I am developing a site but there is an issue now is that the button (go top of page) icon at the right-down corner of my site is not appearing…….when i go to any sing blog post only ther the icon in the button (go top of page) is appreading expect this…..the icon is not appreaing on any other page.
please anyone help me with this issue.
]]>You can see the folder structure here: https://roots.io/bedrock/
The uploads/ directory is symlinked to a shared directory which sits next to the web root. We use Capistrano to deploy releases and symlink to user data and config files.
For some reason, this breaks the path to images as it includes the full shared file/folder directory path rather than the image URL
Wrong URL:
Right URL:
It’s added, ‘shared/web/app’ to the URL between app/ and uploads/ for some reason. Is anyone else experiencing issues with this in their customer WordPress install?
username: [email protected]
password: 12345
Do you offer customization services or have a good referral source?
]]>I took over work on a website for someone recently after they had a custom theme built for their company. The site offers food tours. Up until recently, the site only had 3 tours, which ran perfectly. The way it worked was they would go in and add restaurants, assign each to a category and when you’d view the tour in question, the restaurant assigned would display in a div on that tour, according to the category you assigned to it. So for example, if I added a new tour called NEW YORK, then went in and added a restaurant called FAR EAST, gave that a category of INDIAN, then went back and viewed the NEW YORK page, it should be displaying.
When we try and add a new tour (or even clone an older one using the Duplicate Post plugin), the previously working tours still look great, displays everything properly, but adding anything new moving forward doesn’t pull in those categorized restaurants we added in the first step.
It’s complicated, because it’s a very messy design and I’m still trying to make heads or tails of how everything works. I’m wondering if anyone has any suggestions as to what could be causing the site to function properly with older pages, but failing when trying to add new ones.
Here is a link to a working tour. There is a “…Stops At” div where the restaurants have been giving a category and should be displayed: https://seattlefoodtours.com/tours/pike-place-market
Here is a link to a new tour we’re trying to add, where we’ve added some new restaurants, given them a new category, added a new tour…but as you can see, nothing displays in the “…Stops At” div where the previous tours display the restaurants: https://seattlefoodtours.com/tours/market-to-table-with-chef-traci-post
I know it’s impossible to tell me exactly what’s going on without seeing how the site is built from the inside…but I’m wondering if there’s anyone out there that might have some idea of where I could start. I’ve looked through all the custom pages and the functions.php file to see if there was something I needed to register before it would work, but I can’t seem to locate the culprit.
Again, apologies for the vagueness…I’m a little lost myself.
Thanks in advance.
Here’s the functions.php file as it exists…in case this tells you anything:
[ 560 lines of code moderated. That’s just too much, for many lines of code please pastebin.com instead. ]
]]>I have multiple areas for ads on my site. For example, I have 3 sidebar button ad slots. The appear as 300×250 images stacked on top of each other in the sidebar. I can put multiple ads into these 3 ad locations without issue by associating each location with a group. When they page loads, each location is filled with an ad associated with that group at random. This all works as expected.
What I would like to do is guarantee that the same ad doesn’t appear in more than 1 of the 3 locations even if it is part of all 3 groups.
If my sidebar has 3 images like this…
| G1 |
| G2 |
| G3 |
G1 = A, B, C
G2 = A, B, D
G3 = B, C, E
Where G1 is “group 1” is and A is ad “A”, I don’t want A, B, C, D or E to show up multiple times in these three locations. If A is randomly placed in the G1 location I don’t want it to be an available ad for G2 or G3.
I realize this probably isn’t a feature you are looking to add to the plugin, so I was wondering if you could point me in the right direction so that I can do it myself. I’m competent in php and sql, so where should I look in the plugin files to start something like this. Do you have any general recommendations?
any help would be greatly appreciated!
//The Query
while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
<div class="post">
<div class="content">
<div class="holder">
<div class="leftimg">
<div class="month"><?php the_time('M') ?></div><!--month-->
<div class="day"><?php the_time('d') ?></div><!--day-->
<div class="demo-show2 demo-show">
<h1><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
<p id="audioplayer_<?php the_id() ?>">Audio player replaces this text!</p>
<script type="text/javascript">
AudioPlayer.embed("audioplayer_<?php the_id() ?>", {
soundFile: "<?php $key="link"; echo get_post_meta($post->ID , $key, true); ?>",
titles: "<?php $key="title"; echo get_post_meta($post->ID , $key, true); ?>",
artists: "<?php $key="artist"; echo get_post_meta($post->ID , $key, true); ?>",
autostart: "no"
<div><?php the_content(); ?></div>
<a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" id="comment">Leave a Comment</a>
<?php endwhile;
<p id="previous"><?php posts_nav_link('','','« Previous Entries') ?></p>
]]>i have a client who wants their site to be manageable by them. I decided to use wordpress as it seemed the best way to go.
i wanted to modify wordpress inline with my initial design. this requires more than one region that needs to be editable by my client.
they need to be able to edit things like: latest news, general image or text content or add new pages using my design.
any help would be appreciated….my head is hurting!