Part of code
/* Contact Forms 7 form with no submit button */
<? echo apply_shortcodes( '[contact-form-7 id="5c87d32" html_id="customizerForm" title="Form"]' ); ?>
/* Here there are some code of another content who separate form fields of submit button. For this i need a separated submit */
/* Steps buttons*/
<div class="button-layer">
<a class="style-button" onclick="saveAndSubmit('customizerForm','saveState','1');">
<span class="">
<span class=""><? echo __('Back','wordpress');?>
<div class="button-layer">
<a class="style-button" id="continue" onclick="document.getElementById('customizerForm').submit();">
<span class="">
<span class=""><? echo __('Continue','wordpress');?>
I apreciate some help.
Thank you.
I found your plugin as an excellent alternative for Contact Form 7 not displaying a datepicker on Safari for a couple of years now. We are desperate in finding a pro-solution therefore. I succeeded implementing your very well-designed and versatile contact form in every aspect. Though, how can we change the first day of the week from Sunday to Monday, as I live in Europe?
My settings of WordPress are set to: Week starts on Monday. Translation of the datepicker is fine. First letter of days are ok. Days, months are translated to Dutch and ok! Perfect. But my clients become bonkers when their week start on Sundays and not Mondays. Can you help me in finding a way to customise this aspect of your perfect solution to our needs?
According to international standard ISO 8601, Monday is the first day of the week. It is followed by Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Sunday is the 7th and last day of the week.
Although this is the international standard, several countries, including the United States and Canada, consider Sunday as the start of the week. Sometimes we would like that too.
Creative Regards,
Any help will be really appreciate.
Thank you.
For a company we use this plugin. However, we have the following problem:
When the contact forms are filled in and sent via the website, the customer ends up in the spam box (in a few cases the mail does not arrive at all). We’ve already reinstalled the plugin once, but this doesn’t solve the problem.
This problem is only with the e-mails that go to the company. Customers receive the mail, to our knowledge, in the correct mailbox (inbox)
Does anyone know what we are doing wrong and how this can be solved?
]]>Neither will send an email? Contact Form 7 just keeps having spinning arrows, and dosnt check if all fields are fielded out, just spinning the arrows.
The wordpress installation is set up to send via smtp, with the wp-mail-smtp plugin, but it can send mail as the test mail arrive, but not my contact forms, regardless of which plugin I use.
]]>I’ve been working on changing some of the styles for the Easy Mailchimp form and I have come across 2 things I can’t seem to fix if you could help me it would be awesome:
For your information I am using a theme called Ibuki.
1. the checkboxes for the Groups – 2 issues here:
1. I can’t seem to get rid of the padding / or margin that is on the left hand side so it is sitting a little in from the heading, i would like the left side to align to the rest of the form & headings.
2. There is also no space between the check box the the Group title – i would like a small space there.
this is the code I have tried so far:
.yks_mc_interest_group_label {
margin: 0px 5px 0px -2px;
padding: 0px 2px 2px -2px;
font-size: 18px;
font-weight: 300;
text-transform: Initial;
line-height: 30px;
color: #507288;
.yikes_mc_interest_group_checkbox {
line-height: 30px;
margin: 4px 0px 0px -2px;
padding: 2px 5px 2px -2px;
float: left;
2. In my form enter fields, there seems to be a shadow on the input box and I can’t get rid of it. I would like there to be just a simple single line around each input box.
This is the css I have for this so far:
.yks-mailchimpFormDivRowField {
margin: 0;
margin-bottom: 20px;
padding: 10px;
height: auto;
border: 1px solid #507288;
background: #FFFFFF;
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
-webkit-box-shadow: none;
box-shadow: none;
resize: none;
width: 80%;
.yks-mailchimpFormDivRowField input {
outline: 0px none;
box-shadow: none !important;
color: #FFFFFF;
border-color: #FFFFFF;
Thanks so much in advance.
]]>I’ve noticed that contact form 7 is not working correctly when using Google Analytics goal tracking code (adding code below in additional settings field).
The problem is that email is sent, but there isn’t any message displayed to user, about message being sent successfully. So users keep on sending same messages all over again, as they think message wasn’t sent out.
Is this error and can I do something to fix this?
on_sent_ok: “pageTracker._trackPageview(‘/contact/sent’);”
Kind regards
Murtaza Frosh