We’re using Avada and your custom shortcode to add a dropdown language translator to our website.
In the back end, the current (active) language is highlighted, but in the front end it is not. It appears Avada is overriding your CSS rule for this effect.
The only way we could fix the above was to add the following CSS rule to your plugin’s Custom CSS box: (we added !important
to your baseline CSS rule)
a.glink.gt-current-lang {font-weight: bold!important;}
At your next convenient plugin revision, can you kindly update your code to reflect the above? It will help fix not only our issue (with Avada), but perhaps with other themes as well.
Thank you!
]]>Polylang plugin is superb. I am very happy to use it. I had setup everything and working fine on my local setup. Then I implemented on my site https://www.esimsar.com/blog/
. My default lang is “Arabic” and other one is English. Posts are switching when I click language switcher. But when I check current language it is always showing “Arabic”.
$currentlang = get_bloginfo('language');
<?php if($currentlang=="ar"): ?> dir="rtl" <?php else: ?> dir="ltr" <?php endif; ?>
This code always showing arabic only even I switch to English.
<html <?php language_attributes(); ?>>
I have tried functions pll_the_languages()
and get_locale()
. But still current language is same (arabic).
I am using this code for language swicther:
<?php pll_the_languages(array('dropdown'=>0, 'hide_current'=>0, 'hide_if_no_translation'=>1, 'show_names'=>1)); ?>
This shows both languages.
Can anyone please help me on this. Thanks in advance,
]]>I have a custom link on a template, and i want to detect “en” form of current language at homepage.
i use as php variable the $sublanguage->current_language->post_name but i get an empty echo…when i echo that.
if i add global $sublanguage; at the beginning the whole homepage crash.
Any idea?
, de
, ru
]]>Hope this will be an easy fix and I will get a quick response?
qtranxf_getLanguage() == 'fr'? $locale = 'fr': $locale = 'en';
the error message:
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_redirect() in /wp-content/plugins/qtranslate-x/qtranslate_core.php on line 81, referer: https://domain.url/fr/activites
To fix it, I changed the code in qtranslate-x/qtranslate_core.php (line80):
if (function_exists('wp_redirect')) {
header('Location: '.$target);
working perfectly after this!
]]>I would like to know how can I display currently selected language together with a flag?
I want to display current language, and a list of other available languages on hover.
I am not a php literate, any help would be appreciated.
Using <?php pll_current_language(); ?>
does not return anything.