If you are looking for support, please submit a ticket by filling out our contact form [here]. For user-to-user discussions, join our active Facebook community [here].
Please note, we do not monitor this forum for support-related questions.
]]>I have the DevTools log from Edge, but I’m not sure how I can include that here.
]]>In the end, I manually removed the plugin by deleting the directories on the server, then dropping the wp_wf* tables in the database. Now, when I go to set up wordfence, the following error occurs when pasting in the license key (or using the automatic link in the email):
Error Installing License
An error occurred while installing your license key.
Please try again. If the problem persists, please?contact Wordfence Support
I have no idea where to go from here!
]]>When trying to download new reviews I get the following message: Error with wp_remote_post, error message:
cURL error 28: Operation timed out after 20001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
This is really disappointing for the user experience and goes against you the developers.
Could you please indicate the best way to contact you in order to get the new features?
Once this is solved I will gladly change my review and add 5 stars
I recently created GoURL account for my woocommerce site (https://d-pharmacy.com) and it was successfully configured. I started getting Bitcoin payments but my account was suspended without any prior notice or warning. No notification was sent at all.
I already had some outstanding balance in my payment box before suspension and received another transaction on my internal wallet after account was suspended.
Why i received BTC payment on suspended account you may ask? It is because i did not even know my account was suspended, i have checked all my emails including spam but no notification was sent to me about suspension from GOURL. So a client sent payment via woocommerce plugin just like regular process, but after his payment was sent, he received some error message and contacted me to inquire. So when i tried to check the transaction, i saw on login screen that my account is suspended.
For now, i need all my outstanding balance (including the recent payment which was made after account suspended) to be withdrawn to my external wallet immediately. Please release the funds to the external wallet at your earliest priority.
The reason i am opening the ticket here is that i can’t find a way to contact GOURL customer support as only way to contact support is by logging in to gourl.io website and submit contact form but suspended accounts can’t even login to website.
Looking forward to your quick response.
Thank you!
]]>I saw no immediate way to contact for support.
I will NOT be adding this plugin back to the site.
]]>My question is I recently purchased a bundle with the storefront product hero shortcode plugin. On the documentation it states that the product price can be toggled on/off however there is no documentation to show the arguments or example..
I have tried the following to no avail..
None of these seem to work to disable the price in the product hero shortcode in the sidebar.
Here’s the documentation link I located:
Please elaborate?
Also, I understand that Woocommerce probably receive a lot of ‘junk’ support requests from free users which need to be controlled Im sure although maybe consider allowing buyers to contact you for support for such matters.
Maybe request an order number to separate the paid users from free users.
I will go ahead and use CSS to hide the price although this isn’t a good show for a paid premium product from woocommerce.