I’ve just learned that there is a SurveyJS plugin for WordPress that can store the results in database. Is it possible for the SurveyJS form in the Cordova app send results through REST API to the WordPress database?
]]>Any good and updated web to app development platform except Apache Cordova
any help and suggestions would be really appreciated.
]]>Coming to my question, can I use any cordova plugin available in the cordova library FREE OF CHARGE or I would have to buy some sort of add-on for any cordova plugin I want to use ?
Thank you.
]]>This questions has been asked by someone but not really solved.
I have created a native Android app with the content of the mobile version of the website bistro-proseven.de using Cordova. The app is working fine on my device and receiving push notifications via OneSignal.
My problem is that when I post a new blogpost and the app receives a push notification, when I click the notification the browser opens the post. But I want the app to open the post.
I found out that I have to unset the URL parameter and add a new key. So I pasted this code on my websites header file:
function onesignal_send_notification_filter($fields, $new_status, $old_status, $post)
$fields['isAndroid'] = true;
$fields['isIos'] = true;
$fields['isAnyWeb'] = false;
$fields['isChrome'] = false;
$fields['data'] = array(
"myappurl" => $fields['url']
/* Unset the URL to prevent opening the browser when the notification is clicked */
return $fields;
This code is from OneSignal Team and has been posted somewhere else when someone had a similar problem. So what the code does is saying that URL will be unset and myappurl will be the new additional data key.
My quesion is: How can I tell my app now to read the myappurl key and open the blogpost in my app instead of opening in the browser?
Thank you in advance!
]]>I’m building phonegap app and I’m done almost everything but I can’t figure out how to upload media. dphiffer or somebody, could you please explain me on an example how to do it?
]]>It was working, then has just stopped working. No new plugins or updates that I am aware of to the core.
So far I have switched from get to post and vice versa. I tried standard jquery ajax call and the xhr method as shown below, but I am having no luck.
Probably a stupid error, but I am not finding it.
function login()
$creds['user_login'] = $_GET["username"];
$creds['user_password'] = $_GET["password"];
$return = array(); //What we send back
if( !empty($_GET["username"]) && !empty($_GET["password"]) && trim($_GET["username"]) != '' && trim($_GET["password"] != '') ){
$credentials = array('user_login' => $_GET["username"], 'user_password'=> $_GET["password"], 'remember' => 'true');
$loginResult = wp_signon($credentials);
$user_role = 'null';
if ( strtolower(get_class($loginResult)) == 'wp_user' ) {
//User login successful
$current_user = $loginResult;
/* @var $loginResult WP_User */
$return['result'] = true;
$creds = array();
$auth_resp = "TRUE";
$creds_id = $current_user->id;
$img_url_temp = $current_user->id;
$creds_login = $current_user->user_login;
$creds_pass = 'correct';
$creds_email = $current_user->user_email;
$creds_role = $current_user->user_level;
$creds_fname = $current_user->user_firstname;
$creds_lname = $current_user->user_lastname;
$creds_dispname = $current_user->display_name;
$creds_imgurl = get_av_url($creds_id);
$creds_coverurl = get_cover_url($creds_id);
$creds_array = array($auth_resp,$creds_id,$current_user->user_login,$creds_pass,$creds_email,$creds_role,$creds_fname,$creds_lname,$creds_dispname,$creds_imgurl,$creds_coverurl);
array_push($creds, $creds_array);
header("Content-Type: application/json");
echo json_encode($creds);
} elseif ( strtolower(get_class($loginResult)) == 'wp_error' ) {
//User login failed
/* @var WP_Error $loginResult */
$return['result'] = false;
echo $loginResult->get_error_message();
} else {
//Undefined Error
$return['result'] = false;
echo 'An undefined error has ocurred';
$return['result'] = false;
echo 'Please supply your username and password.';
$return['action'] = 'login';
//Return the result array with errors etc.
//echo json_decode($return);
add_action("wp_ajax_login", "login");
add_action("wp_ajax_nopriv_login", "login");
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("get", ajaxurl + "?action=login&username=" + encodeURIComponent(usernameF) + "&password=" + encodeURIComponent(passwordF));
xhr.onload = function(){
var creds = [];
var user_info_storage = "";
var log = "";
var id = "";
var login_array = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
var creds_login = "";
var creds_pass = "";
var creds_email = "";
var creds_role = "";
var creds_fname = "";
var creds_lname = "";
var creds_dispname = "";
var creds_imgurl = "";
var creds_coverurl = "";
for(var count = 0; count < login_array.length; count++)
log = login_array[count][0];
id = login_array[count][1];
creds_login = login_array[count][2];
creds_pass = login_array[count][3];
creds_email = login_array[count][4];
creds_role = login_array[count][5];
creds_fname = login_array[count][6];
creds_lname = login_array[count][7];
creds_dispname = login_array[count][8];
creds_imgurl = login_array[count][9];
creds_coverurl = login_array[count][10];
if(log == "FALSE")
// alert("Wrong Username and Password", null, "Wrong Creds", "Try Again");
title: 'Login Error',
subtitle: '',
message: 'Wrong login or password',
media: '<i class="trekicons trek-trekfind"></i>'
$('#login_loader').css('display', 'none');
$('#login_form').fadeTo('fast', 1, function () {
// Animation complete.
else if(log == "TRUE")
if(id == 0){
//alert("Incorrect feedback");
window.setTimeout(login, 1000);
} else {
window.localStorage.setItem("user.info", JSON.stringify([creds]));
$('#login_loader').css('display', 'none');
//$('#login_form').fadeTo('fast', 1, function () {
// Animation complete.
]]>the simple code is
function readSinglePost(target_div){
url: 'https://www.example.com/?json=get_post&callback=show_posts_widget&p=1&dev=1',
type: 'GET',
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(data) {
error: function(){
$('#response').text('There was an error loading the data.');
alert('There was an error loading the data');
[Please post code & markup between backticks or use the code button. Your posted code may now have been permanently damaged by the forum’s parser.]
but in Eclipse error console i got always
E/Web Console(2262): Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < at https://www.example.com/?json=get_post&callback=show_posts_widget&p=1&dev=1&callback=jQuery1720431144411675632_1374493900865&_=1374493901342:1
i don’t know why the second “callback” parameter was appended