My question is how do i get access to form’s back end so i can specify what happens when the form is submitted.
My plan is to on submit, make call a my own functions. But i want to know how to get access to form code for any plugin
I am very happy with the easy interface. It is clear to understand how to use it. I like the way I can customize my contact forms. Even though it is simple, it still has everything.
I highly recommend WPForms plugin.
first I would like to thank you for your good work and all the features that you offer for free. I’m trying since days to understand the concept and the plugins for booking/reservation and tried some well known plugins in this area without practical success. And then your plugin too. And I’m so happy that I can do the job with your plugin, you can not imagine :).
The little project is the organization of a yoga class, twice a week in a room with limited space and there is a need of some simple reservation of the ‘seats’ (there is no need of online payment, the yoga students pay in advance directly in the class).
And I really can do it with your plugin :), amazing how many options you offer for free, thank you! For projects with more resources I will consider your pro version.
I have some questions for the support team:
1. where can I change the booking form (I need just Nickname and E-Mail) ?
2. when there is just one service, is it possible to skip the step for choosing the service ?
3. how can i list the names of the other students(who booked the class) in the work-flow of submitting, optimally in the booking form or at least in the notification to the student who booked the service
4. the service is offered at 2 evenings per week and each time just in a time slot. When I book all the seats, then the time slot disappears and this could confuse some students, how can I show the time slot as completely booked with no available seats anymore?
5. this maybe as a feature request, to have hover options for the buttons
6. do the wording under Translation settings get lost after updating the plugin ?
7. where do I find documentation for all the short codes in the notification to the admin and the booking student?
Again, I’m so happy to work with your plugin, you designed a highly structured and intuitive user interface for the admins.
Thank you again for all the work and all the free features for little projects with less resources!
Greetings, Marius
]]>I’m trying to customize the form of the table that is generated with the following code in SQL:
CREATE TABLE pruebaese
varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT ‘Mes’,
varchar(50) NOT NULL COMMENT ‘Clientes’,
varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ‘Sub-Cliente’,
varchar(20) NOT NULL COMMENT ‘Codigo Rodi’,
varchar(70) NOT NULL COMMENT ‘Nombre del Candidato’,
enum(‘1.- Recepcion de Informacion’,’2.- Contacto con el Candidato’,’3.- Agendada Entrevista/Visita Domiciliaria’,’4.- Realizada Entrevista/Visita Domiciliaria’,’5.- Referencias Laborales en Proceso’,’6.- Captura y Redaccion’,’7.- Entregado’,’-‘) NOT NULL COMMENT ‘Progreso Especifico’,
enum(‘En Proceso’,’Detenido’,’Cancelado’,’Terminado’,’-‘) NOT NULL COMMENT ‘Status’,
enum(‘Si’,’No’) NOT NULL COMMENT ‘Contacto con el Candidato’,
date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ‘Fecha de Cita Programada’,
time DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ‘Hora de Cita Programada’,
enum(‘Si’,’No’,’N/A’) NOT NULL COMMENT ‘Se Realizo Visita’,
enum(‘Si’,’No’,’N/A’) NOT NULL COMMENT ‘Se Obtuvieron Referencias Laborales’,
text COMMENT ‘Status Especifico’,
date DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ‘Fecha de Entrega’,
enum(‘Si’,’No’,’N/A’) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ‘Confirmacion de Entrega’,
enum(‘1 dia’,’2 dias’,’3 dias’,’4 dias’,’5 dias’,’6 dias’,’7 dias’,’8 dias’,’9 dias’,’10 dias’,’11 dias’,’12 dias’,’13 dias’,’14 dias’,’15 dias’) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ‘Tiempo de Ciclo’,
enum(‘1 dia’,’2 dias’,’3 dias’,’4 dias’,’5 dias’,’6 dias’,’7 dias’,’8 dias’,’9 dias’,’10 dias’,’11 dias’,’12 dias’,’13 dias’,’14 dias’,’15 dias’) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT ‘Dictamen ESE’,
text COMMENT ‘Link ESE’,
text COMMENT ‘Link Antidoping’,
And this is the PHP code I use to customize the form:
function custom_pruebaese_form ($elements_options, $shortcode_name, $table ){
if ( ‘Prueba ESE Formulario’ === get_post()->post_title && ‘cdbt-entry’ === $shortcode_name && ‘pruebaese’ === $table ) {
//Generar ARRAY con query
global $cdbt;
$values = [];
$valuesMonths = [];
$maxValue = [];
$subClientes = [];
//Asignamos valores para la lista de CLIENTES
$result = $cdbt->get_data( ‘clientes’, [‘idClientes’,’Cliente’,’CodigoCliente’], [], [‘idClientes’=>’ASC’], ‘ARRAY_A’ );
foreach ( $result as $_i => $_v ) {
$values[] = $_v[‘Cliente’] .’:’. $_v[‘Cliente’];
//Asignamos valores para la lista de MESES
$result = $cdbt->get_data( ‘meses’, [‘idMes’,’Mes’], [], [‘idMes’=>’ASC’], ‘ARRAY_A’ );
foreach ( $result as $_i => $_v ) {
$valuesMonths[] = $_v[‘Mes’] .’:’. $_v[‘idMes’];
//Asignamos valores para la lista de SUB-CLIENTES
$result = $cdbt->get_data( ‘subclientes’, [‘idClientes’,’SubCliente’,’CodigoSubCliente’], [], [‘SubCliente’=>’ASC’], ‘ARRAY_A’ );
foreach ( $result as $_i => $_v ) {
$subClientes[] = $_v[‘SubCliente’] .’:’. $_v[‘SubCliente’];
//Asignamos valores para el COIGO-RODI
$result = $cdbt->get_data(‘pruebaese’, [‘ID’], [], [‘ID’ => ‘ASC’], ‘ARRAY_A’);
foreach ( $result as $_i => $_v ) {
$maxValue[] = $_v[‘ID’];
echo max($maxValue);
foreach ( $elements_options as $_i => $_option ) {
//Editar campo MES
if ( ‘MES’ === $_option[‘elementName’] ) {
$elements_options[$_i][‘elementLabel’] = __(‘Mes’);
$elements_options[$_i][‘elementType’] = ‘select’;
$elements_options[$_i][‘selectableList’] = implode( ‘,’, $valuesMonths );
$_new_elements_options[0] = $elements_options[$_i];
//Editar campo CLIENTES
if ( ‘CLIENTE’ === $_option[‘elementName’] ) {
$elements_options[$_i][‘elementLabel’] = __(‘Cliente’);
$elements_options[$_i][‘elementType’] = ‘select’;
$elements_options[$_i][‘selectableList’] = implode( ‘,’, $values);
echo $_option[‘placeholder’];
$_new_elements_options[0] = $elements_options[$_i];
//Editar campo SUB-CLIENTE
if ( ‘SUB-CLIENTE’ === $_option[‘elementName’] ) {
$elements_options[$_i][‘elementLabel’] = __(‘Seleccion un Sub-Cliente’);
$elements_options[$_i][‘elementType’] = ‘select’;
$elements_options[$_i][‘selectableList’] = implode( ‘,’, $subClientes);
$_new_elements_options[0] = $elements_options[$_i];
return $elements_options;
add_filter( ‘cdbt_shortcode_custom_forms’, ‘custom_pruebaese_form’, 10, 3 );
Customize the form did not cost much, but now I want to make a function that makes a query depending on the value selected in the “CLIENTE” field, ie:
Having value is selected from the drop-down list generated before this value is recorded in the database … ie:
When the user selects a value from the list, this value can be obtained in PHP to generate another field value…
In other words, I want to have a function getCurrentValue() or getSelectedITem(), some of these, for the field “CLIENTE”
I may have the selected value from the list and PHP can manipulate not know if I explain very well, so I leave this in several ways, beforehand thanks for the help
]]>I used the code below, but it’s not working. The downloaded file is not saved in the defined folder. I’m using a customized form (page template)
I can’t send the link since I’m using the localhost only
function cfdbFilterSaveFile($formData)
// CHANGE THIS: CF7 form name you want to manipulate
$formName = 'Resume';
// CHANGE THIS: upload field name on your form
$fieldName = 'Resume';
// CHANGE THIS: directory where the file will be saved permanently
$uploaddir = '/root/htdocs/foldername/files/';
if ($formData && $formName == $formData->title && isset($formData->uploaded_files[$fieldName])) {
// make a copy of data from cf7
$formCopy = clone $formData;
// breakdown parts of uploaded file, to get basename
$path = pathinfo($formCopy->uploaded_files[$fieldName]);
// directory of the new file
$newfile = $uploaddir . $path['basename'];
// check if a file with the same name exists in the directory
if (file_exists($newfile)) {
$dupname = true;
$i = 2;
while ($dupname) {
$newpath = pathinfo($newfile);
$newfile = $uploaddir . $newpath['filename'] . '-' . $i . '.' . $newpath['extension'];
if (file_exists($newfile)) {
} else {
$dupname = false;
// make a copy of file to new directory
copy($formCopy->uploaded_files[$fieldName], $newfile);
// save the path to the copied file to the cfdb database
$formCopy->posted_data[$fieldName] = $newfile;
// delete the original file from $formCopy
return $formCopy;
return $formData;
add_filter('cfdb_form_data', 'cfdbFilterSaveFile');
]]>Name: Shelly Smith
Address: 123 Jolly Lane
But instead I get just this
Shelly Smith
123 Jolly Lane
I tried finding info on how to do that and searching the forums but failed. Any ideas?
]]>On this site: I found somewhere how to add the phone field and have it send. I’m pretty sure I modified a content file.
I now wish to do this again on another site and cannot find the file I modified. Help?