This plugin does not support Country & Phone Fields in the woo-commerce products inquiry form.
I use 2 Contact Form7 , 1 french, 1 english.
Torque allow me only to put the default one (French in that case). I don’t see, and can’t select, the second contact Form in the list inside Torque contact form7 settings.
Thanks for your help
I am trying to use a CF7 form field to read data from an external API and then use that data to populate some other fields on the same form.
Is it possible to do this using this plugin?
]]>He desinstalado el plugins y vuelto a instalar y configurar pero no nos llegan los adjuntos.
<font style=”vertical-align: inherit;”><font style=”vertical-align: inherit;”>Necesitamos ayuda. gracias</font></font>
]]>This condition works for only phonenumber and email inputs. Why not for every field?
I have wrote code for it but not working
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
$('.wpcf7-text, .wpcf7-textarea').on('blur', function() {
var fieldValue = $(this).val().trim();
if (fieldValue === '') {
$(this).siblings('.wpcf7-not-valid-tip').html('This field is required').show();
} else {
Please help