The plugin has a fatal bug ! the customer ( not real customers they are scammers ) can add negative value ( using custom value ) then it will be act as an discount !!
At least, there should be an option in plugin setting to disable negative values.
Kind regards
]]>I have a custom code/plugin where I get the follower count for a specific social media platform. Now I want to display these numbers on the people profiles.
Is there a way to save them in some kinda of meta values?
This values will be updated once every day and not on the site refresh of a profile.
Otherwise I would save them in the wp_option table.
]]>A simplified example g:title = [Product name] + [SKU]
How would I go about this?
]]>VISUAL: I want dropdown where I want to show multiple checkbox of image with image tag(product with product id) with hierarchy.
-(Example) I have OFFICE category in which I have DINING FURNITURE and within it I have 5 product listed, I want dropdown checkbox of these 5 products
-I am not using WooCommerce
-I have created page for individual categories(as shown in website)
-I want to use image URLs from wordpress media library.
I have a PayPal button which is generated by the following s2member shortcode for recurring payments:
[s2Member-PayPal-Button level=”2″ ccaps=”” desc=”PRO Account” ps=”MyPaymentStyle” lc=”” cc=”USD” dg=”0″ ns=”1″ custom=”” ta=”0″ tp=”0″ tt=”D” ra=”19.99″ rp=”1″ rt=”Y” rr=”1″ rrt=”” rra=”1″ image=”” output=”button” /]
The error which the customer receives is:
ERROR: Unable to verify $_SERVER[“HTTP_HOST”].
Please contact Support for assistance.If you are the site owner, please check the custom value in your Button Code. It MUST start with your domain name.
I have triple checked my PayPal and s2member settings (I guess they would have to be correct anyone if it is working 80% of the time).
It’s only started happening over the last 3-4 weeks as I was alerted to it when I started receiving double payments from customers because they were thinking their payment didn’t go through (which of course it did but it just wouldn’t redirect to the registration page). Then one of my customers alerted me to the error.
My custom value is my domain without the ‘www’ and I don’t have any subdomains. My website is never on a ‘www’ scheme. It is interesting how sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. Can someone please give me some ideas as to why this is happening? I got a feeling it is something which I haven’t changed (i.e. something on PayPal’s or s2member’s side of things).
I’ve also checked my PayPal IPN history and compared the same person’s payment for when it fails and when it succeeds and they are identical (apart from the time, invoice number and things that change on a transaction basis). My single hint for why this is happening is from the s2member logs. I think s2member isn’t receiving all the variables back from PayPal in time (or at all). I’ve read this could be happening due to using other PayPal buttons not generated by s2member’s shortcode but why would that apply here?
]]>I need to solution urgently.
]]>How can I achieve this?
]]> Year of vehicle
Make/Model of vehicle
I dont want the dropdown for these fields. I want simple text field in which user can submit any value and that will submitted with order on backend. Please tell me how can i do this.
Thanks in Advance
]]>To do this I’ve created custom fields “Start Time” and “End Time” and have set up a query_posts command to retrieve the show post based on the current time being a larger value than “Start Time” and less than “End Time”.
$time = date("G:i");
$showstart = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'Start Time', true);
$showend = get_post_meta($post->ID, 'End Time', true);
{$startnext = $showstart;}
if($showstart<=$time && $time<$showend)
{$starttime = $showstart;}
if( date( 'w' ) == 0 ) {
query_posts('cat=17&posts_per_page=1&offset=0&orderby=meta_value_num&meta_value_num=$starttime&meta_key=Start Time&order=ASC');
else if( date( 'w' ) == 1 ) {
query_posts('cat=18&posts_per_page=1&offset=0&orderby=meta_value_num&meta_value_num=$starttime&meta_key=Start Time&order=ASC');
else if( date( 'w' ) == 2 ) {
query_posts('cat=12&posts_per_page=1&offset=0&orderby=meta_value_num&meta_value_num=$starttime&meta_key=Start Time&order=ASC');
else if( date( 'w' ) == 3 ) {
query_posts('cat=13&posts_per_page=1&offset=0&orderby=meta_value_num&meta_value_num=$starttime&meta_key=Start Time&order=ASC');
else if( date( 'w' ) == 4 ) {
query_posts('cat=14&posts_per_page=1&offset=0&orderby=meta_value_num&meta_value_num=$starttime&meta_key=Start Time&order=ASC');
else if( date( 'w' ) == 5 ) {
query_posts('cat=15&posts_per_page=1&offset=0&orderby=meta_value_num&meta_value_num=$starttime&meta_key=Start Time&order=ASC');
else if( date( 'w' ) == 6 ) {
query_posts('cat=16&posts_per_page=1&offset=0&orderby=met a_value_num&meta_value_num=$starttime&meta_key=Start Time&order=ASC');
However, it’s just retrieving the first show post in the order I’ve set. Any ideas how to make it work?