This part should return, in turn, 2%, 1.5%, 1% and .5% of the amounts specified. The equation works until 1.5% and thereafter continues to return 1.5% and not the lower % specified. The code is below. Thanks in advance for any help.
if(fieldname2 <= 250000) return (fieldname2/50);
else if(fieldname2 > 250000 <= 750000) return (fieldname2/100*1.5);
else if(fieldname2 > 750000 <= 1750000) return (fieldname2/100);
else if(fieldname2 > 1750000) return (fieldname2/200);
I am looking for a custom calculator, I searched it on the web and also here, but don’t found the right one, maybe you know what I looking for.
I plan to make a product calculator, specifically a swimmingpool pump calculator.
Firstly I would like to add some lines with input fields, and some dropdown line:
1. lenght of the pool: ………. m
2. width of the pool: ………. m
3. depht of the pool: ………. m
4. location of the pool: inside/outside
I can add in the backend the custom formula with the fields.
and at the end the result should be the right pump type(s) and maybe an optional accessories for the added swimmingpool
The result would be the thumbnails of the right products with an url in to the webshop.
I hope somebody could help to find the correct plugin for this problem. Thanks for your help!