I want these feeds:
To be shortened to only show the excerpt like this one:
How can I do that using this plug-in?
]]><?php post_comments_feed_link('feed.', 'RSS 2.0'); ?>
is this Comments on this post have this <a href='/feed/'>feed.</a>
Which is just a link to a feed showing all my posts.
Is this tag broken? I see this replaces a deprecated tag.
I know I can manually add an RSS comment link, but I want it to flexible so that it fits in with either pretty permalinks or query strings.
]]><?php comments_rss_link(‘RSS 2.0’); ?>
But I can’t figure out how to replace the HTML text link ‘RSS 2.0’ with an image.
]]>I know a widget exists to display this on the sidebar, but I’d like to get an RSS feed for it.
Also I’d like to change the “target” to open in a new window for some of the links if possible.