Hello there!
I’m having a bit of an issue with getting the login modal and reCAPTCHA to work with one another. When I attempt to use the login modal to sign in to my site, the reCAPTCHA hangs:
I’ve tried everything: reaching out to Loginizer (the writer of this specific reCAPTCHA interface), who said this wasn’t a Loginizer issue, reaching out to SiteGround, who said they weren’t equipped to go in to this deep a technical issue, I’ve tried troubleshooting myself (deactivating all other plugins except Blocksy Companion and Loginizer), and nothing’s budged.
Interestingly, the reCAPTCHA works on the login page. Could anyone help me figure this out? Thanks a ton!
]]>I’ve got a problem with mesmerize theme: from a few of day, when i go to personnalisation of thème i got a message with waiting “Please wait,
this might take a little while” and absolutly nothing append.
I have desactived plugin folder to test: nothing.
I have make a new folder plugin, with just “Mesmerize Companion”, empty all caches i know, nothing…
Is it anywone who have same issu and … solution ?
My website work absolutly perfectly on frontside but now i can’t personnalise it. (https://www.7700.BE)
]]>The problem is, that if I want to see a new generated H1 on frontend (not only in server log), I need to do force-reload (Ctrl+F5). What’s more – everyone sees the same H1 from every computer in every network, until someone does Ctrl+F5, then it re-generates H1 correctly once for all. It also re-generates itself from time to time.
This seems like some shared server cache-related issue to me.
I have disabled WP_CACHE. I use Highlights theme (that’s Mesmerize actually) with Mesmerize Companion. No other plugin is installed. Wiping “theme cache” from WP menu has no effect. WordPress 5.5.3.
Any advice on how to solve this issue?
]]>Ive seen that many threads been open for pretty much the same problem but still not resolved. I hope that we will have an answer ASAP!! I was hesitating going for the Pro version of the theme but now i’m having doubts …
]]>Quick temporary solution: If you have to edit testimonials, just disable the Page Links To plugin, edit, and re-enable it.
]]>Recently installed Mesmerized theme. Liked it a lot. The customizer was working fine before. But today it’s not working
Previously I was using Fast Velocity Minify. For compatibility reason I uninstalled it. It was messing with slideshow and tables.
Currently not using any minify plugin.
At the customize page, I opened developer tools (Chrome) and saw this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘bind’ of undefined
Those lines are,
<!– CloudPress Companion Preview Data START –>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
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window.cpCustomizerPreview = {“version”:”1.0.173″,”slug”:”mesmerize”,”maintainable”:true,”isFrontPage”:true,”canEditInCustomizer”:true,”pageID”:683,”queryVars”:{“p”:”683″,”page_id”:”683″,”lazy_load_term_meta”:true,”posts_per_page”:10,”comments_per_page”:”50″,”order”:”DESC”,”post_type”:”page”},”hasFrontPage”:true,”siteURL”:”https:\/\/”,”pageURL”:”https:\/\/\/”,”includesURL”:”https:\/\/\/wp-includes\/”,”mod_defaults”:[],”isWoocommerceInstalled”:false,”content_style”:{“mobile”:{},”tablet”:{},”desktop”:{},”nomedia”:{}}};
421 wp.customize.bind(‘preview-ready’, function () {
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431 })();
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N.B. I am using CloudFlare and all of the minify is disabled there. Rocket Loader is also disabled.