I don’t quite know if there’s any way to show the answers to the students after they have completed a quiz. Right now they just get a score but they can’t see the questions they got right or wrong.
Is there a way to do this? Is it on the pro plugin? I’m on the free version now.
Thank you and sorry if the question might be dumb, I haven’t seen anyone else ask a similar question.
]]>I would love the ability for the search results to provide suggestions if you spell the search wrong.
If you use the link provided and search for somputer instead of computer for example. Can it say, “did you mean computer” or some variation of that.
UPDATE: I did find the setting under Results Behavior. There is a setting that uses Did you mean: However, it doesn’t seem to be working. I’ve tried several misspelled searches that aren’t that far off from the search term but it’s not suggesting anything.
]]>On the tutorial page, Section 6 ‘Finished Form‘.
After the two code samples, the sentence:
“Paste the text above, turn of Text mode, and you should…”
Should read:
“Paste the text above, turn OFF Text mode, and you should…”
Thanks for a great plugin
first of all thanks a lot for this wonderful form builder.
Today I build very complex form. After finshing I began testing and processing stopped after submitting the form. After completely rebuilding the form and lots of headache, I found the problem.
I added some html areas and pasted text from word there. In the background I copied lot’s of MS-css which broke the form.
I would really love to get a function in the html area to paste as text or better ever paste as text.
I think this is confusing because the native wordpress editor handles this very good.
Best wishes and thanks a lot again.
]]>Instead, Can the Client have 3 buttons:
1. Approve
2. Revise
3. Decline
The 2nd option “revise” will give a simple text field and optional upload file field where the customer can ask to change certain criteria before approving.
]]>To begin with I sent an email through your website.
When I had no reply to that I tried faceBook Messenger
This is my third, and final attempt.
Unless I hear from you by the end of this week I will contact WordPress to flag this disreputable conduct as a possible SCAM.
Most disappointing!
]]>First of all, I would like to thanks all of pods team who have made this awesome plugin for WordPress.
I have a request for some changes or actually correction on the symbol used for the Malaysian Ringgit.
The current symbol for the currency Malaysian Ringgit used, which is “MR” are not accurate. The correct symbol for this currency is “RM”. The symbol RM is officially used in Malaysia and other parts of the world.
Alternatively, MYR can also be used. But “MR” is really odd and I’ve never found it used elsewhere.
Hope you guys can change this.
Thanks! Keep up the good work!
]]>For several months I realize that I post a new post on my site and it does not appear in google, times have passed and I still continue with the indexing problem. New posts taking more than 5 days to appear on google, that’s when I went to investigate because something is wrong.
I investigated and realized that the delay in the indexing of my site is an error of the Yoast Plugin that is with its Sitemap Ping code outdated, I came here to report for the correction to be made since this affects millions of users.
The error is in the following path:
Part of the code is below >>
// Ping Google and Bing.
wp_remote_get( ‘https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/ping?sitemap=’ . $url, array( ‘blocking’ => false ) );
wp_remote_get( ‘https://www.bing.com/ping?sitemap=’ . $url, array( ‘blocking’ => false ) );
# Code that is currently active in Yoast Sitemap and which no longer works for a long time, needs urgent update
Now follows the updated code with the current and correct ping URL currently in use by Google and Bing Search
// Ping Google and Bing.
wp_remote_get( ‘https://www.google.com/webmasters/sitemaps/ping?sitemap=’ . $url, array( ‘blocking’ => false ) );
wp_remote_get( ‘https://www.bing.com/webmaster/ping.aspx?siteMap=’ . $url, array( ‘blocking’ => false ) );
# Code in working, which urgently needs to be updated in the Yoast Plugin
Yes, the code I just sent updated only updates the Ping URL of the search engines and nothing else, as simple as that
Okay, I did my part reporting the outdated ping url of the two search engines (Google, Bing), I hope the update is done and not ignored, since this happened several months ago and I did tests, I investigated before reaching any conclusion. I believe that with the update several million users using their Plugin Yoast will feel the difference quickly.
It is worth remembering that the updated code that needs to be exchanged in Yoast has already been sent along with this message
Thanks, anything can talk to me
Rodrigo Vieira Santana Souza (Brazil)