I’m not sure what transpired and it was a little confusing but I copied one of the galleries in an attempt to duplicate it, which seemed normal, I was able to make the edits etc, I copied shortcode to add it to the page referenced, where there were 2 galleries already, so this was the third. Once I added and previewed the page, I noticed all 3 galleries were gone and when checking the console I see a few Uncaught SyntaxErrors, saying invalid or unexpected tokens at:position-xyz. When I follow the error, it takes me to the js for the plugin, so I’m sure what’s wrong. I deleted the plugin & the 2 database tables, reinstalled, and i’m still getting the same issue. How can I rectify this?
]]>Third-party cookie will be blocked in future Chrome versions as part of Privacy Sandbox.
Google Maps JavaScript API has been loaded directly without loading=async. This can result in suboptimal performance. For best-practice loading patterns please see https://goo.gle/js-api-loading
bda @ js?language=en®ion=us&key=AIzaSyAPY79kDChJh5UTISQ-yWrj1wR_h7B914M&libraries=places&v=quarterly&callback=wpslCallback:613
(anonymous) @ js?language=en®ion=us&key=AIzaSyAPY79kDChJh5UTISQ-yWrj1wR_h7B914M&libraries=places&v=quarterly&callback=wpslCallback:14
(anonymous) @ js?language=en®ion=us&key=AIzaSyAPY79kDChJh5UTISQ-yWrj1wR_h7B914M&libraries=places&v=quarterly&callback=wpslCallback:815
(anonymous) @ js?language=en®ion=us&key=AIzaSyAPY79kDChJh5UTISQ-yWrj1wR_h7B914M&libraries=places&v=quarterly&callback=wpslCallback:815
As of February 21st, 2024, google.maps.Marker is deprecated. Please use google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement instead. At this time, google.maps.Marker is not scheduled to be discontinued, but google.maps.marker.AdvancedMarkerElement is recommended over google.maps.Marker. While google.maps.Marker will continue to receive bug fixes for any major regressions, existing bugs in google.maps.Marker will not be addressed. At least 12 months notice will be given before support is discontinued. Please see https://developers.google.com/maps/deprecations for additional details and https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/advanced-markers/migration for the migration guide.
(anonymous) @ js?language=en®ion=us&key=AIzaSyAPY79kDChJh5UTISQ-yWrj1wR_h7B914M&libraries=places&v=quarterly&callback=wpslCallback:552
A @ wpsl-gmap.min.js?ver=2.2.241:1
E @ wpsl-gmap.min.js?ver=2.2.241:1
(anonymous) @ wpsl-gmap.min.js?ver=2.2.241:1
VM421 61874373745971:1
I am getting these errors in the console, and when I disable the site kit plugin the errors go away.
When activated, I also get errors in the front end, where elements are missing and spaces between certain elements become larger.
No warnings or errors in Site Health, and Site Kit dashboard looks normal.
Using Version 1.127.0, and everything is updated on the site.
I have disabled the plugin until I find a solution.
Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
at Array.concat ()
at document.createElement (script.js:1:93043)
at document.createElement (script.js:1:93024)
at document.createElement (script.js:1:93024)
at document.createElement (script.js:1:93024)
at document.createElement (script.js:1:93024)
at document.createElement (script.js:1:93024)
at document.createElement (script.js:1:93024)
at document.createElement (script.js:1:93024)
at document.createElement (script.js:1:93024)
Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
at document.createElement (script.js:1:92906)
at document.createElement (script.js:1:93024)
at document.createElement (script.js:1:93024)
at document.createElement (script.js:1:93024)
at document.createElement (script.js:1:93024)
at document.createElement (script.js:1:93024)
at document.createElement (script.js:1:93024)
at document.createElement (script.js:1:93024)
at document.createElement (script.js:1:93024)
at document.createElement (script.js:1:93024)
Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
at Array.concat ()
at document.createElement (script.js:1:93043)
at document.createElement (script.js:1:93024)
at document.createElement (script.js:1:93024)
at document.createElement (script.js:1:93024)
at document.createElement (script.js:1:93024)
at document.createElement (script.js:1:93024)
at document.createElement (script.js:1:93024)
at document.createElement (script.js:1:93024)
at document.createElement (script.js:1:93024)
TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'activeLaw')
at O (banner.js:1:72221)
at T (banner.js:1:74280)
at banner.js:1:94322
at f (banner.js:1:61063)
at Generator._invoke (banner.js:1:60851)
at Generator.next (banner.js:1:61492)
at o (banner.js:1:68009)
at a (banner.js:1:68212)
Third-party cookie will be blocked. Learn more in the Issues tab.
]]>I was having the same issue (read link above) at my host FlyWheel and eventually the support team there (which is awesome) helped me to sort out. Their hosting architecture has the core WordPress files in a location outside of the normal “root” so when s2Member was trying to call them the way you would anywhere else, the core files weren’t found. To complicate matters, the result was a returned 404 type error rather than a JS or CSS file, so the console would show ‘MIME TYPE MISMATCH’ errors.. which were a total red herring:
//console log with slight edits
The resource from “https://www.somewebsite.com/wp-content/plugins/s2member/s2member-o.php?ws_plugin__s2member_css=1&qcABC=1&ver=240325-42710353” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/plain”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff). my-account
The resource from “https://www.somewebsite.com/wp-content/plugins/s2member/s2member-o.php?ws_plugin__s2member_js_w_globals=13983e4d05a5657&qcABC=1&ver=240325-42710353” was blocked due to MIME type (“text/plain”) mismatch (X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff). my-account
I was pointed to this 13 year old post about s2Member unable to locate WordPress directory which covers the same issue and ultimately has a solution which worked for me. If you scroll to the bottom you will see this:
The s2member-o.php file is designed to load only the s2Member plugin in a few special situations, in order to conserve system resources. This further optimizes s2Member’s delivery of dynamic CSS/JS files to a browser.
The s2member-o.php file will look for your root WordPress directory, starting from your s2Member installation directory, and/or from $_SERVER[“SCRIPT_FILENAME”], which is sometimes different.
The /s2member-o.php file is the only aspect of s2Member with this limitation. If you’d like to avoid this issue all together, you can tell s2Member NOT to use it all. If you’d like to go that route, you can create this directory and file:
credit: Jason Caldwell<?php
add_action("ws_plugin__s2member_after_loaded", "s2_hacks");function s2_hacks() {
$GLOBALS["WS_PLUGIN__"]["s2member"]["c"]["s2o_url"] = site_url("/");
I had the mu-plugins/s2-hacks.php file already as well as the function s2_hacks()
in use for other things so I simply added that line to the existing function and voila! It worked.
I have a WordPress website that is built using Bootstrap 5 and the Animate on Scroll library. Everything was working fine until activated the “Combine JS” feature. Nothing using the AOS library loads anymore, leaving me with a website with a bunch of empty sections.
I have several other websites using a similar combination with the exception of Bootstrap 4 vs 5, and they all work with this setting activated.
If you view the dev site I linked, you can see there are a few console errors. I don’t know enough about js to know how or if it’s possible to fix this issue, but I’m curious if others have thoughts?
]]>Since the latest update when connecting to the app it appears to break my website and has multiple console errors:
– Uncaught RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
– TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘activeLaw’)
– jquery.min.js:2 jQuery.Deferred exception: Maximum call stack size exceeded RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
When disconnected the cookie banner works as it should.
Your plugin uses the external tippy.js library but is maybe using an old version; it is throwing a console error and preventing other js from loading correctly on our site, possible for you to investigate?
My console is giving a lot of errors ralted to REACT.js
ReactDOM.render is no longer supported in React 18. Use createRoot instead. Until you switch to the new API, your app will behave as if it’s running React 17.
Warning: Invalid DOM property class
. Did you mean className
at i
at div
at v (mysite.com/wp-content/plugins/essential-blocks/vendor-bundle/index.js?ver=e3259a2b7d3e0d16de42:2:139404)
at Suspense
at div
at E (mysite.com/wp-content/plugins/essential-blocks/vendor-bundle/index.js?ver=e3259a2b7d3e0d16de42:2:145633)
at i (mysite.com/wp-content/plugins/essential-blocks/blocks/advanced-video/frontend/index.js?ver=30594d1a1ff4d382de9f:1:204)
printWarning @ react-dom.js?ver=18.2.0:73
react.js?ver=18.2.0:199 Warning: Each child in a list should have a unique “key” prop.
Check the top-level render call using . See https://reactjs.org/link/warning-keys for more information.
at div
printWarning @ react.js?ver=18.2.0:199
Warning: ReactDOM.render is no longer supported in React 18. Use createRoot instead. Until you switch to the new API, your app will behave as if it’s running React 17. Learn more: https://reactjs.org/link/switch-to-createroot
printWarning @ react-dom.js?ver=18.2.0:73
I don’t know what to do this time.
Thank you !