Could there be a conflict with my theme, or is there something I’m missing?
]]>I want to compress all images but the loading got stuck. I turned it on and edit the setting, and left. When I came back again after 30 minutes later, it’s still on 1 image… So how do I fix this?
I understand it’s the large images, do you think this is the problem? Or it’s because I deactivate 2 other plugins, should I delete them completely?
Or it’s caused by the API? I read this topic but not sure…
Please and looking forward to your solution! Thank you so much
]]>Ex: one image is showing in my media library as 1200 × 803, but when inserted into the post at full size it is displaying as 924 x 618.
I do use the plug-ins short pixel and WP Rocket if you think those might be affecting my images. Though, I know with short pixel, the dimensions are displaying as the correct size in the media library after short pixel has optimized them.
I’m out of ideas, so I’d appreciate any insight.
]]>I want to take care of the resizing and compression on my side and then just FTP upload the thumbnails, can i just rename the images correctly and WooCommerce will pick them up? Example:
I have set the “Main Image With” to 510 and the “Thumbnail Width” to 247 with the “Thumbnail Cropping” of 1:1. I then FTP Upload three images named “Example.jpg”, “Example-510×510.jpg” and “Example-247×247.jpg”. I then head up to the admin panel and set up the main product image to “Example.jpg”.
Will Woo use my thumbs? Thanks
]]>Large Size: 1920 x 1920
Medium Size: 510 x 510
Thumbnail Size: 247 x 247
Now upload the image to the media folder and check the thumbnail size (247 x 247) image that was created, it will have horizontal stripes of RGB(254,254,254). This is a really big problem when using WooCommerce product images with white background because it will be very noticeable.
I cannot reproduce this in any software, tried some major image editing tools free and paid and tried a lot of online compressing/resizing tools. With this tools i tried lots of different variations of Resizing then Compressing, or Compressing then Resizing, or Resizing without compression but i end up with an all white image at the end.
I also tried to disable WP compressing but as far that i could tell it isn’t possible, only way is to up the compression quality to 100 but that still processes the image.
add_filter(‘jpeg_quality’, function($arg){return 100;});
add_filter(‘wp_editor_set_quality’, function($arg){return 100;});
My question is, is this fixable? Or at least can we workaround this be disabling compression or uploading ourselves the different image sizes with the correct naming?
]]>Log Level: Normal
[INFO] BackWPup job: Backup to GoDaddy folder
[INFO] Logfile is: backwpup_log_998809_2020-09-10_10-43-30.html
[INFO] Backup file is:
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:31] 1. Try to backup database …
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:32] Connected to database ct_elmh_fz1p8 on localhost
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:37] Added database dump “ct_elmh_fz1p8.sql” with 4.87 MB to backup file list
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:37] Database backup done!
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:38] 1. Trying to make a list of folders to back up …
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:49] Added “wp-config.php” to backup file list
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:49] 1111 folders to backup.
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:50] 1. Trying to create a WordPress export to XML file …
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:52] Check WP Export file …
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:52] WP Export file is a valid WXR file.
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:52] Added XML export “Elmhurst_Choral_Union.wordpress.2020-09-10.xml” with 745.99 KB to backup file list.
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:52] 1. Trying to generate a file with installed plugin names …
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:52] Added plugin list file “Elmhurst-Choral-Union.pluginlist.2020-09-10.txt” with 2.41 KB to backup file list.
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:52] 1. Trying to generate a manifest file …
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:52] Added manifest.json file with 3.44 KB to backup file list.
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:52] 1. Trying to create backup archive …
[10-Sep-2020 10:43:52] Compressing files as PclZip. Please be patient, this may take a moment.
in den beiden letzten Backup-Zip-Archiven fehlen Unterordner des Verzeichnisses \wp-content\themes.
In einem Backup-Archiv fehlen der Ordner des Original-Themes “zeefocus” und der Ordner des Kind-Themes “zeefocus-me-child”. In dem anderen Backup-Archive fehlte nur “zeefocus”, aber innerhalb des Ordners “zeefocus-me-child” fehlten immerhin noch die Unterorder “js” und “languages”.
Durch das Fehlen dieser Ordner bzw. der darin enthaltenen Dateien sind die Backups ziemlich wertlos, da der Server die WordPress-Installation nach dem (unvollst?ndigen) Wiederherstellen nicht startet.
Bei beiden Backups traten reichlich Probleme w?hrend der Komprimierung durch BackWPup auf. Die Log-Dateien z?hlten mehrfach “Job restarts due to inactivity…” auf, schlossen letztlich jedoch angeblich erfolgreich ab. Solcherlei Probleme hatte ich bereits hier vor 6 Monaten beklagt. Mein Hoster passte einige Parameter an, wodurch die Probleme verschwanden. Soll ich meinen Hoster erneut darum bitten?
K?nnen diese Probleme das Fehlen von Dateien und Ordner im Backup-Archiv verursachen, trotz dass BackWPup erfolgreiche Backups meldet?
I need plugin for image optimization. On my website you can download free images but thumbnails need to be compressed and original file needs to stay same on same location.
I found couple plugins who have good compression but optimize original images to… Other don’t optimize original but make backups on different location and Woocommerce then offer optimized file and that is wrong.
So I need free plugin who DON’T optimize original files and DON’T change location of original files. Just need to optimize thumbnail.
I don’t put to much new images, sometimes.
Thank you.
]]>I searching for plugin who can handle my needs.
When I upload original image does plugin compress that original image or just new image generated after upload (I mean on thumbnail, large, woocommerce and etc?
This is important for me because I need original image to stay untouched (I offer free images for download and can be compressed)
Thank you.