Issue: Clicking “Get Started” does nothing. Console Errors: 500 (Internal Server Error) Uncaught (in promise) APIError: Connected domain mismatch
Troubleshooting Steps Tried:
Console errors:Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ()
Uncaught (in promise) APIError: Connected domain mismatch
at d.request (admin.js?ver=bcf0e39…4c2e2c4d165:1:46191)
at async redirectToConnect (admin.js?ver=bcf0e39…4c2e2c4d165:101:157)
request @ admin.js?ver=bcf0e39…:1
I am experiencing an issue when trying to connect my WordPress site to Optimole. Previously, I had a free account registered with the email email [ deleted, please never post email addresses here again ], which I deactivated. Recently, I created a new account using the email [ deleted, please never post email addresses here again ]. I can log in to the new account’s dashboard and have even added my domain
However, when connecting the Optimole plugin in WordPress with the new API, I receive the following error:
"No se puede conectar al servicio de Optimole.
Details: It seems like this website was previously connected to an Optimole account that is now disabled. To continue enjoying our image optimization services on this website, you'll need to upgrade your account."
I have uninstalled and reinstalled the plugin, and cleaned the database, but the issue persists, as the plugin still seems to reference data from the previous account. I already submitted this complaint via the contact page but have not received any response. Therefore, I will be posting it in the support forum.
I would appreciate it if you could unlink any residual association with the old account so that I can use the new account without having to upgrade to premium.
Thank you for your assistance.
Best regards,
Miguel Angel
Version Spanish
Estoy experimentando un problema al intentar conectar mi sitio de WordPress con Optimole. Anteriormente, tenía una cuenta gratuita registrada con el correo [ deleted, please never post email addresses here again ], la cual desactivé. Recientemente, creé una nueva cuenta utilizando el correo [ deleted, please never post email addresses here again ]. Puedo iniciar sesión en el panel de control de la nueva cuenta e incluso he a?adido mi dominio
Sin embargo, al conectar el plugin de Optimole en WordPress con la nueva API, recibo el siguiente error:
“No se puede conectar al servicio de Optimole.
Detalles: Parece que este sitio web estaba previamente conectado a una cuenta de Optimole que ahora está deshabilitada. Para seguir disfrutando de nuestros servicios de optimización de imágenes en este sitio web, necesitarás actualizar tu cuenta.”
He desinstalado y reinstalado el plugin, y he limpiado la base de datos, pero el problema persiste, ya que el plugin sigue haciendo referencia a datos de la cuenta anterior. Envié esta queja a través de la página de contacto, pero no he recibido respuesta. Por ello, procederé a publicarla en el Foro de soporte en
Agradecería que desvincularan cualquier asociación residual con la cuenta antigua para poder usar la nueva sin tener que actualizar a premium.
Gracias por su asistencia.
Saludos cordiales,
Miguel Angel
Woocommerce > Settings > Shipping > Woocommerce Shipping shows “Connect your store”
When that is clicked, I get
“Invalid request, please go back and try again.
Error Code: invalid_client
Error Message: Unknown client_id.”
(1) How do I connect the store to WooCommerce or is it WordPress account?
(2) Which account should have the credit card number?
]]>Can this be done, please?
I’ll link the site and server info here:
## WordPress Info ##
Version 6.6.2
Site Language en_US
User Language en_US
Timezone +00:00
Home URL
Site URL
Permalink structure /%postname%/
Is this site using HTTPS? Yes
Is this a multisite? No
Can anyone register on this site? No
Is this site discouraging search engines? No
Default comment status Open
Environment type production
User count 1
Communication with is reachable
## Server Info ##
Server architecture Linux 5.4.0-190-generic x86_64
Web server Apache/2.4.58 (Unix) OpenSSL/1.1.1f
PHP version 8.3.0 (Supports 64bit values)
PHP SAPI fpm-fcgi
PHP max input variables 5000
PHP time limit 30
PHP memory limit 256M
Max input time -1
Upload max filesize 512M
PHP post max size 1024M
cURL version 7.68.0 OpenSSL/1.1.1f
Is SUHOSIN installed? No
Is the Imagick library available? No
Are pretty permalinks supported? Yes
Current time 2024-10-09T18:26:21+00:00
Current UTC time Wednesday, 09-Oct-24 18:26:21 UTC
Current Server time 2024-10-09T18:26:21+00:00
]]>we encountered following issues trying the redis plugin, that also caused a critial wordpress error.
we had once a “redis connection not possible” (timeout) error, and
redis OOP out of memory, that caused critial wordpress error
The cache runs full and then returns critical wp error…. Is there any fallback for this?
At least we’d expect the page to not crash, but instead to continue running without proper caching
]]>Problem since this morning, could not deactivate jetpack to reinstall…
Is there a way to get this connection done without having to reach out to support to get this resolved on your end? Otherwise, can this be done on your end?
Here is my site and server info:
## WordPress Info ##
Version 6.4.2
Site Language en_US
User Language en_US
Timezone +00:00
Home URL
Site URL
Permalink structure /%postname%/
Is this site using HTTPS? Yes
Is this a multisite? No
Can anyone register on this site? No
Is this site discouraging search engines? No
Default comment status Open
Environment type production
User count 2
Communication with is reachable
## Server Info ##
Server architecture Linux 5.4.0-169-generic x86_64
Web server Apache/2.4.58 (Unix) OpenSSL/1.1.1f
PHP version 8.2.13 (Supports 64bit values)
PHP SAPI fpm-fcgi
PHP max input variables 5000
PHP time limit 30
PHP memory limit 256M
Max input time -1
Upload max filesize 512M
PHP post max size 1024M
cURL version 7.68.0 OpenSSL/1.1.1f
Is SUHOSIN installed? No
Is the Imagick library available? Yes
Are pretty permalinks supported? Yes
Current time 2024-01-03T00:35:42+00:00
Current UTC time Wednesday, 03-Jan-24 00:35:42 UTC
Current Server time 2024-01-03T00:35:39+00:00