismiss) button. Yesterday I have been confirmed from our (Czech) highest authority government office that this button is NOT essential to appear on the website upon visiting the website. There is only need to be an Accept and Preferences buttons, nothing more.
This law update was brought into effect on the 1st of January 2022 in the Czech Republic.
Many thanks in advance
]]>Prvá otázka: v?imol som si, ?e v sekcii Reklamné systémy > Heuréka je mo?né oddelene aktivova? slu?bu Overené zákazníkmi aj pre CZ verziu aj pre SK verziu Heureka a zada? pre obe jazykové verzie aj samostatné kódy pre certifikát. Predpokladám, ?e ke? tu v?etko správne nastavím, tak plugin bude objednávky urobené cez CZ verziu stránky posiela? prostredníctvom API k?ú?a do a objednávky urobené cez SK verziu stránky cez druhy API k?ú? do – funguje to takto?
Druhá otázka: v sekcii XML feedy generuje plugin Produktovy feed, Dostupnostny feed a Feed kategórií. V?imol som si v?ak, ?e plugin neponúka mo?nos? (resp. som ju nena?iel) generova? oddelene jednotlivé feedy pre CZ a SK verziu stránky. V?dy ke? kliknem na “Pregenerova? XML” v SK backende, vygeneruje sa napr. jeden produktovy feed obsahujúci v?etky produkty v SK verzii stránky, a ke? kliknem na ten isty button v CZ backende, vygeneruje sa produktovy feed obsahujúci v?etky produkty v CZ verzii stránky (s CZ popismi a CZ URL, av?ak s cenami produktov v EUR) – pri?om tento CZ feed ma rovnakú URL ako SK feed a navzájom sa prepisujú. Je mo?né generova? separátne SK XML feed a CZ XML feed?
Vopred ?akujem za odpovede!