Then I read the authors profile:
Samuel Wood (Otto)
Interests: WordPress, Beer, Hacking, Homebrewing
You like homebrewed beer and hacking? A dangerous combo
]]>I have several pages that use the custom content types, but they rely on the custom templates. For some reason, I can no longer select those templates from the Quick Edit Template selector. Because of this, I had to restore my site AND my database today because I tried to update a page, but the page came up blank because it was no longer connected to the template. There is no problem with existing pages as long as I don’t make any changes – – but of course I can’t make any new pages that would require a custom template for the custom content. Help?!
I assume that this is something that happened with a recent automatic WordPress update.
]]>[summarize_posts post_type="woningtype"]
<div class="woningtype">
<div class="woningtypeinner">
<div class="woningheader" style="background: url('[+thumbnail_src+]');">
<div class="woningheadercontent">
<div class="woningtypecontent">
<a href="[+permalink+]">Meer over: [+Zorglocatie+]</a>
Huurprijs: [+Huurprijs+]
Servicekosten: [+Servicekosten+]
Woonzorgservicepakket: [+Woningzorgservicepakket+]
<strong>Totaalkosten: [+totaalpermaand+]</strong>
<div class="ButtonGreen">Informatie aanvragen</div>
Works well, but I want the client (who knows nothing about HTML) to be able to change some vars. For example, change the ordering from title to category. Or to just show items from one category, instead of everything.
This can be done manually, but it would be great if somehow an unknowing client can.
Thanks in advance!
]]>I am using CTM ( ) and created a custom content type, e.g. portfolio-items. The CTM plugin offers shortcodes to read specific fields from the content-type, so for example thumbnail, title, description and url. But of course I need some styling and responsiveness with them. Therefore I created a lot of HTML + shortcodes decorated with CSS and JS behind the screens. This is hard to edit / understand for the client who knows nothing about HTML.
So, I thought about two solutions, two being my favourite:
1. I would like to store all content (including shortcodes) in some sort of widget, that the client can simple drag and drop withing Visual Composer or the editor. In worst case scenario even just use one shortcode, instead of the large chunk of code.
2. Even better, I have two vars in the large chunck of code. The vars are shortcoded as well. For example the argument [shortcode sort-by-category] where ‘sort-by-category’ should be editable to ‘sort-by-title’ or something simular. Ideally i would like to use some sort of widget where the client simply selects the sort by that updates the HTML and places it as some sort of shortcode within the page.
I know PHP well, but I am new to WP. I of course Googled, but can’t find an answer yet.
]]>first of all thanks for the wonderfull CTM!
Sorry for the silly question but… I have no problems in creating new content types (everything works fine) but I’d like to define for each content type the visual aspect of it (background colour, frames, etc.). Is it possible to do this from CTM panel or I have to manually change the code (some css or php somewhere?).
Thank you for help in advance.