I have a custom Geneaology index containing a ton of PDFs which we currently have on a website that I’m converting to WordPress.
I was hopeful that this plugin had the ability to add custom fields to the file, allowing me to grab the data from the old tables and insert into the WP tables for this product. I understand the stance on this issue, however I wanted to +1 since you said you didn’t see people looking for this feature.
I’m actually curious if the developer asking the question ended up extending the functionality, because it would save me the trouble
The link goes to the thread I’m referring to.
]]>Also I found a plug that can do this with category tags, but these are tags in a CRM and it doesn’t recognize them: https://publishpress.com/permissions/
]]>Thanks for this great plugin!
I’ve got the pro version and have an issue when trying to add custom tags following your documentation:
Warning: Use of undefined constant getDataCallbackFn_place_tags – assumed ‘getDataCallbackFn_place_tags’ (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in…
I tried adding custom tags for taxonomy and ACF field but the tags are not displayed in the back-office.
I use PHP 7.4.9, (PHP >= 7.4.0 needed for my theme).
]]>I am moving from a flarum forum software to WordPress and I want to create a custom post type called “Forum” this forum should have custom tags under “forum” custom post type. where these tags should be only available to “forum posts” should not mix with WordPress tags. could you help me to achieve this
Thanks in advance
class Custom_Picture_Tag extends \Elementor\Core\DynamicTags\Tag
public function get_categories()
return [ \Elementor\Modules\DynamicTags\Module::IMAGE_CATEGORY ];
public function get_group()
return "additional-data";
public function get_title()
return "image";
public function get_name()
return "image";
protected function render()
return [
'id' => 1,
'url' => wp_get_attachment_image_src(1, 'full')[0],
I have removed the rest of my code for demonstration purpose, but the main issue is that even this simple code block doesn’t work.
The url does exist! So that should not be the issue.
in functions.php:
add_action( 'elementor/dynamic_tags/register_tags', function( $dynamic_tags ) {
\Elementor\Plugin::$instance->dynamic_tags->register_group( 'additional-data', [
'title' => 'Additional data'
] );
include_once(SP_SRCDIR . '/Tags/Custom_Picture_Tag.php');
} );
Thank you very much!