=> Array ( [http_request_failed] => Array ( [0] => cURL error 60: SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name ‘acumbamail.com’ ) ) [error_data] => Array ( ) [additional_data:protected] => Array ( ) ) WP_Error Object ( [errors] => Array ( [http_request_failed] => Array ( [0] => cURL error 60: SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name ‘acumbamail.com’ ) ) [error_data] => Array ( ) [additional_data:protected] => Array ( ) )
It doesn’t show up when logged as a client, but it doesn’t allow me to work properly (add, delete media, for example, among other things). The problem and the message disappear when I deactive Accumbamail plugin, so I am sure it is related to this.
Do you need any more details to help me solve this issue?
Thank you very much!
]]>PreparePayment failed. Errors array: [{"ErrorCode":"CURL_ERROR","Title":"CURL Error #60","Description":"SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired","HappenedAt":"","AuthData":"","EndPoint":"","PaymentId":""}]
Ellen?riztem, de a tanusítvány nem járt le. (www.fityego.hu)
]]>Teste deine gecachete Webseite durch anklicken des Schalters “Cache testen” hier unten.
Hinweis: Wenn du Cloudflare oder einen anderen transparenten Front-End-Proxy-Dienst verwendest, kann dieser Test fehlschlagen.
L?dt https://localhost/wordpress/ um den Cache zu priorisieren: FEHLGESCHLAGEN
Fehler: : cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
L?dt die erste Kopie von https://localhost/wordpress/: FEHLGESCHLAGEN
Fehler: : cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
L?dt die zweite Kopie von https://localhost/wordpress/: FEHLGESCHLAGEN
Fehler: : cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
Die Seiten stimmen nicht überein! Die Zeitstempel sind unterschiedlich oder wurden nicht gefunden!
Hello, I am getting a curl error 60 on localhost when testing the plugin:
Teste deine gecachete Webseite durch anklicken des Schalters “Cache testen” hier unten.
Hinweis: Wenn du Cloudflare oder einen anderen transparenten Front-End-Proxy-Dienst verwendest, kann dieser Test fehlschlagen.
L?dt https://localhost/wordpress/ um den Cache zu priorisieren: FEHLGESCHLAGEN
Fehler: : cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
L?dt die erste Kopie von https://localhost/wordpress/: FEHLGESCHLAGEN
Fehler: : cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
L?dt die zweite Kopie von https://localhost/wordpress/: FEHLGESCHLAGEN
Fehler: : cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
Die Seiten stimmen nicht überein! Die Zeitstempel sind unterschiedlich oder wurden nicht gefunden!
]]>Trying to test the import by csv but get errors. I first tried a file with four products and it only imported the first one and gave an error on the other three. So I added three products to the file, and then it imported the 2nd, 4th and 6th, and gave errors on the 1st, 3rd, 5th and 7th.
The error is the same for all and looks like this:
“Error getting remote image https://website.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/Ewing_J_Spacious-1012×1024.jpg. Error: cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate”
WordPress 6.2, Woocommerce 7.5.1 with PHP 7.4
Can anyone shed any light?
]]>– – –
Scan Stage Failed?A scan stage has failed to start. This is often because the site either cannot make outbound requests or is blocked from connecting to itself. Wordfence will make up to 2 attempts to resume each failed scan stage. This scan may recover if one of these attempts is successful.?Click here for steps you can try.(opens in new tab)
– – –
I’ve had a few problems with the plugin “Failing to Start” scans on my other sites at SiteGround… but I’m generally able to get it working by adjusting a couple of parameters in the plugins options… namely this option to “Start all scans remotely”
The plugin is working correctly on all of the other sites I have on my account at the moment, it’s just this one site. Ironically it’s also the smallest site I have, just a holding page, and the same two plugins that are installed with every new site at SiteGround, (their Security and Performance plugins) which I’ve disabled, and are also running on every site I have at SG. I’ve tried all of the same changes I’ve used to get the scans started on my other sites, and I’ve gone through several of the other possibilities found on the WordFence trouble shooting page, but no luck…
It has something to do with this error, which has also been the case on several of my other sites. Although I’ve always managed to get it working eventually.
– – –
Connecting back to this site — wp_remote_post() test back to this server failed! Response was: cURL error 60: SSL: no alternative certificate subject name matches target host name ‘s3ecuador.com’
Connecting back to this site via IPv6 (not required; failure to connect may not be an issue on some sites) — wp_remote_post() test back to this server failed! Response was: cURL error 7:
– – –
Generally with a couple of easy changes …and, once you manage to get the first scan to start, the error disappears, and all future scans seem to work fine.
Anything else I can try to get this working? Thanks!
]]> Email Source:
Mailer: Gmail
cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate (see https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html)
For more details please try running an Email Test or reading the latest error event.`”
I am using Firefox and WordPress is running on Windows Server 2016
]]>La leyenda dice esto: Si tu cuenta es demo.ipzmarketing.com escriba sólo “demo”.
Pero al poner mi cuenta xxxxxx solamente como se indica arriba, al guardar aparece el nombre de la cuenta asi:
Por tal motivo da un error:
Algo salió mal: cURL error 60: SSL: ningún nombre de sujeto de certificado alternativo coincide con el nombre de host de destino ‘xxxxx.ipzmarketing.com.ipzmarketing.com’
Como se ve en el mensaje de error ipzmarketing.com aparece dos veces.
Antes de actualizar a la última versión funcionaba perfectamente.
WordPress v 5.9
Plugin MailRelay: v2.0
PHP: 8.0
]]>I am trying to setup WP mail SMTP for my wordpress theme. I am using gmail SMTP service. I am running my application on a local server using Local. After making the SMTP setup I received the successful setup completion message : ‘You have successfully linked the current site with your Google API project. Now you can start sending emails through Gmail.’. However when I am trying to send a test email, I can see the ‘Send Email’ button as disabled showing following message: ‘You cannot send an email. Mailer is not properly configured. Please check your settings.’
Below is the message displayed at the top.
Heads up! The last email your site attempted to send was unsuccessful.
Email Source:
Mailer: Gmail
cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate (see https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html)
Also in the error event following message is displayed
January 24, 2022 at 4:56 pm
Mailer: Gmail cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate (see https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/c/libcurl-errors.html)
I also tried to disable SSL verification using following script as per this github link https://gist.github.com/slaFFik/c1d7d4249f47da7195fb973109952090 but that also did not work.
add_filter('wp_mail_smtp_custom_options', function( $phpmailer ) {
$phpmailer->SMTPOptions = array(
'ssl' => array(
'verify_peer' => false,
'verify_peer_name' => false,
'allow_self_signed' => true
return $phpmailer;
} );
Can anyone of you please look into this and help me resolve this issue? I have a client demo coming up in couple of days.
]]>I am a complete beginner and yet very proud of successfully completing these steps on Windows:
1) Installing XAMPP
2) Downloading WP and moving all files to xampp\htdocs
3) Creating a MySql database for WP using MyPhpAdmin
4) Creating my first WP site on localhost!
Now, I’m getting stuck because I cannot download and install themes, let alone plugins. For each of those operations I get the error : WP HTTP Error: cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate.
Please note that I observe the same error on the dashboard in WP’s RSS news feed.
I’ve tried to follow the recommendations of this article but to no avail.
Could you please help me?
I know this stuff will help me at a later stage when I want to replicate a hosted website locally.
]]>OMGF encountered an error while fetching this site’s frontend HTML: http_request_failed – cURL error 60: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired
Not having any issues in accessing the site from a browser, I am at a loss to understand the cause of this error. Thanks for your help.