The form fields are:
<label>[text* nachname class:required placeholder "Name*"]</label>
<label>[email* your-email placeholder "E-Mail*"]</label>
<label>Diese Themen interessieren mich:</label>
[checkbox checkbox-576 "Mafo-Daten für die Praxis" "Studienreihe Destination Brand" "Trainings, Workshops, Moderation"]
<label>Informationen zur Verarbeitung personenbezogener Daten finden Sie in der <a href="/datenschutz" target="_blank">Datenschutzerkl?rung</a></label>
[submit "Kostenlos anmelden"]
Can someone help?
Best Regards
]]>It’s easy enough to ignore but it would be nice if the configuration checker was intelligent enough to realise this
]]>I’ve tried deleting what’s in the additional fields, save the form, and immediately two new on-sent-ok: commands will appear.
These commands appear:
on_sent_ok: “try {__ctm.tracker.trackEvent(“”, ” “, “form”); __ctm.tracker.popQueue(); } catch(e) { console.log(e); }”
on_sent_ok: “try {__ctm.tracker.trackEvent(“”, ” “, “form”); __ctm.tracker.popQueue(); } catch(e) { console.log(e); }”
I’m not receiving submissions from the primary contact — if I put a BCC email address in the add’l headers section, that email address receives the form, but not the primary contact.
]]>In the last update (I think it was the last one) you introduced Configuration Errors which could be very helpful and improve the use of your plugin. However right now it only seems to show the number of errors, but not the errors themselves. So if there is an error in my form I have to go through ALL the possible errors and guess what is causing it – that is definitely the wrong way of doing this!
So did I overlook the “details” option/link/log somewhere or is it not there?
I’m guessing that this 1 error that I get is caused by difference in domains of “from” email and the website, which is fine, because I’m on a dev server and it should be fixed once I merge to the live server. But I’m just left with guessing, which is rather frustrating. Especially since I’m building my own plugin on top of yours and I want to make sure that everything works perfectly.
I’m sure there should be a way to add details into the message, telling what exactly is wrong. Please add it in the next update or tell us why it is not possible.
]]>Apologies: I don’t understand the documentation and I have 2 Config errors on the “Mail” tab:
“To” has no errors and I have [email protected] email address entered.
“From” gives errors no matter what I seem to put in there.
The instructions and example short codes given are
“In the following fields, you can use these mail-tags:
In “From” I have tried [your-name][your-email] which returns error:
“This email address does not belong to the same domain as the site.”
I then tried [email* your-email] which returns error:
“This field has syntax errors.”
(also, the “Subject” field seems to give an error even when empty?)
I am working with the default fields as supplied by my original C7 install about three years ago.
These errors don’t make sense to “me” because I presumed that “To” was the field for my <[email protected]> address and that “From” was the user/sender’s email address.
Please help me get off on the right foot…after many years with no “contacts”.
]]>I have a question of interest.
I am using CF7 a lot. Since a short while we have this configuration validator and all of my forms are giving errors on the From Field. I have seen how to solve this (@ Why does the email address in the From field have to belong to the site domain? and forth). When I do this, the errors are being solved. No problem.
However, to me it doesn’t sound logic that you receive an e-mail with the ‘wrong’ e-mail address in the header. Suppose you have following situation:
* you are Company A with e-mail address: [email protected]
* client’s name is Client Z and has e-mail address: [email protected].
When Client Z fills in a form, the header in the mail that Company A receives is: Client Z <[email protected]>.
That doesn’t look right to me.
I read all information about the reasons why this has to be done this way, but has nobody ever thought about this ‘problem’?
Just interested to know.
Thanks for your time & regards,
]]><p span class="form-start-text">Anfrage</p>
<p>Ich habe Beratungsbedarf im Rahmen des unten dargestellten Themas.</p>
<br class=”clear” />
<p class="pflichtfeldtxt">
* Pflichtfelder
<p span class="felder"><label for="vorname">Vorname*</label><br />
[text* form-vorname class:form-vorname id:vorname] </p>
<p span class="felder"><label for="nachname">Nachname*</label><br />
[text* your-name class:form-nachname id:nachname] </p>
<p span class="felder"><label for="gruppe">Name der Bühne bzw. Gruppe*</label><br />
[text* your-gruppe class:form-nachname id:gruppe] </p>
<p span class="felder"><label for="postleitzahl">Postleitzahl*</label><br />
[text* form-plz /5 class:form-plz id:postleitzahl] </p>
<p span class="felder"><label for="ort">Ort*</label><br />
[text* form-ort /30 class:form-ort id:ort]</p>
<p span class="felder"><label for="telefon">Telefon*</label><br />
[tel* form-tel /20 class:form-tel id:telefon] </p>
<p span class="felder"><label for="mail">Mail*</label><br />
[email* your-email class:form-mailadr id:mail] </p>
to : correct mail adress no error message
from: correct mail adress no error message
subject: Anfrage
Reply-To: [your-email]
Von: [your-name] <[your-email]>
Betreff: Anfrage
Name: [form-vorname] [your-name]
Gruppe: [your-gruppe]
Ort: [form-plz] [form-ort]
Tel.: [form-tel]
Mail: [your-email]
Could you help me? Woudl be great.
]]>God bless WP Rollback!!!
]]>On the site itself it states the “Sender’s message failed to send” message to any user that correctly fills in and submits a contact form
]]><![CDATA[<div> <div class=”row”> <div class=”grid-1-4″> [text* name id:name placeholder “Name”]</p> </div> <div class=”grid-1-4″> [text* Phone id:Phone placeholder “Phone”]</p> </div> <div class=”grid-1-4″> [text* Subject placeholder “Subject…”]</p> </div> <div class=”grid-1-4″> [submit “CONSULTATION”] </div> </div> </div>
I am unable to correct the configuration errors.