I found an issue in version that breaks plugin and theme updates when updating them manually via the “Dashboard -> Updates” page. When a plugin with version is active, other plugins are unable to update via (“Dashboard -> Updates”), although a message is shown about the supposedly successful update. See screenshot. But when checking for updates again in the Plugins section or in (“Dashboard -> Updates”) – the updates are displayed again. The permissions on all folders and files are correct.
I’ve checked this on 7 different sites and 2 different hosting, including with a clean WordPress installation (WP 6.4.3 + WP Hide only).
The problem occurs under the following conditions
– when your plugin is active
– custom address for /wp-admin/ and wp-login.php are used on the site in the settings of your plugin.
PHP 7.4.33
WordPress 6.4.3
WP Hide & Security Enhancer
When adding and editing forms, they are not saved. Every time I get a popup message about the inability to save data – see screenshot.
This problem is relevant when the admin panel has an address different from the standard one and is related only to the latest version of WPForms I.e. when using a custom address for /wp-admin/ and a custom address for wp-login.php, under these conditions WPForms cannot save forms.
I am using the “WP Hide & Security Enhancer” plugin on all client sites to improve security and also to set up custom addresses for /wp-admin/ and for wp-login.php. The problem with saving appeared after WPForms update. Before that the combination of “WP Hide & Security Enhancer” and WPForms worked fine.
PHP 7.4.33
WordPress 6.3.3
WP Hide & Security Enhancer 2.3.1
I would appreciate your response and help.
Thank you!
Can that be changed to, for example:
https://domain.com/admin/edit.php?post_type=page etc
]]>I used this plugin without any problems until today (I don’t know what happened, but I frenquently ative/desative/save settings) and now my login doesn’t work if I chane the wp-admin or admin-ajax.php paths. But before, I changed all these 3 and worked well (I could make the login without any problem!):
I really don’t know why the login (click button “Login”->redirect to same page logged in) doesn’t work if I change wp-admin or admin-ajax.php! What is causing this?
Also I tried to restore backups since last time everything was working, but didn’t solve!
]]>I am running wordpress multisite on OpenLiteSpeed and I want to change my dashboard URL from /wp-admin to /dashboard
Will this plugin do it, and are the rewrite rules be done in .htaccess for max performance? Or are they done in PHP? (slower)
Also, I’ve heard different advice about whether changing the /wp-admin URL will break some plugins. Will I have any problems, or will everything work 100% as expected?
]]>I have been looking for tutorials on how to do this and I have not found exactly what I am looking for. The wordpress codex seems to allude to how to create a custom login page but I am a little confused by it.
Can anyone help me figure this out?
Thanks in advance for your time.
]]>After installing the plugin I can access my dashboard through the custom URL, but also still through wp-admin and wp-login.php.
I did install wordpress in a subfolder, like www.mywebsite.com/study/wordpress, might that have something to do with it? It does work, at least the custom url does.
Here’s the generated .htaccess:
# BEGIN WordPress
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /studie/wordpress/
RewriteRule ^index\.php$ - [L]
RewriteRule ^administratie/?$ /study/wordpress/wp-login.php [QSA,L]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule . /studie/wordpress/index.php [L]
# END WordPress