This particular section of your Clear Cache via URL documentation may need clarification and/or a warning added to it.
Implementing the Cron Job as you indicated in your documentation forces your plugin to purge a site’s entire cache every two minutes. Not a good thing.
Thank you!
]]>I would like to check if I need to enable wp-cron in order for “lifetime of cache objects” and “Garbage collection interval” to work?
or it will work without the wp-cron enabled?
plus, is there a way to check if above 2 metioned jobs have run or not?
Please advise me on this.
Thank you
]]>seit einem Jahr l?uft WP Activity Log mit und jetzt sehe ich, dass immer wieder exakt um 2 Uhr nachts einzelne Kundenkonten gel?scht wurden (mit der ID 4007 bei WP Activity Log), ohne, dass es dafür einen Grund gab. Weder ich noch der Kunde wollten das.
Zwei Cronjobs laufen um diese Uhrzeit:
Was passiert da und wie bekomme ich das weg?
]]>I imported the products, now I need to update via CSV, but I ask you if this addon can be configured as a cronjob or scheduled periodic update
]]>I ran into a problem regarding WP-Eventmanager, RSVP Dates and SQL:
The problem i’m tring to fix: sometimes we copy events and forget to manually change the RSVP date, which then leads to future events not beeing bookable since the RSVP date is – accidentally – set in the past.
The solution I came up with: run a Cronjob with an SQL command, that automatically sets all RSVP Dates = Event Start dates in the database.
So far, so good. The Cronjob works and sets the date in the database accordingly.
HOWEVER, here’s the problem:
even though in the database i set “event_rsvp_date=
event_start_date”, the event is still not bookable. If I open the event in the wordpress backend, the input form still shows the “old” rsvp date.
Today is 15th of november. I have an event, start date is 30th of november. The rsvp date is set to 1st of november, therefore I cant book the event.
I run the Cronjob, in the database the rspv set is set to 30th of november (rsvp date = event start date, I confirm via MySQL). The event though is still not bookable. If I open the event in the WP Backend, the input field for rsvp date still shows “november 1st”.
What’s going on here? Is there something I’m missing? Or am I on the wrong track and there is a more elegant approach?
Any help would be appreciated Thanks!
I created a new topic as you told me to do.
I’m not using Jetpack and there is a cron job that I can’t delete.
It’s the same problem as Valmy in his topic ( I’m using WP Control and I can’t delete these crons because they keep re-appeared.
I also installed your plugin (according to your message to Valmy) :? it’s also not working…
I also open the ticket with the link your colleague sent: I also included the link of this thread.
Thank you