Is it possible, within the templates, to display text based on whether a user-created attribute is blank, or has a value?
Under General -> Event Attributes, I’ve created a few custom event attributes:
#_ATT{format}{Archon|Archon Chainbound|Sealed|Sealed Triad}
The first two of those could be blank, whether they’re not applicable to a given event or were simply forgotten.
In my template, I presently have this:
<strong>Format: </strong>#_ATT{format}<br />
<strong>Prize Support: </strong>#_ATT{prizes}<br />
<strong>?mbershards: </strong>#_ATT{shards}
If a given attribute wasn’t defined, there’s just an awkward blank space.
For most of the “defined” event attributes, there’s a {has_foo} wrapper you can use to change the output – in this case, I’d want to not show a given line of text if that attribute wasn’t set. Is this possible, and if so, what’s the syntax for it?
]]>I’m creating a custom single-event.php template. I’m not so good in php coding, so I hope somebody can point me in the right direction for basically getting the function of the conditional placeholders into the php template.
The normal placeholders (e.g. #_BOOKINGFORM) work fine with the code snippet below, so I would need now a replacement for the {has_bookings}{/has_bookings}. I guess I have to insert some sort of if-statement, looking if booking for the event has been activated, but how? Many thanks!!
<?php global $post;
$EM_Event = em_get_event($post->ID, 'post_id'); ?>
<div class="widget-wrapper">
<h3><?php echo __("Booking","my-child-theme"); ?></h3>
<?php echo $EM_Event->output("#_BOOKINGFORM"); ?>
]]>I am using a conditional placeholder for the category of the events.
{has_category} and it works perfectly on the main site but on the sub-site in my multi-site installation this placeholder is not working.
I have enabled the global tables mode and I need it to be like that.
How can I manage to make this placeholder to work also for my sub-site?
]]>I had some problem with the conditional placeholder {is_future}…I don’t have knowledge in PHP, so I tried to use it in html code with the shortcode events_list_groped in the homepage…the problem is that if i put it in this way
[events_list_grouped scope="monthly" date_format="d F Y"] {is_future} #_EVENTLINK - #_CATEGORYLINK - #_EVENTDATES dalle ore #_EVENTTIMES<br />{/is_future}[/events_list_grouped]
it works well, past events are not visible, but dates yes! For exemple: I had an event last week,on June 4, and the date is now display, without the event.
What can I do? I also tried to put the conditional placeholder before the tag but doesn’t work. Thank you!
on the single event page, but nothing seems to happen. The code itself is also not being showm (unless i break the placeholder).
I want to use two different forms depending on the event category.
I figured, from reading the documentation on the website, i was sepose to use it like so:
{has_category_diner}Content when the event category is diner{/has_category_diner}
{no_category_diner}Content shown when the event category is NOT diner{/no_category_diner}
Where “diner” can be either the name, id or slug. (the slug i want to use in this case is “diner” or NOT “diner”).
Any help on the matter would be much appreciated
]]>{has_tag_age} from #_ATT{age from} to #_ATT{age to}{/has_tag_age}
If the event has the tag “age” then it should show the content (for example) “from 2 years to 6 years”.
But what I get is that always show: “{has_tag_age} from 2 years to 6 years” (using the tag “age” or not using it).
It seems something breaks in the process. I suppose you can’t use a placeholder inside a conditional placeholder. Is that correct?
Is there any chance that it will work?
]]>here is my php code
<p class="signup"><?php echo $EM_Event->output('#_ATT{Sign up}{No sign up required|Sign up required}'); ?></p>
How would I write a custom function to find out if a user has selected option A (No sign up required) or B (Sign up required)? so I change the color of the p tag by concatenating a class name (yes
) after the signup
If a user selected option A the class name yes
will be added in the p tag like this.
<p class="signup yes"><?php echo $EM_Event->output('#_ATT{Sign up}{No sign up required|Sign up required}'); ?></p>
]]><div class="cma-cal">
[events_list blog=1 limit="10"]#_EVENTDATES<br />{has_category_66}Album Release: {/has_category_66} #_EVENTLINK<br/>[/events_list]
</div><br />
<a href="">Click for full calendar of events</a>
Using Events Manager v 5.5.2
]]>For example, an arts and crafts fair. The event starts at 9:00 am and ends and 4:00 pm. There is a $5 entry fee. That fee can be paid online until the evening before the event, then during the event only at the door.
Currently I only find conditional statements for {is_past} or {is_future}. In settings there is the option for: ‘Are current events past events?’. However I’m not finding any way to target only events that have passed their start time and have not reached their end time.