This issue is already captured here in the Twenty Seventeen forum, and a Trac ticket has been created here … although there seems to be no recent activity on either.
What is the appropriate way to solve this?
There is a CSS hack posted in the Theme forum, although I think it applies very broadly and imo should probably be narrowed to the problem browser (Safari)? Really didn’t want to edit the stylesheet of the Theme directly, so I created a child theme, but it struck me that if I go that route probably then lose all of the gains I just made with this AMAZING plugin (and thank you for all of your work on this! It really IS a lifesaver!!!). Maybe I am wrong about that?
For reference, here is the suggested CSS hack. This is on line 3790 in my editor, and the suggested hack is to comment this out.
/* With panel images 100% of the screen height, we're going to fix the background image where supported to create a parallax-like effect. */
.background-fixed .panel-image {
background-attachment: fixed;
Thanks to your plugin my site is working with Twenty Seventeen in all the ways I had hoped… except on iPad with Safari. And while I could probably live with this on deeper pages and posts, it is really unfortunate that it happens to show up on the Front Page where you are trying to make a first impression with people coming to your site.
Thoughts? Really looking for anything you can suggest.
]]>when i run Lazy Load for Comments plugin, Antispam Bee will mark all comments as spam and delete them immediately (if told so in settings). Reason is CSS Hack.
I just found this Post ( ), but my theme is using placeholder already.
When i deactivate Lazy Load for Comments, the comments aren’t marked as spam anymore.
(right now i have Lazy Load for Comments deactivated because of the conflict, but you can view my comments section here: )
I don’t know if it has something to do with the latest update, because i am using Lazy Load for Comments just for e few days now. But i also updated to Antispam Bee 2.7.1 just a few days ago.
]]>In Safari stehen die Buttons – trotz anderer Einstellung des Plugins- übereinander. In Firefox ist alles korrekt, also nebeneinander. Gibts einen Trick oder CSS-Anweisung, wie ich das auch in Safari richtig darstellen kann?
Die Seite ist
]]>New spam comment on your post “ELE Skin USA 20% Vitamin C Serum Review”
Author: Dalene Lucksinger
Type: Comment
Spam Reason: CSS Hack
Found this on MSN and I’m happy I did. Well written article.
Trash it:
Approve it:
Spam list:
Notify message by Antispam Bee
]]>ich habe ebenfalls das Problem, da? jeder Kommentar(auch meine eigenen) als CSS HACK eingestuft werden.
Ich habe nun alle Plugins deaktiviert. Und in der Version 2.6.0 Deines Plugins ist das auch dann noch so, da? alle Kommentare als Spam eingestuft wurden. Nach einem Downgrade auf Version 2.4.6 funktionierte es.
Ich habe dann nach und nach alle Plugins wieder aktiviert und jedes Mal einen Kommentar geschrieben. Bei dem Plugin “Google Analytics for WordPress” von Joost de Valk in der Version 4.3.5 ging es dann nicht mehr;) Hierbei hatte ich nicht die Standardeinstellungen des Plugins genutzt, sondern mit der dem entsprechenden Code GA manuell in den Footer eingebunden.
Ohne das Plugin “Google Analytics for WordPress” funktioniert alles mit Deinem Plugin.
Auch in der aktuellen Version 2.6
Vielleicht hilft das anderen und auch Dir den Fehler zu finden, warum das mit dem Google Analytics Plugin Probleme bereitet.
Zu weiteren Details, die Du eventuell wissen müsstest, kannst Du mir gerne mailen: [email protected]
Gru? Harry
]]>[05-Dec-2012 08:32:30] PHP Warning: in_array() [<a href=''></a>]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /home/mydb/public_html/mysite/wp-content/plugins/antispam-bee/antispam_bee.php on line 1768
On the antispam_bee .php file we find the last line on this code:
private static function _handle_spam_request($comment, $reason, $is_ping = false)
/* Optionen */
$options = self::get_options();
/* Einstellungen */
$spam_remove = !$options['flag_spam'];
$spam_notice = !$options['no_notice'];
/* Filter-Einstellungen */
$ignore_filter = $options['ignore_filter'];
$ignore_type = $options['ignore_type'];
$ignore_reason = in_array($reason, $options['ignore_reasons']);
The plugin seems to still work fine -caught 395 two days ago, 420 yesterday and 255 so far css-hacks today.!!!
Does anyone else have this warning as well?
I also have W3 Total Cache activated. Could there be a conflict?
PS: By the way. Any specific reason why the whole plugin turned into German? Just wondering…
Or what is the hack or css I can do to make sure the div floats below my sidebar instead of sliding over my sidebar?
P.S. it is a responsive wordpress theme that I am using
]]>I have none of the incompatible plugins installed, but some others. Are there more plugins which could interfere? Theme is a twentyeleven based theme.
I’m happy to give more information, but for the moment, I have to turn the plugin off.
]]>My bad if I should have posted this to Plugins, but it’s a ‘how to’ question so I’m putting it here.
I have set up my nextgen galleries to display to display a single thumb, before the browser popup gets loaded.
I have also floated the thumbs to the right of the right of the page and wrapped text round the left side.
I did all this using hacks to nggallery.css and I’m happy with how it all performs.
Now I want to edit the css so that the phrase “click thumb to browse gallery” appears under each of the thumbs on the above page, and will also appear on further galleries that I plan to add as time goes by.
Can anyone help me figure how to do this?
Have searched for solutions but nothing came up (yet).