I’ve been thinking of performance of the plugin when this is outputting on the front-end pages.
Can you tell me following performance features available in this plugin?
1) Well optimized and minified code output?
2) Only load CSS wherever I used the “Qubely” blocks. Otherwise, it should not load.
3) Option to “generate” or “regenerate CSS Cache
This happens in both FF and Chrome, and it makes no difference whether I am logged into the WP site or not.
It makes no difference whether I refresh by clicking the refresh button, whether I put my cursor at the end of the location bar and hit return, or whether I use CTRL+F5. All of these methods reload the page, of course, but I have to reload 4-10 times, every time, before the browser reflects CSS changes.
This is almost certainly a WP issue, or in any case an issue specific to this project, as it’s not happening at all with my other non-WP projects.
Please do not suggest clearing my browser cache. This is a workflow issue. I am not going to clear the browser cache every time I want to view a small CSS change.
Active plugins:
Advanced Custom Fields
Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order
Post Thumbnail Editor
Regenerate Thumbnails
Rich Text Tags, Categories and Taxonomies
WordPress Importer
WordPress SEO
PS – It’s somehow specific to the theme. It’s not happening if I change the theme. Hmmm.
]]>I hope you can help me, although I am not technically a customer.
I installed/activated the Mega Max Menu plugin last night to try it out, glanced at the settings, and deactivated it. I made no other change to the site until I noticed that hover effects throughout the site had been affected:
– On hover, theme’s standard menu bar (starting with “About”) no longer reveals drop-down menus
– On hover, the title cards (starting with “Broken Creek”) no longer reveal formatted div (typically a black background with text)–instead, hover shows the contents as a simple alt tag.
What I’ve tried:
– Reactivating Mega Max Menu, choosing “no CSS output”, refreshing cache/deleting data via the Mega Max Menu tools; deactivating and uninstalling the menu.
– Purging all caches via WP3 Cache plugin, including the entire CDN (MaxCDN)
– Altering the cache timeouts (to further force purges)
– Re-uploading my local site files
– Ctrl+Refresh many times
The site is behind a countdown right now, so to view it you will need to log in at sub-q.com/wp-admin (I think this will give you the viewing permission you need.)
Site: www.sub-q.com
Guest username: Test Guest
Guest password: Sp0t0fTr0uble
I’m using a custom child theme of the paid version of Dessign’s Grid Theme Responsive.
I look forward to your reply. I am Googling hard, and I’m unable to continue my tasks until I figure out how to restore these hover effects.
A thousand thanks,
V. Hoke
]]>There is a GET-Parameter, which would clear the cache (‘clearcsscache’), but this is not possible because the code (function generate_form inside o_tld.php) is simply not working and brings up an error message, if you try to append the param to the URL. Is this the reason maybe that there isn’t even a link provided to clear the cache?
I made a little change in that code, so calling the magic URL: https://example.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=cleaner-press-options-settings&clearcsscache=true clears the cache for me now:
$files = glob( WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/arevico-css-cache/*.css' );
and inserted a link to that magic URL.
BTW: 2 links (to support and faq) of the page https://example.com/wp-admin/admin.php?page=cleaner-press are broken.
Would be nice, if you could fix this issue in your next release.
The best!
]]>I’ve tried almost everything mentioned here (except the database/PHP parts because I don’t think they’re related):
But nothing worked.
I finally decided to change the name of the CSS file my index.php calls, and renamed the CSS file as well, and the change was displayed. But if I edit the CSS file again, it will still show the old one and I have to repeat the process and pick a different name.
What could be wrong here?